
Project ID Project Title Project Leader
Department Amount Granted
1 An e-Learning App for Self-evaluation and Understanding Classic Texts Dr. PANG Kam Moon and
Dr. WONG Wing Hung
Office of University General Education $85,000
2 Developing web-based tools for teaching and learning Cell Biology Prof. JIANG Liwen Cell and Molecular Biology Programme
The School of Life Sciences
3 Animated/Interactive World Map for ENGE1640 - Phase II: Content Prof. Grant HAMILTON Department of English $86,000
4 Web based Mr. Lee Siu Po, Simon School of Hotel and Tourism Management $60,000
5 Upgrading and integrating IDEAL for formative assessments and Life Long Learning SKills teaching in paediatrics Prof. NELSON, Edumund Anthony Department of Paediatrics $85,000
6 Development of a Mobile App for Studying Histology: Blended Learning in Faculty of Medicine (Hi-Med App) Dr. Mei Kuen Tang Teaching and Learning Unit,
School of Biomedical Sciences
7 Expanding the Academic Vocabulary of University Students: an eLearning initiative Mr. LI, Eddy English Language Teaching Unit $85,000
8 Meridian Illustrator Mr. Michael Chung School of Chinese Medicine $85,000
9 Learn JLPT N1 Grammar online usng interactive software Ms. Yumi INOUE Department of Japanese Studies $50,000
10 Advanced Virtual 3D Leap-Motioned Lung for Understanding Huamn Lung Function Dr. Isabel Hwang Teaching and Learning Unit,
School of Biomedical Sciences
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