Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering (IERG)

Streams of Specialization

We believe each student has his or her interests, abilities, and career goals. It is important to offer students the greatest flexibility to pursue their career goals by developing their specialties. The IERG programme offers five Streams of Specialization: 1) Big Data: Systems and Applications, 2) Communications, 3) Cyber Security, 4) Internet Engineering, and 5) Information Science.

Big Data : Systems and Applications Internet Engineering Communications Cyber Security Enrichments

To qualify for a stream of specialization, the students must build up their expertise by completing at least 12 units of the courses listed under the corresponding stream categories.

A student who satisfies the requirements of a stream of specialization may apply for a letter of certification from the department.


How to apply for a letter of certification for the Stream(s) of Specialization?

When you have fulfilled all the gradution requirements and completed the stream requirements, please provide the following information and email to the department at around mid-July:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your student ID
  3. The stream of specialization
  4. The list of courses with grades that you have completed to fulfill the stream requirements
  5. An unofficial transcript downloaded from CUSIS
  6. Your correspondence address


  • Students may graduate without opting for any of these streams as long as they satisfy the major graduation requirements.
  • Students may declare specialization in NO MORE THAN TWO STREAMS.


Stream Requirements

Big Data: Systems and Applications Stream
  CSCI3320 Fundamentals of Machine Learning
  CSCI4180/ESTR4106 Introduction to Cloud Computing and Storage
  CSCI4190 Introduction to Social Networks
  ELEG5491 Introduction to Deep Learning
  IERG3320/ESTR3306 Social Media and Human Information Interaction
  IERG4080/ESTR4312 Building Scalable Internet-based Services
  IERG4160 Image and Video Processing
  IERG4230 Introduction to Internet of Things
  IERG4300/ESTR4300 Web-scale Information Analytics (Required)
  IERG4320 Data Science in Practice
  IERG4330/ESTR4316 Programming Big Data Systems
  IERG5130 Probabilistic Models and Inference Algorithms for Machine Learning
  IERG5350 Reinforcement Learning

Communications Stream
  IERG3010/ESTR3300 Digital Communications
  IERG3280/ESTR3302 Networks: Technology, Economics, and Social Interactions
  IERG3300/ESTR3304 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
  IERG4030/ESTR4320 Optical Communications
  IERG4100/ESTR4304 Wireless Communication Systems
  IERG4110/ESTR4314 Hands-on Wireless Communication
  IERG4130/CSCI4130/ESTR4306 Introduction to Cyber Security
  IERG4230 Introduction to Internet of Things
  IERG4340 Emerging Technologies in Information Engineering
  IERG5020 Telecommunication Switching and Network Systems
  IERG5040/ENGG5392 Lightwave System Technologies
  IERG5100/ENGG5303 Advanced Wireless Communications
  IERG5200 Channel Coding and Modulation
  IERG5230 Algorithms and Realization of Internet of Things Systems
  IERG5280 Mobile Networking
  IERG5330 Network Economics

Cyber Security Stream
  CSCI3150/ESTR3102 Introduction to Operating Systems
  IERG4004/FTEC4004 E-payment Systems and Cryptocurrency Technologies
  IERG4130/CSCI4130/ESTR4306 Introduction to Cyber Security (Required)
  IERG4150/ESTR4322 Introduction to Cryptography
  IERG4210 Web Programming and Security
  IERG4220 Secure Software Engineering
  IERG4350 Cloud Computing Security
  IERG5240/ENGG5383 Applied Cryptography
  IERG5310 Security and Privacy in Cyber Systems
  IERG5320 Digital Forensics
  IERG5590 Advanced Topics in Blockchain

Internet Engineering Stream
  CSCI3150/ESTR3102 Introduction to Operating Systems (Required)
  IERG3050 Simulation and Statistical Analysis
  IERG3280/ESTR3302 Networks: Technology, Economics, and Social Interaction
  IERG3300/ESTR3304 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
  IERG4080/ESTR4312 Building Scalable Internet-based Services
  IERG4090/ESTR4302 Networking Protocols and Systems
  IERG4130/CSCI4130/ESTR4306 Introduction to Cyber Security
  IERG4180/ESTR4308 Network Software Design and Programming
  IERG4190 Multimedia Coding and Processing
  IERG4210 Web Programming and Security
  IERG4831 Networking Laboratory I
  IERG4841 Networking Laboratory II
  IERG5090 Advanced Networking Protocols and Systems
  IERG5280 Mobile Networking

Information Science Stream
  CSCI3160/ESTR3104 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  IERG3010/ESTR3300 Digital Communications
  IERG3050 Simulation and Statistical Analysis
  IERG3280/ESTR3302 Networks: Technology, Economics, and Social Interaction
  IERG3300/ESTR3304 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
  IERG4100/ESTR4304 Wireless Communication Systems
  IERG4190 Multimedia Coding and Processing
  IERG4300/ESTR4300 Web-scale Information Analytics
  IERG5154/ENGG5301 Information Theory
  IERG5200 Channel Coding and Modulation
  IERG5290 Network Coding Theory