Prof. Wong Wing Shing 黃永成教授
Emeritus Professor (FIEEE, FHKIE, FHKAES)
Recent Projects
- "Networked Control over Open Communication Networks," GRF
- "Integrated Networked Control for Massively Many IoT Devices," ITF
- "Control of Time Critical Networks," Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
- "Learning in Information-based Pursuit-Evasion Games," GRF
- "Control of Adaptive Formations," GRF
- "A Communication Network Architecture with Virtual Circuit Switching and Deflection Routing for QoS Guarantees," GRF
- "Distributed Cooperative Control Systems Allowing Choices," 具选择功能的分布式合作控制系统, NSFC
- "Time Critical Applications over a Shared Network," SHIAE
- "Control under Finite Communication Bandwidth," CERG
- "Protocol Sequences based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem and Their Application to Communication Systems," CERG
- "Communication Complexity of Digital Finite Communication Bandwidth Control Systems," CERG
- "Random Access Protocol without Feedback for Sensor Network," CERG
- "Information Coding in Decision and Control Systems," CERG
- "Code Allocation in Multi-Rate Spread Spectrum Wireless Systems," CERG
- "Control of Time Critical Networks," from Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
Representative Publications
- Information-Based Control
- W. S. Wong and R. W. Brockett, "Systems with Finite Communication Bandwidth Constraints I: State Estimation Problems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 42(9) (1997) 1294-1298.
- X. Li and W. S. Wong, "State Estimation with Communication Constraint," Systems and Control Letters 28 (1996) 49-54. .
- W. S. Wong and R. W. Brockett, "Systems with Finite Communication Bandwidth Constraints II: Stabilization with Limited Information Feedback", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(5) (1999) 1049-1053.
- Wong, W. S. and C. W. Sung, "Robust Convergence of Low-Data Rate-Distributed Controllers," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49(1), (Jan 2004) 82 – 87.
- W. S. Wong and H. Cheng, "Invariant Distributions of Linear Systems Under Finite Communication Bandwidth Feedback," Proceedings of the IEEE 2007 Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, 12-14 December 2007, 2247-2252.
- W. S. Wong, "Control Communication Complexity of Distributed Control Systems", SIAM J. Control Optim., 48(3) 1722-1742 (May 2009).
- W. S. Wong and J. Baillieul, "Control Communication Complexity of Nonlinear Systems," Communications in Information and Systems, 9(1), (2009), 103-140.
- W. S. Wong and H. Cheng, "Control and dynamics of linear systems under finite quantised feedback", Int. J. Systems, Control and Communications, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2011.
- J. Baillieul and W. S. Wong, "The Standard Part Problem and the Complexity of Control Communication," Proceedings of the IEEE 2009 Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai.
- H. Cheng, Y.-S. Chen, W. S. Wong, Q. Yang, L.-F. Shen and J. Baillieul, "Stabilizing an Tracking Control of Multiple Pendulum-Cart Systems over a Shared Wireless Network," Proceedings of the Chinese Control Conference, July 25-27, 2012 in Hefei, AnHui, China.
- Wong, W. S. and J. Baillieul, "Control Communication Complexity of Distributed Actions,"IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol 57, No. 11 (Nov 2012), pp. 2731-2745.
- H. Cheng, Y. Chen, W. S. Wong, Q. Yang and L. F. Shen, "Protocol Sequence Based Wireless Media Access Control in Networked Control Systems," to appear in 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV) December 5-7, 2012 in Guangzhou, China.
- W. S. Wong, "Networks of Open Interaction," in the Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference 2013, Xi'an, China.
- Z. Liu, W. S. Wong and G. Guo, "Cooperative Control of Linear Systems with Choice Actions," in ACC 2013, Washington D. C.2013.
- Z. Liu and W. S. Wong, "Choice-Based Cluster Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems," in CCC 2013, Xi'an, 2013.
- Z. Liu and W. S. Wong, “Control and Signaling in Distributed Linear Control Systems Allowing Choices,” Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, June 4-6, 2014, Portland, USA, 5724-5729.
- H. Cheng and W. S. Wong, "Application of Protocol Sequences in Wireless Networked Control Systems", Proc. of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, pp. 5666-5671, Nanjing, China, July 28-30, 2014.
- H. Cheng, Y. Chen and W. S. Wong, "Trajectory Tracking and Formation Flight of Autonomous UAVs in GPS-Denied Environments Using Onboard Sensing", Proc. of the IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Yantai, China, Aug. 8-10, 201
- Z. Liu and W. S. Wong, “Distributed control of linear systems allowing choices,” SIAM J. Control Optimization, Vol 53, No. 2, pp. 670-689, March 2015.
- W. S. Wong and J. Baillieul, “Information-Based Multi-agent Systems,” Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer-Verlag, London, 2015, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_153-1
- S. Wen, G. Guo, W. S. Wong, "Hybrid event-time-triggered networked control systems: scheduling-event-control co-design," Information Sciences. Vol. 305: 269-284, 2015. June 1, 2015. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020025515000511
- G. Guo, Z. Liu, and W. S. Wong, "Coordinated Optimal Target Realization for Linear Systems Allowing Choice-Based Actions," Optimal Control Applications and Methods, vol 37(5): 1074-1084, Sept/Oct 2016. Published online on 7 Dec 2015. DOI: 10.1002/oca.2225
- Z. Liu and W. S. Wong, "Output Cluster Synchronization of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-agent Systems," Proceedings of the IEEE 2015 Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka December 15-18, 2015.
- Z. Liu, W. S. Wong and H. Cheng, "Cluster Synchronization of Coupled Linear Systems under Directed Nonnegative graphs," Proceedings of 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu, China, Jul. 27-29, 2016.
- Z. Liu, W. S. Wong and H. Cheng, "Cluster Synchronization of Coupled Systems with Nonidentical Linear Dynamics," Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, Vol. 27(9), pp. 1462-1479, June 2017.
- C. Tan, W. S. Wong and H. Zhang, "On delay-dependent algebraic Riccati equation," to appear in IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017. DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2017.0233.
- C. Tan, H. Zhang and W. S. Wong, "Delay-Dependent Algebraic Riccati Equation to Stabilization of Networked Control Systems: Continuous-Time Case," to appear in IEEE Transactions on "Cybernetics, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2017.2750221.
- C. Tan, C. Xu, L. Yang and W. S. Wong, "Gittins Index Based Control Policy for a Class of Pursuit-Evasion Problems," to appear in IET Control Theory & Applications, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2017.0398.
- W. S. Wong and R. W. Brockett, "Systems with Finite Communication Bandwidth Constraints I: State Estimation Problems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 42(9) (1997) 1294-1298.
- Protocol Sequence
- W. S. Wong, "New Protocol Sequences for Random Access Channels without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53(6), (June 2007), pp. 2060-2071.
- Zhang, Y. J., K. W. Shum, and W. S. Wong, "On Pairwise Shift-Invariant Protocol Sequences," IEEE Communication Letters, vol.13(6) (June 2009), pp. 453-455.
- C. S. Chen, K. W. Shum, C. W. Sung, W. S. Wong,and G. E. Øjen, "User Unsuppressible Protocol Sequences for Collision Channel without Feedback," ISITA 2008, Auckland, 2008.
- K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong, C. W. Sung, and C. S. Chen, "Design and Construction of Protocol Sequences: Shift Invariance and User Irrepressibility," ISIT 2009, Seoul, June 28 2009-July 3, pp. 1368-1372, 2009.
- Chen, C. S., W. S. Wong, and Y.-Q. Song, "Constructions of Robust Protocol Sequences for Wireless Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57(5), pp. 3053-3063, 2008.
- K. W. Shum, C. S. Chen, C. W. Sung, and W. S. Wong, "Shift-Invariant Protocol Sequences for Collision Channels without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 55(7), pp. 3312-3322 , (July 2009).
- K W. Shum and W. S. Wong, "A Tight Asymptotic Bound on the Size of Constant-Weight
Conflict-Avoiding Codes," Journal of Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol 57(1) 1-14, Oct 2010(appeared online Nov 2009) DOI: 10.1007/s10623-009-9345-4. - K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong, and C. S. Chen, "A General Upper Bound on the Size of
Constant-Weight Conflict-Avoiding Codes," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 56(7), pp. 3265-3276, (July 2010) . - K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, "Construction Short Protocol Sequences with Worst-Case Throughput Guarantee," Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2010, Austin, USA, June 13-18, 2010, pp. 1828-1832 .
- K. W. Shum, Y. Zhang, and W. S. Wong, "User-Irrepressible Sequences," Proceedings of the SETA 2010, Paris, Sept 13-17. 2010, pp. 88-101 (LNCS 6338, Springer.)
- K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, "Construction and Applications of CRT Sequences," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 56(11), 5780-5795.
(Version with minor typos corrected)
- Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum and, W. S. Wong, "User-Detectable Sequences for the Collision Channel Without Feedback," Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, York, UK, Sept 19-22, 2010.
- Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, "Strongly conflict-avoiding codes," SIAM J. on Discrete Math, 25(3), (July 2011), pp. 1035-1053.
- Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum and, W. S. Wong, "Completely Irrepressible Sequences for the Asynchronous Collision Channel Without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60(5) (May 2011) pp. 1859-1866.
- Y. Zhang and W. S. Wong, “Distributed Load Balancing in a Multiple Server System by Shift-Invariant Protocol Sequences,” Proceedings of the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, April 7-10 2013, Shanghai, China, 1639-1644.
- W. S. Wong, "Transmission Sequence Design and Allocation for Wide Area Ad Hoc Network" to appear ," ," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 63, No. 2, (Feb 2014) pp. 869-878.
- Y. Wu, K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong, Q. Su, and L.-F. Shen, “Safety-Message Broadcast in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Based on Protocol Sequences,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 63, No. 3, (Mar 2014) pp. 1467-1479.
- Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum, W, S. Wong and F. Shu, “Binary Sequences for Multiple Access Collision Channel: Identification and Synchronization,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 62, No. 2 (Feb 2014) pp. 667-675.
- Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, “Protocol Sequences for Multiple-Packet Reception: Throughput Invariance and User Irrepressibility,” Proceedings of ISIT 2014, Jun 29 – July 4, Honolulu, USA.
- Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong and H.-L. Fu, “Partially user-irrepressible sequence sets and conflict-avoiding codes,” Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol 78 (3), pp.679-691.
- Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, “Optimal strongly conflict-avoiding codes of even length and weight three,” Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol.79 (2), pp. 367-382.
- Y. Zhang, W. K. Shum, W. S. Wong and F. Shu, “An Energy-Aware Reliable Deterministic Broadcast Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE Globecom Workshop, Austin, USA, 1427-1432, Dec. 12, 2014.
- Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong, and F. Shu, "Protocol Sequences for the Multiple-Packet Reception Channel without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 62, no. 4, pp.1687-1698, Apr. 2016.
- Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, "Completely irrepressible sequences for multiple-packet reception", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 6803-6809, Aug. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2478895
- C.-C. Chen, G.-C. Yang, M.-K. Chang, J.-S. Lin, W. S. Wong, and W. C. Kwong, "Constructions and throughput analyses of protocol sequences with adjustable duty factor for collision channels without feedback," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 64, no. 11, pp.4736-4748, Nov. 2016.
- Y. Chen, W. K. Shum and W. S. Wong, "Generalized CRT Sequence and Its Applications," in Sequences and Their Applications (SETA) Chengdu, China, Oct 9-14, 2016.
- Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, "The Zero-error Capacity of a Collision Channel with Successive Interference Cancellation," IEEE ISIT 2017, Aachen, June 25-30, 2017.
- Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo, K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong, and Y. Zhang, "CRT Sequences with Applications to Collision Channels Allowing Successive Interference Cancellation," to appera in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- Y. Zhang, Y.-H Lo, and W. S. Wong, "On Channel Hopping Sequences with Full Rendezvous Diversity for Cognitive Radio Networks," appear in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
- W. S. Wong, "New Protocol Sequences for Random Access Channels without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53(6), (June 2007), pp. 2060-2071.
- Power Control
- K. H. Lam and W. S. Wong, "Distributed Power Balancing with Limited Control Data Flow", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 46(1) (1997) pp. 247-252.
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "A Distributed Fixed-Step Power Control Algorithm with Quantization and Active Link Quality Protection", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 48(2) (1999) pp. 553-562.
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "The Convergence of an Asynchronous Cooperative Algorithm for Distributed Power Control in Cellular Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 48(2) (1999) pp. 563-570.
- C. W. Sung, K. K. Leung and W. S. Wong, "A Quality-Based Fixed-Step Power Control Algorithm with Adaptive Target Threshold", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 49(4) (2000) pp. 1430-1439.
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "Performance of a Cooperative Algorithm for Power Control in Cellular Systems with a Time-varying Link Gain Matrix", Wireless Networks 6 (Dec 2000) pp. 429-441.
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "Mathematical Aspects of the Power Control Problem in Mobile Communication Systems," in Lectures on Systems, Control, and Information: Lectures at the Morningside Center of Mathematics. Le Guo and Stephen S.-T. Yau eds, ACM/International Press (2000).
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "Power control and rate management for wireless multimedia CDMA systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 49(7), (July 2001) pp. 1215-1226.
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "A Noncooperative Power Control Game for Multirate CDMA Data Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication, vol. 2, no. 1, (Jan 2003) pp. 186-194.
- K. K. Leung, C. W. Sung, W. S. Wong, and T. M. Lok, "Convergence Theorem for a General Class of Power Control Algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 52(9), (Sept 2004) pp. 1566-1574.
- H. S. Zhang, C. S. Chen, and W. S. Wong, "Distributed Power Control for Time-Varying Systems: Performance and Convergence Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 54(5), (Sept 2005), pp. 1896-1904.
- H. S. Zhang, W. S. Wong, W. Ge, and P. E. Caines, "A Stochastic Approximation Approach to the Robust Power Control Problem," IEEE Trans. on Communications, 55(2), (May 2007), pp. 878-886.
- Y. Chen and W. S. Wong, "Power Control for non-Gaussian Interference," 7th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, WiOPT 2009.
- W. S. Wong, " Concavity of the Feasible Signal-to-Noise Ratio Region in Power Control Problems ", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57(4), (April 2011), pp. 2143-2150.
- Y. Chen and W. S. Wong, "Power Control for non-Gaussian Interference," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 10(8), (AUg 2011) pp. 2660-2669.
- Y. Chen, S. Yang and W. S. Wong, "Exact non-Gaussian Interference Model for Fading Channels," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Jan 2013), pp. 168-179.
- Y. Chen, C. W. Sung, S.-W., Ho and W. S. Wong, "BER Analysis for Interfering Visible Light Communication Systems," Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, Jul 20-22, 2016.
- K. H. Lam and W. S. Wong, "Distributed Power Balancing with Limited Control Data Flow", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 46(1) (1997) pp. 247-252.
- Nonlinear Filtering
- W. S. Wong, "New Classes of Finite-Dimensional Nonlinear Filters," Systems and Control Letters 3 (1983) 155-164.
- W. E. Hopkins and W. S. Wong, "Lie-Trotter Product Formulas for Nonlinear Filtering," Stochastics 17 (1986) 313-337.
- W. S. Wong, "Theorem on the Structure of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras," Systems and Control Letters 9 (1987) 117-124.
- W. S. Wong, "On a New Class of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras," Systems and Control Letters (1987) 79-83.
- L. Tam, W. S. Wong, and S. Yau, "A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras," SIAM J. of Control and Optimization, 28(1) (1990) 173-185.
- R. Dong, L. Tam, W. S. Wong, S. S.-T. Yau, "Structure and Classification Theorems of Finite Dimensional Exact Estimation Algebras," SIAM J. of Control and Optimization, 29(4) (1991) 866-877.
- W. S. Wong and S. S.-T. Yau, "The Estimation Algebra of Nonlinear Filtering Systems," in Mathematical Control Theory, J. Baillieul and J. C. Willems eds, Springer Verlag, (1999), 33-65.
- Wireless Network/Communication Network
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "User Speed Estimation and Dynamic Channel Allocation in a Hierarchical Cellular System," Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, June 8-10 1994, Stockholm, Sweden 91-95.
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "Sequential Packing Algorithm for Channel Assignment under Co-channel and Adjacent Channel Interference Constraint," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 46(3) (1997) 676-687.
- W. H. Yuen and W. S. Wong, "A Contention Free Mobility Management Scheme Based on Probabilistic Paging," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 50(1), (Jan 2001) 48-58.
- C. S. Chen and W. S. Wong, "Bandwidth Allocation for Wireless Multimedia Systems with Most Regular Sequences," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication, 4(2), (March 2005), 635-645.
- W. S. Wong and F. J. Li, "Fairness Index and Distributed Control in Communication Networks," Communications in Information and Systems, 6(2), (2006), 83-114.
- Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, S. Wang and W. S. Wong, "A Hybrid Wavelength Reservation Scheme for Large-Scale Optical Networks," Proceedings of the 25th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), pp. 1-5, May 21-23, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/WOCC.2016.7506544
- F. Liu, Y. Chen, and W. S. Wong, "An asynchronous load balancing scheme for multi-server systems," in 2016 IEEE 7th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics Mobile Communication Conference (UEM- CON), Octn 20-22, 2016, pp. 1–7.
- Y.-H. Lo, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, H.-L. Fu, and W. S. Wong, "The Global Packing Number of a Fat-tree Network," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.63(8), pp.5327-5335, Aug 2017.
- C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "User Speed Estimation and Dynamic Channel Allocation in a Hierarchical Cellular System," Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, June 8-10 1994, Stockholm, Sweden 91-95.
- Computing/Optimization
- P. Bernstein, D. Shipman, W. S. Wong, "Formal Aspects of Serializability in Database Concurrency Control", IEEE Trans. Software Engineering SE-5 (1979) 203-216.
- R. J. T. Morris and W. S. Wong, "Performance Analysis of Locking and Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithms," Performance Evaluation 5 (1985) 105-118.
- W. S. Wong and R. J. T. Morris, "Benchmark Synthesis Using the LRU Cache Hit Function," IEEE Trans. on Computers, 7(6) (1988) 637-645.
- W. S. Wong and R. J. T. Morris, "A New Approach to Choosing Initial Points in a Local Search,"Information Processing Letters, 30 (1988) 67-72.
- R. J. T. Morris and W. S. Wong, "A Short Term Neural Network Memory," SIAM Journal on Computing,17(6) (1988) 1103-1118.
- W. S. Wong and M. C. Chuah, "A Hybrid Approach to Address Normalization" IEEE Expert (6) (1994) 38-45.
- W. S. Wong, "Matrix Representation and Gradient Flows for NP-Hard Problems" in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 87(1) (1995) 197-220.
- Li, Q. and W. S. Wong, "Optimal Estimator for Distributed Anonymous Observers", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 140(1), (Jan 2009), 55-75.
- Wong, W. S. and C. W. Sung, "Robust Convergence of Low-Data Rate-Distributed Controllers," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 49, no. 1, (Jan 2004) 82 – 87.
- Stochastic Systems
- W. S. Wong, "Carleman Transformation and Ovcyannikov-Treves Operators," Nonlinear Analysis TMA 6(12) (1982) 1295-1308.
- W. S. Wong, "Carleman Linearization and Moment Equations of Nonlinear Stochastic equations," Stochastics 9 (1983) 77-101.
- B. Doshi and W. S. Wong, "Exact Solution of a Simple Finite Infinite Source Interaction Model," Qeueing Systems 2 (1987) 67-82.
- J. Kaufman, B. Sengupta, W. S. Wong, "Performance Analysis of a Packet Assembly Function," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 38(1) (1993) 109-113.
- J. Kaufman and W. S. Wong, "Approximate Analysis of a Gordon-Newell Like Non-Product-Form Queueing Network," Annals of Operations Research 48 (1994) 249-271
- Plenary Talks
- Semi-plenary speaker at the 48th IEEE Control and Decision Conference, title: Target Choice, Control Energy, and Communication Complexity: Facets of an Information-Based Distributed Control System, Shanghai, 2009
- Plenary Speaker at WICOM titled Protocol Sequences and Their Application to Ad Hoc Networks,2010 Sept 23-25, 2010 Chengdu.
- Plenary speaker, July 26-28 2013, 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi’an
- Plenary speaker at the 7th IEEE/International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, Nov 14-16, 2014, Fujian Normal University, China, talk title, “Schedule Sequences and Their Applications in Communication Networks.”
- Invited speaker at the Workshop on Navigation and Control of MASs with Uncertain Information, Guangzhou, Dec 8-9, 2014, talk title, “Managing Uncertainties in Control Objectives via Communication.”
- Plenary speaker at the 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Sept 9, 2016, talk title, "From control of networks to networked control".