Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President
Professor of Educational Psychology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Message from Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2011
Central to the recent and ongoing educational reform in Hong Kong as well as around the world is the shift to a widened (whole student) approach to university education that is intended to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need in a dynamic workplace and an increasingly diverse society. The goal of this complex educational reform is for students to acquire an appreciation of the values of a wide range of intellectual disciplines and, at the same time, gain a deep understanding within a specific disciplined knowledge "as a vehicle for experience in serious study and enquiry" (Strategic Plan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong [CUHK], 2006). Effective teaching is consequently essential, particularly as the above curriculum changes coincide with the ongoing need to encourage a focus on the wide ranges of outcomes and an active learning process. There are emerging challenges as well, such as the growing student numbers and increased student diversity, both in terms of individual ability and cultural understanding.
Reflecting these needs and in response to the emerging needs of students, teachers and society, many teachers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have been and are actively exploring effective teaching and learning innovations. Part of the challenge for the University is to facilitate peer-based communication and a mutual exchange of teaching and learning strategies. Teachers do not have to reinvent the wheel. We can ride on the experience of our colleagues. This is the role of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo, which is now an annual event at the University. In its fifth year, the event is a platform for the exchange of novel ideas and a network of support among teachers. I am excited to learn about what our colleagues have to share with us this year and I congratulate the successful planning and organisation of this extremely important event by the team at ITSC and CLEAR.