
Welcome to our Korean programme!

The Korean wave such as K-pop, Korean TV series and Movies has become a global phenomenon since the start of the 21st century. Now, the Korean wave has expanded to traditional culture, food, fashion, literature and language. Studying Korean language at CUHK will open doors to various aspects of Korean culture and society.

Korean is the 13th most widely spoken language in the world and it uses a unique writing system called “Hanguel” that has been described as the most scientific and systematic writing system. King Sejong, the 4th king of the Joseon Dynasty, and his scholars created Korean alphabet to help the ordinary people to read and write easily. “Hanguel” is the most significant cultural achievement in Korean history since, unlike other writing systems, it was created by identifiable people at a specifiable time. “Hanguel” consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels, total 24 characters and it can practically express up to 10,000 sounds.

Our Korean Programme at CUHK provides students with a solid foundation in Korean language through an interactive and integrated learning environment from beginner to advanced level. In addition to the language courses, we also offer content courses and cultural activities to enhance understanding of Korean culture and society.