Students with strong self-motivation and publication record are preferred. If you are a CUHK student interested in working with me,
feel free to drop me an email or walk in my office!
Postdoc/RA positions (open all-year-round): Reinforcement learning and imitation learning, robot perception and motion planning, synergistic AI/XR for medical education, surgical simulation, deep model adaptation/generalization, non-iid federated learning.
PhD/Mphil topics: medical image analysis (generalizability, federated learning, causality), robotic surgery (surgical video interpretation, 3D reconstruction, reinforcement learning for robotic task automation), multi-sensory robotic perception (in various scenarios).
I start to look for 2023Summer intern and 2024Fall PhD and Mphil, email me directly with your CV if interested.
Research Interest
- My research is at the interdisciplinary field of medical image analysis, machine learning and robotic surgery intelligence, aiming to create synergistic advancements for innovative intelligent systems that achieve an impact to support delivery of higher-quality medical diagnosis, intervention and education via next-generation healthcare technology. Previous representative works include 3D deep learning for high-dimensional image computing, domain adaptation and generalization on heterogeneous medical data, surgical video analysis with efficient spatial-temporal learning, and visual-kinematics surgical robotics perception and automation.
- Recent focus: 1) embodied intelligence in surgical robots, 2) smart mixed-reality for robotic surgical education, 3) multi-sensory perception in dynamic environment, 4) model generalization on non-iid medical images at FL/multi-center learning in real-world.
- [03/2023] Three papers accepted to CVPR 2023.
- [02/2023] Two papers accepted to IPMI 2023.
- [01/2023] Our ICRA'23 workshop on "New Evolutions in Surgical Robotics: Embracing Multimodal Imaging Guidance, Intelligence, and Bio-inspired Mechanisms" call for papers!
- [01/2023] Four papers accepted to ICRA'23 on topics of surgical robot learning, stereo image perception and smart grasping.
- [01/2023] Our new version of SurRoL for human-in-the-loop embodied intelligence on surgical robot learning is released.
- [12/2022] Our CVPR Medical Computer Vision (CVPR-MCV) workshop will continue in CVPR'23.
- [12/2022] Paper (led by Spyridon Bakas from UPenn) on real-world large-scale FL on medical imaging (71 centers worldwide, CUHK is the only participant in China) is accepted to Nature Communications.
- [11/2022] 2022 World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University (in category Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing).
Selected Awards
- MICCAI Young Scientist Publication Award, 2022. (last author)
- IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging Distinguished Reviewer, Platinum Level, 2022.
- CUHK Department Exemplary Teaching Award, 2022.
- IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award in Medical Robotics, 2021. (last author)
- IEEE EMBS Prize Paper Award 2nd Place, Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, 2021. (first author)
- MICCAI Young Scientist Publication Impact Paper Award Finalist, 2021. (first author)
- IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging Distinguished Reviewer, Gold Level, 2021.
- Hong Kong Institution of Science Young Scientist Award in Engineering Science, 2018.
- CUHK Faculty Outstanding Thesis Award, 2018.
- Best Paper Award of Elsevier Medical Image Analysis-MICCAI, 2017. (first author)
- Spring2023: BMEG3102 Bioinformatics [course website]
- Fall2022: CSCI3230 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (with Elite-Mirror ESTR 3108) [course website]
- Spring2022: BMEG3102 Bioinformatics
- Fall2021: CSCI3230 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (with Elite-Mirror ESTR 3108)
- Spring2021: BMEG5830 Medical Imaging (guest lecture)
- Spring2021: BMEG3102 Bioinformatics
- Guest lectures for: AIST1000, BMEG5830, BMEG3420
Recent Services
- Area Chair, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2023
- Program Co-Chair, International Conference on Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), 2023.
- Program Co-Chair, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2022
- Program Co-Chair, International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2022 & 2021.
- Founding Board Member, MONAI Stream Advisory Working Group, since 2022.
- Area Chair & Session Chair, Inter. Conference on Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), 2022.
- Organization Committee, NeurIPS Workshop on Medical Imaging (MedNeurIPS), 2022, 2021 & 2020.
- Organization Committee, CVPR Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (CVPR-MCV), 2022 & 2021.
- Organization Committee, MICCAI Joint Workshop on Augmented Environments for Computer Assisted Interventions, Computer Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy, and Context-Aware Operating Theatres (AE-CAI | CARE | OR 2.0), 2022 & 2021 & 2020.
- Organization Committee, MICCAI Workshop on Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer (DART), 2022 & 2021.
- Organization Committee, ECCV Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (ECCV-MCV), 2022.
- Associate Editor, Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS), since 2021.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging (MELBA), since 2021.
- Associate Editor, Medical Physics, since 2021.
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Radiology, since 2021.