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Every year, plenty of activities and out-reaching courses are organized by schools and departments as well as student associations in the Faculty of Science; and a large number of undergraduate students are engaged in these activities and courses. The "Learning by Engaging and Teaching (LET)" programme is introduced to enhance students’ learning in the process. Teachers or staff of the Faculty will be invited to nominate students, who will engage in these activities and courses, to join this scheme. Students participating in this programme are expected to develop a variety of learning outcomes in the domains of knowledge, skills and values.  Typical examples of the outcomes are given as follows:

  1. To achieve higher order of learning through analyzing, internalizing and articulating content knowledge;
  2. To build up confidence in his/her capabilities through engaging;
  3. To acquire good time management skills through participating in teaching and other activities;
  4. To develop leadership through taking up the role as a teacher, a mentor, or an event leader;
  5. To learn to present in a clear, concise and systematic manner through practicing and self-reflection; and
  6. To learn to contribute as an active team member.


Structure of LET

Stage 1: Training

The first stage is a nurturing stage in which a series of training on self-development and teaching enhancement session will be provided. It aims to prepare participants for the work at Stage 2.

  • Workshop, seminars or day camp on teaching and event organizing skills
  • Sharing sessions by experienced students
  • Participants’ self-learning through the Soft-skill eLearning Platform jointly developed by Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science, and submission of at least two comments

Stage 2: Engaging

The second stage is a cultivation stage that participants should make use of the skills learnt from Stage 1 to provide service or to involve in teaching. Participants of the LET will be engaged as teachers, assistants, leaders, demonstrators, event organizers or mentors for at least 24 hours.

Stage 3: Self-reflection

The last stage is a harvest stage that participants reflect on their learning and share their good practices to help each other to improve.

  • Participants will be asked to write a reflective journal with at least two pages (for individual submission) after the training and engaging activities.
  • A concluding self-reflection session will be held for participants to reflect on their experience, to identify areas for enhancement, to disseminate good practices and to share experiences among participants. The self-reflection documents should be presented in the session.


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The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong