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Lean Poverty Alleviation Initiative

The Lean Poverty Alleviation Initiative aims at bringing CUHK students to address the underlying causes of poverty in Hong Kong as well as to build an enabling environment for penury moderation.  Through engaging in different forms of experiential activities and direct services, participants gain first-hand experience about societal issues and nurture resolve to tackle poverty.

Under the Lean Poverty Alleviation Initiative, “poverty” is not only perceived as the insufficiency of essential resources to maintain a citizen’s living but also one’s relative disadvantages as compared to the members of a dominant socioeconomic group.  The activities and services under this initiative have, therefore, reached out to both impoverished people (e.g. those in short of material possessions or income) and vulnerable members (e.g. disabled persons and ethnic minority) in Hong Kong.



A Walk in Community with I·CARE

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We will visit local communities with different NGOs to learn how they engage social issues with innovation, hoping to explore new possibilities for university students to take part in social affairs. Welcome to join any of the following walks!

"Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme

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The “Fitness x Mentorship” Scheme associates “exercising” with “volunteering” to foster a serving heart of students and strengthen their understanding of the community.  Participants of the scheme will be trained with basic skills of a designated sports item and given chances to partner various members of the community in pursuing sports.  This will allow students to develop regular exercise habit and build up healthy lifestyle.  Above all, mutual understanding between students and the circle of their counterparts will be facilitated.

I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project

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Hong Kong not only has a pivotal role in international context, but it is also a city with unique culture and rich history which deserves to be savoured and explored.  However rapid the “Pearl of the East” has changed, it is left with many anecdotes which hold clues to its past.  How much do you know about these Hong Kong stories?

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