Vice-Chancellor and President
Professor Joseph J. Y. Sung
Message from the Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2010
At CUHK, no teacher is an island. This is also what the organizers of this annual Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo, now in its fourth year, believe. The Expo provides a unique opportunity for our teachers to learn from and support each other, to share and promote good teaching practice, and to keep abreast of the latest philosophies, technologies and methodologies in teaching and learning.
The last decade has seen many changes in our higher education landscape. One example is the increase of non-local students in both our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The diversity in student backgrounds and aspirations is an invitation for innovative teaching approaches and new curriculum designs. Participants in this Expo will no doubt derive inspirations and insights from their fellow teachers here at CUHK and from the teaching community at large. The Expo sets the stage for the creation of a mutual support network and acts as a catalyst for innovation in teaching and learning. It is an integral part of the Chinese University's quality assurance efforts. I wish this year's Expo a big success.