University Lecture on Civility
I·CARE Film Festival

Titled “Once Upon Our Times”, this year’s I·CARE Film Festival takes us on a trip down memory lane to revisit all the past eras as captured on celluloid. Comrades, Almost a Love Story (1996, Peter Chan), our opening film, chronicled the drifting romance of two average Joes as the change of Hong Kong’s sovereignty was nearing.
I·CARE Salon

I·CARE Salon is an iconic programme under the University Lecture on Civility which promotes reflective thinking on different topics. Through organising a series of seminars, participants will be able to exchange insights on significant academic, cultural and social issues.
University Lecture on Civility

(Chinese version only)
自 2011 年起,博群大講堂在每學年上學期舉辦公開講座,以「博思明志。群育新民」為目標,廣邀不同界別講者親臨中文大學,暢論各種議題。踏入第六年,我們希望促進更多對話,包括與自我的和與他人的,以至講者之間。