(Please scroll down for English version)

沒有特異功能,只有一顆真心,如何與人心靈相通?── 疫情反覆之際,與師長、莊員、宿友、伴侶的連結被截斷,每天與家人困在小小的空間裡互相碰撞,負能量難免越滾越大,容易引發矛盾和爭執。如果你對維繫人際關係感到吃力,又希望加深對溝通和情緒的認識,學習「善意溝通」或可令你豁然開朗!
「博群踐行者計劃」之價值探索系列將於 5 月再次舉辦「善意溝通工作坊」,為參加者提供溝通上的支援,以處理日常衝突。參加者將學習如何通過表達感受和同理聆聽,在混雜的負面情緒中,找出各人埋藏心底的真實感受與需求,從而轉化衝突、療癒關係、解開心結。
日期:2021 年 5 月 31 日(星期一)
時間:下午 2 時至 5 時
形式:網上會議(Zoom 連結將以電郵發送予成功報名者)
名額:30 個
報名:請按 此處
截止日期:2021 年 5 月 24 日(星期一)晚上 11 時 59 分
成功報名者將在 2021 年 5 月25 日(星期二)或之前收到確認電郵。

放映環節 *
日期:2021 年 4 月 8 日(星期四) 時間:晚上 7 時正 地點:英皇戲院(尖沙咀國際廣場 7 樓) 片長:95 分鐘 語言:粵語(輔以中英字幕) 導演:何力恒
嘉賓:柯星沛、何力恒(分別為《二次人生》監製及導演) 主持:伍慧明(博群全人發展中心主任)
歷時:30 分鐘
1. 是次放映為中大專場,只限本校成員參與。
2. 從沒無故缺席本中心活動者將獲優先取錄。
名額:180 (有機會變更或取消,以配合適用於活動當日之《預防及控制疾病條例》下的社交距離措施)
按金:港幣 100 元正(活動後全數退回出席者)
報名:請按 此處
截止日期:2021 年 3 月 28 日(星期日)晚上 11 時 59 分
1. 獲取錄者將於 3 月 30 日前收到確認電郵,知會繳付按金安排及其他細節。
2. 戲院範圍內不准飲食及必須佩戴口罩;工作人員有權拒絕有發燒症狀或未有佩戴口罩者進場。
地產經紀志行從小受母親呵護,過著得過且過的生活。某天,志行重遇小學體育老師黃 sir。黃 sir 為了完成與離世妻子的約定,帶病也要參加十公里跑;而他的學生天心亦為了跟偶像一起跑步,不惜把生命豁出去,拼命減肥,誓要完成人生首個五公里跑。志行看到兩人都各為目標奮發,自己卻站在人生交叉點迷路,感到生命正一分一秒地洩氣。直至某天,一份二十年前的回憶忽然變得清晰,照亮了他心裡的陰霾 ── 這一次,志行決志要好好為自己的人生打氣。

日期:2020 年 11 月 10 日(星期二)
時間:上午 11 時 15 分 至下午 12 時 45 分
直播平台:請按 此處 前往本中心臉書專頁收看

沒有特異功能,只有一顆真心,如何與人心靈相通?── 疫情反覆之際,與師長、莊員、宿友、伴侶的連結被截斷,每天與家人困在小小的空間裡互相碰撞,負能量難免越滾越大,容易引發矛盾和爭執。如果你對維繫人際關係感到吃力,又希望加深對溝通和情緒的認識,學習「善意溝通」或可令你豁然開朗!
粵語場 ── 2020 年 11 月 6 日(星期五) 國語場 ── 2020 年 11 月 11 日(星期三)
英語場 ── 2020 年 11 月 12 日(星期四)
時間:下午 3 時半至 5 時
1. 善意溝通的基礎知識及要點(善意溝通四部曲:觀察、感受、需要、請求;4D 語言)
2. 案例分享及講解實際操作
3. 善意溝通的實踐經驗分享
名額:每場 16 個
活動平台:Zoom 視像會議
報名:請按 此處(有關連結及詳情,將於稍後以電郵向成功報名者發出)
截止日期:2020 年 10 月 27 日(星期二)晚上 11 時 59 分

「品格對談」第一及第二回已分別於 6 月 24 日及 7 月 27 日在線上順利進行。前者題爲「互分有餘」,由「惜食堂」創辦人董愛麗女士展示她在本地推廣惜食文化與關愛精神的經歷和心得;後者則談「常存希望」,由「高錕慈善基金」主席高黃美芸女士分享她的人生與時刻懷抱希望的秘訣。如錯過上述直播,歡迎按 第一回「互分有餘」 及 第二回「常存希望」收看節目重溫。
日期:2020 年 9 月 7 日(星期一)
時間:晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時
直播平台:Zoom Webinar(請按 此處 登記;有關連結及詳情,將於稍後以電郵向成功報名者發出)
電話: 3943 1595
Value Exploration Series
The “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme aims to enhance self-awareness and good qualities of CUHK members through a series of activities on character building, thereby promoting positive development of the community and the world.
Workshop on Compassionate Communication
Without telepathy power yet a pure heart, how can we be in sync with others’ minds? - In the midst of the fluctuating epidemic, our connections with teachers, fellows, hallmates and loved ones were cut off. Trapped in a limited area with our family members everyday, negative energy will inevitably grow bigger and bigger, which will easily lead to conflicts and disputes. If you are struggling to maintain interpersonal relationships, and want to deepen your understanding of communication and emotions, learning “Compassionate Communication” may help you out!
The “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme will rerun the “Workshop on Compassionate Communication” in May, aiming to offer communication support for participants to deal with daily conflicts. Through expressing feelings and practising empathetic listening, participants will learn how to find out the actual feelings and needs under one’s mixed negative emotions, thus being able to transform conflicts into powerful connections, heal relationships and untangle emotions.
This programme is open for all full-time CUHK students. Details are as follows:
Date: 31 May 2021 (Monday)
Time: 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Format: Online conferencing (the Zoom link will be sent to successful applicants via email)
Language: Cantonese
Concepts and gists (The 4 steps of Compassionate Communication: observations, feelings, needs, requests)
Basic skills (Active listening, mindset adjustment to reduce conflicts, transformation of extremely negative emotions)
Principals of mediation of violent conflicts
Demonstration and practices
Trainer: Mr. YY Chan (Experienced psychological counsellor, trainer and registered social worker. Has been engaged in social services, psychological training and family life education for nearly 20 years.)
Quota: 30
Registration: Please click here
Deadline: 24 May 2021 (Monday) 11:59 pm
Confirmation email will be sent to successful applicants on or before 25 May 2021 (Tuesday).
To achieve the best teaching and learning outcomes, participants should turn on the computer camera throughout the workshop.
Screening cum Sharing Session on “I Still Remember”
There are bumpy roads in lifeinevitably. When you feel frustrated, make a sharp turn. You may overhear the big cheers from the sports field which can catalyse your recollection of some happy moments in your past. This spur will hopefully be conducive to comforting you in a dull mode.
The “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme aims to enhance the self-awareness and good qualities of CUHK members through a series of activities on character building so as to promote positive development of the community and the world. The latest activity of this series is a Screening cum Sharing Session on “I Still Remember”. It will be conducted in a manner not violating the gathering restrictions with details as follows:
Date: 8 April 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: Emperor Cinemas (7/F, iSQUARE, Tsim Sha Tsui)
Duration: 95 minutes
Language: Cantonese (with subtitles in Chinese and English)
Director: Lik Ho
Guest: O Sing-Pui; Lik Ho (Producer and Director of “I Still Remember” respectively)
Host: Irene Ng (Director, I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development)
Content: To reflect on the values of perseverance and hopefulness, etc.
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: Cantonese
Other Particulars
1. This is an exclusive screening for CUHK members.
2. Priority will be given to those who have never been absent from this Centre’s activities without justifications.
Quota: 180 (maychange or cease according to the social distancing measures under “Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance” enacted on the event day)
Fee: Free of charge
Deposit: HK$100 (fully refunded to successful attendees afterwards)
Registration: Please click here
Deadline: 11:59 pm of 28 March 2021 (Sunday)
1. Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email by 30 March advising the arrangements of deposit settlement and other details.
2. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the cinema and mask-on is required throughout. Admission to the cinema of those who present fever or are mask-free will be rejected.
* Film Synopsis
Chi Hang, influenced by his mother to lead a simple life since his birth, is currently a real estate agent. One day, he reunited with his primary school’s PE teacher Mr. Wong who had been increasingly ill but was determined to keep his promise to his late wife by completing a 10k race. His obese student Tin Sum had also started her first-ever 5k training which was driven by her strong wish to partner her idol at the run. While Mr. Wong and Tin Sum were striving for their goals, Chi Hang had kept muddling through life. Suddenly, the memories of 20 years ago popped into Chi Hang’s mind and lighted up his world. He undertook to do something to cheer himself on!
Recommended by a number of people of the education sector including Professor Joseph Sung, this film has not yet been publicly screened. Sung said, “渾噩的故事主人翁,憑藉長跑創造「二次人生」,當中的勇氣、希望、信心與毅力,也是導演創作這部「二次人生」的燃料。勵志之作,值得推薦。” (in Chinese only)
4th Session of Dialogue on Character: Wisdom of Caution
A few months ago, the “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme started organising the “Dialogue on Character” with Professor Joseph Sung and Professor Edwin Chan, Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement of the University, being the hosts. Influential figures in the city are invited to share their beliefs and stories, by which the participants can be enlightened on how positive character traits are intertwined with personal success and achievements.
Three sessions of the “Dialogue on Character” were successfully conducted online. The coming one will be rolled out next week. It is titled “Wisdom of Caution” featuring Mr. Stephen Kai-yi Wong, formerly Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data. Details are as follows:
Date: 10 November 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 11:15 am - 12:45 pm
Content: Exchange among the hosts and guest; Q & A for participants
Language: Cantonese
Target: Students, staff and alumni of CUHK (other people are also welcomed)
Live broadcast: Please click here to visit the Facebook page of this Centre for viewing
Workshop on Compassionate Communication
Without telepathy power yet a pure heart, how can we be in sync with others’ minds? - In the midst of the fluctuating epidemic, our connections with teachers, fellows, hallmates and loved ones were cut off. Trapped in a limited area with our family members everyday, negative energy will inevitably grow bigger and bigger, which will easily lead to conflicts and disputes. If you are struggling to maintain interpersonal relationships, and want to deepen your understanding of communication and emotions, learning “Compassionate Communication” may help you out!
The “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme will roll out three sessions of “Workshop on Compassionate Communication” next month, aiming to offer communication support for participants to deal with daily conflicts. Through expressing feelings/ needs and practising empathetic listening, participants will learn how to find out the actual feelings/ needs under one’s mixed negative emotions, thus being able to transform conflicts into powerful connections, heal relationships and untangle emotions.
This programme has engaged JUST FEEL to assist in leading the workshops. A total of three sessions will be conducted in different languages in order to minimise communication gap. Details are as follows:
Date: Cantonese session - 6 November 2020 (Friday)
Mandarin session - 11 November 2020 (Wednesday)
English session - 12 November 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 3:30 - 5:00 pm
1. Basic knowledge and key points of Compassionate Communication (The 4 Steps of Compassionate Communication: Observations, Feelings, Needs, Requests; 4D language)
2. Case sharing and explanation of actual operation
3. Sharing of experience of practicing Compassionate Communication
Target: All full-time students
Quota: 16 per session
Platform: Zoom meeting
Registration: Please click here (The relevant link and details will be notified to the successful applicants via individual email)
Deadline: 27 October 2020 (Tuesday) 11:59 pm
3rd Session of Dialogue on Character: Never Give Up
Not long ago, the “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme started organising the “Dialogue on Character” with Professor Joseph Sung and Professor Edwin Chan, Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement of the University, being the hosts. Influential figures in the city are invited to share their beliefs and stories, by which the participants can be enlightened on how positive character traits are intertwined with personal success and achievements.
The first and second sessions of the “Dialogue on Character” were successfully held online on the 24th of June and 27th of July respectively. The former, themed “Sparing through Sharing”, had Ms. Gigi Tung Oi-lai, Founder of Food Angel, to reveal her views and experience of reducing local food waste and nurturing a caring culture in the community. As for the latter, its subject “Live in Hope” was demonstrated by the life encounters and the key to faith of Mrs. Gwen Kao Wong May-wan, Chairman of the Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease. If you miss the live broadcast of these sessions, please click the first episode “Sparing through Sharing” and the second episode “Live in Hope” for review.
The new session of the “Dialogue on Character” is titled “Never Give Up” featuring Miss Sarah Lee Wai-sze, the Track Cycling World Champion who is also known as the “Cycling Goddess of Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate”. Details are as follows:
Date: 7 September 2020 (Monday)
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Content: Exchange among the hosts and guest; Q & A for participants
Language: Cantonese
Target: Students, staff and alumni of CUHK
Streaming Platform: Zoom Webinar (Please click here for enrolment. The relevant link and details will be notified to the successful applicants via individual email)
Miss Wong of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 1595
Email: chloewong@cuhk.edu.hk