
得獎者 獎項名稱 報告標題
劉碧珊 優秀報告奬
(深圳, 21-22/7/2017)
吳肖肖, 余嘉莉, 邱明華, 劉碧珊, 黃振國 海報報告獎
(香港, 15/8/2016)
Investigation on the anti-metastatic activities of a triterpenoid actein in breast cancer
周許年 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 15/8/2016)
Anti-angiogenetic activity of eriocalyxin B, a natural diterpenoid, by targeting VEGFR-2 signaling pathway.
屈子鈴, 伍晉暉, 官志文, 陳佑梓, 曹海嘉, Brian Tomlinson, 劉碧珊 海報報告獎
(哥本哈根, 丹麥, 24-27/7/2016)
Can Herba Cistanches protect against statin-induced muscle toxicity?
黃振國, 朱妙婷, 曾善文, 韓錦倫, 林偉基 海報報告獎
(維也納, 奧地利, 11-14/6/2016)
Aberrant Expression of Neutrophil alpha-Defensins and Pattern Recognition Receptor NOD2 and TLR2 of Basophils in Atopic Dermatitis
張馨, 官志文, 高俊熙, 姚大衛, 劉碧珊, 梁秉中, 馮國培 海報報告獎
(香港, 14-16/8/2014)
Effect of traditional Chinese herbal formula ALF on liver fibrosis
梁愷穎 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 14-16/8/2014)
The inhibitory effects of cyclopeptide glycoside RA-XII in metastatic breast tumour bearing mice and the underlying mechanism of action
梁愷穎, 余嘉莉, 馮國培, 梁秉中, 譚寧華, 劉碧珊 海報報告獎第三獎
(南京, 19-20/7/2014)
In vitro and in vivo anti-metastatic and anti-tumour effects of cyclopeptide glycoside RA-XII in breast cancer
高俊熙, 余嘉莉, 高思, 岑慧婷, 蕭永沁, 李建明, 馮國培, 梁秉中, 李剛, Evdokiou Andreas, 劉碧珊 海報報告獎第三獎 中醫藥規範研究學會第三屆年會暨《本草綱目》與中藥創新藥物研發高峰論壇
(南京, 19-20/7/2014)
Anti-metastasis effects of metronomic zoledronate in combination with Coriolus versicolor in mouse intratibial breast cancer model
姜麗麗 海報報告獎
(北京, 10-12/10/2013)
The anti-arthritic effects of Huangcaowu and its quality control
余嘉莉, 蔣磊, 陳嘉雯, 黃俊維, 馮國培, 梁秉中, 劉碧珊 傑出海報報告獎
(奧地利, 27-29/8/2013)
Turmerones enhanced anti-proliferative activities of curcumin in human colonic cancer cells and endothelial cells
譚楚穎, 高俊熙,陳偉儀, 梁秉中, 馮國培, Schini-Kerth VB, 劉碧珊 海報報告獎
(香港, 15-17/8/2013)
Investigation of a Chinese 2-herb formula on wound healing and neovascularization in diabetic foot ulcer rats with hindlimb ischemia
梁愷穎 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 15-17/8/2013)
In vivo investigations on anti-tumour and anti-metastatic effect of natural cyclopeptide, RA-V
熊思敏 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 15-17/8/2013)
In vivo and in vitro studies of the anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects of Gastrodiae Rhizoma water extract on ischemic stroke
譚楚穎 傑出口頭報告獎 東華三院王李名珍王定一中西醫藥研討會2012/13
(香港, 8/3/2013)
The in vivo and in vitro diabetic wound healing effects of a Chinese 2-herb formula and its mechanisms of action
羅可望 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 8/3/2013)
Anti-tumor and anti-metastasis effects of Camellia sinensis and Coriolus versicolor
李龍飛, 余嘉莉, 陳頌立, 劉碧珊,韓全斌, 劉吉開, 梁秉中, 馮國培 海報報告獎
(香港, 25-26/10/2012)
In vitro investigations on the immunomodulatory activities of Rubinoboletus ballouii using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
熊思敏, 官志文, 劉碧珊, 馮國培, 姚大衛 海報報告獎
(香港, 16/8/2012)
Investigations of Gastrodiae Rhizoma (Tianma) in ischemic stroke
梁愷穎, 余嘉莉, 馮國培, 梁秉中, 譚甯華, 劉碧珊 海報報告獎
(香港, 16/8/2012)
Investigation on the anti-metastasis effect of anti-tumour natural cyclopeptide, RA-V
譚楚穎 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 16/8/2012)
The involvement of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in neovascularization in the wound healing of diabetic foot ulcer with a Chinese 2-herb formula
羅可望 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 16/8/2012)
Anti-tumor and anti-metastasis efficacies of Camellia sinensis and Coriolus versicolor aqueous extract
羅可望, Michelle Lee, 余嘉莉, 高俊熙, 馮國培, 梁秉中, Andreas Evdokiou, 劉碧珊 海報報告獎
(香港, 2/8/2011)
Investigation of the anti-tumor and anti-metastasis efficacies of selected Chinese herbs in combination with Zoledronate
張永成 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 2/8/2011)
The anti-atherogenic effect of Danshen and Gegen
譚楚穎 傑出口頭報告獎
(香港, 2/8/2011)
The involvement of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in neovascularization in the wound healing of biabetic foot ulcer with a Chinese 2-herb formula
譚楚穎 傑出口頭報告獎
21st Conference of European Wound Management Association (EWMA)
(比利時, 25-27/5/2011)
Investigations of endothelial progenitor cells and endothelial cells involved in neovascularization in the wound healing of diabetic foot ulcer with a 2-herb formula