
Minor programme in German Studies

Students are required to complete a minimum of 18 units of courses as follows:

(1) Required courses [a]:  
  (a) GERM2000 German II [b] 3
  (b) GERM2001 German III and GERM3000 German IV, or GERM3050 German III & IV 6
(c) GERM3001 German V [c]
(2) Elective courses:   
  Any GERM courses other than GERM1000, 1001, 2050 and those listed above 6

Explanatory Notes:

[a] Students who have prior knowledge of German before admission may be exempted from taking GERM2000, 2001, 2050, 3000, 3001 and 3050. They should seek the advice of the Department to take substitute courses in accordance with their academic qualifications.
[b] Students who have taken the summer intensive course GERM2050 will be recognized as having fulfilled this requirement.
[c] Students who have taken the summer intensive course GERM3051 will be recognized as having fulfilled this requirement and 3 units of elective courses of Requirement (2).

Information on Transferring Credits for German Courses