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Demography of Ageing in Hong Kong
Population ageing has aroused extensive concern all over the world. In 2003, there are 580 million people aged over 60 years in the world. By 2020, it would increase nearly twofold to 1000 million.
According to the Census and Statistics Department, the Hong Kong population is projected to increase from 6.8 million in mid-2003 to 8.38 million in mid-2033 with a continuous ageing trend. The proportion of those aged 65 and over is projected to rise markedly from 11.7% in 2003 to 27% in 2033. The ageing population trend will also be revealed by the increasing median age of the population, from 38 in 2003 to 49 in 2033. Both decrease in birth rate and increase in life expectancy have brought these changes to the population distribution in Hong Kong. Life expectancy increased as a result of improvement in public health measures, food availability and medical treatment for diseases. In Hong Kong life expectancy has increased to 79.5 years old, being among the top three in the world, after Japan and Switzerland. However, the great challenge is not only to make people live longer but to make them live better in terms of functional state and quality of life. (Reference: Hong Kong Population Projection 2004-2033, Census and Statistics Department and Report of the Task Force on Population Policy)
- HealthyHK (Statistical information related to health of local population provided by Department of Health) - Social-demographic profile, health status & long-term care needs of older persons residing in domestic households or institutions
- Report of the Task Force on Population Policy