The latest JCR impact factors for all SCI-indexed journals can be downloaded here.
Under Review
- Zhen Zhang, Yuan Li, Xiankai Sun, and Xuewen Shu, "Visual observation of optical Floquet-Bloch oscillations," 2022. (submitted)
- Xiao-Jing Liu, Yue Yu, Di Liu, Qi-Long Cui, Xiao-Zhuo Qi, Yang Chen, Guang-Yuan Qu, Li Song, Guo-Ping Guo, Guang-Can Guo, Xiankai Sun, and Xi-Feng Ren, "Coupling of photon emitters in monolayer WS2 with a photonic waveguide based on bound states in the continuum," 2022. (submitted)
- Ziyao Feng, Yang Liu, Xiang Xi, Lai Wang, and Xiankai Sun, "Gigahertz phononic integrated circuits based on overlay slot waveguides," 2022. (submitted)
- Yue Yu and Xiankai Sun, "Surface acoustic microwave photonic filters on etchless lithium niobate integrated platform," 2022. (submitted)
- Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, and Xiankai Sun, "A topological parametric phonon laser," 2022. (submitted)
- Jingwen Ma, Taojie Zhou, Mingchu Tang, Haochuan Li, Zhan Zhang, Xiang Xi, Mickael Martin, Thierry Baron, Huiyun Liu, Zhaoyu Zhang, Siming Chen, and Xiankai Sun, "Room-temperature continuous-wave Dirac-vortex topological lasers on silicon," 2022. (submitted)
Journal Papers
- Ziyao Feng and Xiankai Sun, "Experimental observation of dissipatively coupled bound states in the continuum on an integrated photonic platform," Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023. (accepted)
- Mingzeng Peng, Jiadong Cheng, Xinhe Zheng, Jingwen Ma, Ziyao Feng, and Xiankai Sun, "2D-materials-integrated optoelectromechanics: recent progress and future perspectives," Reports on Progress in Physics 86 (2): 026402, Feb. 2023. [link]
- Yuan Li, Zunyue Zhang, Yi Wang, Yue Yu, Xuetong Zhou, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "Inverse-designed linear coherent photonic networks for high-resolution spectral reconstruction," ACS Photonics, Jan. 2023. [featured as cover article] [link]
- Ziyao Feng and Xiankai Sun, "Harnessing dynamical encircling of an exceptional point in anti-PT-symmetric integrated photonic systems," Physical Review Letters 129 (27): 273601, Dec. 2022. [link]
- Taojie Zhou, Jingwen Ma, Mingchu Tang, Haochuan Li, Mickael Martin, Thierry Baron, Huiyun Liu, Siming Chen, Xiankai Sun, and Zhaoyu Zhang, "Monolithically integrated ultralow threshold topological corner state nanolasers on silicon," ACS Photonics 9 (12): 3824-3830, Dec. 2022. [link]
- Jiawei Zhang, Ziyao Feng, and Xiankai Sun, "Realization of bound states in the continuum in anti-PT-symmetric optical systems: a proposal and analysis," Laser & Photonics Reviews 17 (1): 2200079, Jan. 2023. [link]
- Yue Yu, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Observation of mechanical bound states in the continuum in an optomechanical microresonator," Light: Science & Applications 11: 328, Nov. 2022. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Chang-Ling Zou, Chun-Hua Dong, and Xiankai Sun, "Highly tunable broadband coherent wavelength conversion with a fiber-based optomechanical system," Advanced Photonics 4 (5): 056003, Sep. 2022. [featured as cover article] [link]
- Yue Yu, Zejie Yu, Zunyue Zhang, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "Wavelength-division multiplexing on an etchless lithium niobate integrated platform," ACS Photonics 9 (10): 3253-3259, Oct. 2022. [link]
- Huade Mao, Yue Yu, Yu-Xuan Ren, Ka Yan Chan, Jiqiang Kang, Xiankai Sun, Edmund Y. Lam, and Kenneth K. Y. Wong, "Neural optimizer for inverse design of complex-modulated hologram implemented by plasmonic metasurfaces," Advanced Photonics Research 4 (1): 2200085, Jan. 2023. [link]
- Fan Ye and Xiankai Sun, "Hofstadter butterfly and topological edge states in a quasiperiodic photonic crystal cavity array," Optics Express 30 (15): 26620-26627, Jul. 2022. [link]
- Xudong Liu, Jialiang Huang, Hao Chen, Zhengfang Qian, Jingwen Ma, Xiankai Sun, Shuting Fan, and Yiwen Sun, "Terahertz topological photonic waveguide switch for on-chip communication," Photonics Research 10 (4): 1090-1096, Apr. 2022. [link]
- Fan Ye, Yue Yu, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Second-harmonic generation in etchless lithium niobate nanophotonic waveguides with bound states in the continuum," Laser & Photonics Reviews 16 (3): 2100429, Mar. 2022. [link]
- Yuan Li and Xiankai Sun, "Anisotropic Dirac cone and slow edge states in a photonic Floquet lattice," Physical Review B 105 (1): 014306, Jan. 2022. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, Zhong-Hao Zhou, Xin-Xin Hu, Yuan Chen, Chang-Ling Zou, Chun-Hua Dong, and Xiankai Sun, "Experimental investigation of the angular symmetry of optical force in a solid dielectric," Optica 8 (11): 1435-1441, Nov. 2021. [link]
- Yue Yu, Lai Wang, and Xiankai Sun, "Demonstration of on-chip gigahertz acousto-optic modulation at near-visible wavelengths," Nanophotonics 10 (17): 4323-4329, Dec. 2021. [link]
[included in Special Issue on Nonradiating Photonics with Resonant Dielectric Nanostructures] - Zunyue Zhang, Yuan Li, Yi Wang, Zejie Yu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Compact high resolution speckle spectrometer by using linear coherent integrated network on silicon nitride platform at 776 nm," Laser & Photonics Reviews 15 (11): 2100039, Nov. 2021. [link]
- Yue Yu, Zejie Yu, Lai Wang, and Xiankai Sun, "Ultralow-loss etchless lithium niobate integrated photonics at near-visible wavelengths," Advanced Optical Materials 9 (19): 2100060, Oct. 2021. [link]
- Huade Mao, Yu-Xuan Ren, Yue Yu, Zejie Yu, Xiankai Sun, Shuang Zhang, and Kenneth K. Y. Wong, "Broadband meta-converters for multiple Laguerre-Gaussian modes," Photonics Research 9 (9): 1689-1698, Sep. 2021. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Xiang Xi, Yuan Li, and Xiankai Sun, "Nanomechanical topological insulators with an auxiliary orbital degree of freedom," Nature Nanotechnology 16 (5): 576-583, May 2021. [link]
[reported in News & Views: "Topological vortices for sound and light," Nature Nanotechnology 16 (5): 487-489, May 2021] [link] - Yang Liu, Lai Wang, Yuantao Zhang, Xin Dong, Xiankai Sun, Zhibiao Hao, Yi Luo, Changzheng Sun, Yanjun Han, Bing Xiong, Jian Wang, and Hongtao Li, "Demonstration of n-Ga2O3/p-GaN diodes by wet-etching lift-off and transfer-print technique," IEEE Electron Device Letters 42 (4): 509-512, Apr. 2021. [link]
- Zejie Yu and Xiankai Sun, "Gigahertz acousto-optic modulation and frequency shifting on etchless lithium niobate integrated platform," ACS Photonics 8 (3): 798-803, Mar. 2021. [link]
- Yi Wang, Zejie Yu, Zunyue Zhang, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Fabrication-tolerant and low-loss hybrid plasmonic slot waveguide mode converter," Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (7): 2106-2112, Apr. 2021. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Experimental demonstration of dual-band nano-electromechanical valley-Hall topological metamaterials," Advanced Materials 33 (10): 2006521, Mar. 2021. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, Shuai Wan, Chun-Hua Dong, and Xiankai Sun, "Observation of chiral edge states in gapped nanomechanical graphene," Science Advances 7 (2): eabe1398, Jan. 2021. [link]
- Zejie Yu and Xiankai Sun, "Inverse-designed photonic jumpers with ultracompact size and ultralow loss," Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (23): 6623-6628, Dec. 2020. [link]
- Yue Yu, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Nonmetallic broadband visible-light absorbers with polarization and incident angle insensitivity," IEEE Photonics Journal 12 (6): 2200807, Dec. 2020. [link]
- Yi Wang, Zejie Yu, Zunyue Zhang, Beilei Sun, Yeyu Tong, Jian-Bin Xu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Bound-states-in-continuum hybrid integration of 2D platinum diselenide on silicon nitride for high-speed photodetectors," ACS Photonics 7 (10): 2643-2649, Oct. 2020. [link]
- Taojie Zhou, Kar Wei Ng, Xiankai Sun, and Zhaoyu Zhang, "Ultra-thin curved visible microdisk lasers with three-dimensional whispering gallery modes," Nanophotonics 9 (9): 2997-3002, Jul. 2020. [link]
- Ziyao Feng and Xiankai Sun, "Giant enhancement of rotation sensing with PT-symmetric circular Bragg lasers," Physical Review Applied 13 (5): 054078, May 2020. [link]
- Yi Wang, Zejie Yu, Yeyu Tong, Beilei Sun, Zunyue Zhang, Jian-Bin Xu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "High-speed infrared two-dimensional platinum diselenide photodetectors," Applied Physics Letters 116 (21): 211101, May 2020. [selected as Editor's Pick] [link]
- Zejie Yu, Yeyu Tong, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "High-dimensional communication on etchless lithium niobate platform with photonic bound states in the continuum," Nature Communications 11: 2602, May 2020. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Zefeng Chen, Jian-Bin Xu, and Xiankai Sun, "Graphene-assisted electro-optomechanical integration on a silicon-on-insulator platform," Optics Express 28 (10): 14386-14395, May 2020. [link]
- Zejie Yu and Xiankai Sun, "Acousto-optic modulation of photonic bound state in the continuum," Light: Science & Applications 9: 1, Jan. 2020. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Ziyao Feng, Yuan Li, and Xiankai Sun, "Optically controlled topologically protected acoustic wave amplification," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26 (5): 7600410, Sep./Oct. 2020. [invited] [link]
- Aosong Feng, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Giant enhancement of nonlinear optical processes with split-ring resonators for THz applications," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31 (21): 1681-1684, Nov. 2019. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Yeyu Tong, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Ultra-broadband hyperuniform disordered silicon photonic polarizers," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26 (2): 8201109, Mar./Apr. 2020. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Topological photonic integrated circuits based on valley kink states," Laser & Photonics Reviews 13 (12): 1900087, Dec. 2019. [featured as cover article] [link]
- Zejie Yu, Yi Wang, Beilei Sun, Yeyu Tong, Jian-Bin Xu, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "Hybrid 2D-material photonics with bound states in the continuum," Advanced Optical Materials 7 (24): 1901306, Dec. 2019. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, Hon Ki Tsang, Chang-Ling Zou, and Xiankai Sun, "Photonic integrated circuits with bound states in the continuum," Optica 6 (10): 1342-1348, Oct. 2019. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Yeyu Tong, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Hyperuniform disordered photonic bandgap polarizers," Journal of Applied Physics 126 (11): 113106, Sep. 2019. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, and Xiankai Sun, "Carrier-mediated cavity optomechanics in a semiconductor laser," Physical Review A 99 (5): 053837, May 2019. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Xia Chen, Ke Xu, Xiankai Sun, and HonKi Tsang, "Subwavelength engineering in silicon photonic devices," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25 (3): 2900113, May/Jun. 2019. [invited] [link]
- Zejie Yu, Aosong Feng, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Inverse-designed low-loss and wideband polarization-insensitive silicon waveguide crossing," Optics Letters 44 (1): 77-80, Jan. 2019. [selected as Editor's Pick] [link]
- Aosong Feng, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Ultranarrow-band metagrating absorbers for sensing and modulation," Optics Express 26 (22): 28197-28205, Oct. 2018. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Yang Ma, and Xiankai Sun, "Photonic welding points for arbitrary on-chip optical interconnects," Nanophotonics 7 (10): 1679-1686, Oct. 2018. [link]
- Ziyao Feng, Jingwen Ma, and Xiankai Sun, "Parity-time-symmetric mechanical systems by the cavity optomechanical effect," Optics Letters 43 (17): 4088-4091, Sep. 2018. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Tailorable dual-wavelength-band coupling in a transverse-electric-mode focusing subwavelength grating coupler," Optics Letters 43 (12): 2985-2988, Jun. 2018. [link]
- Ziyao Feng, Jingwen Ma, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Circular Bragg lasers with radial PT symmetry: design and analysis with a coupled-mode approach," Photonics Research 6 (5): A38-A42, May 2018. [link]
[included in Virtual Feature Issue on Non-Hermitian Photonics in Complex Media: PT-symmetry and beyond] - Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Xinru Wu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Fully suspended slot waveguide platform," Journal of Applied Physics 123 (6): 063103, Feb. 2018. [link]
- Zejie Yu and Xiankai Sun, "Giant enhancement of stimulated Brillouin scattering with engineered phoxonic crystal waveguides," Optics Express 26 (2): 1255-1267, Jan. 2018. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Haoran Cui, and Xiankai Sun, "Genetically optimized on-chip wideband ultracompact reflectors and Fabry-Perot cavities," Photonics Research 5 (6): B15-B19, Dec. 2017. [link]
[included in Virtual Feature Issue on Optical Microcavities] - Zejie Yu, Haoran Cui, and Xiankai Sun, "Genetic-algorithm-optimized wideband on-chip polarization rotator with an ultrasmall footprint," Optics Letters 42 (16): 3093-3096, Aug. 2017. [link]
- Yun Gao, Wen Zhou, Xiankai Sun, Hon Ki Tsang, and Chester Shu, "Cavity-enhanced thermo-optic bistability and hysteresis in a graphene-on-Si3N4 ring resonator," Optics Letters 42 (10): 1950-1953, May 2017. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Xinru Wu, Bingqing Zhu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Fully suspended slot waveguides for high refractive index sensitivity," Optics Letters 42 (7): 1245-1248, Apr. 2017. [link]
- Jiahua Gu, Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Parity-time-symmetric circular Bragg lasers: a proposal and analysis," Scientific Reports 6: 37688, Nov. 2016. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Zejie Yu, Jingwen Ma, Bingqing Zhu, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "Ultraviolet optomechanical crystal cavities with ultrasmall modal mass and high optomechanical coupling rate," Scientific Reports 6: 37134, Nov. 2016. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Bingqing Zhu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Hyperuniform disordered network polarizers," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 22 (6): 4901307, Nov./Dec. 2016. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Xiang Xi, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Hybrid graphene/silicon integrated optical isolators with photonic spin-orbit interaction," Applied Physics Letters 108 (15): 151103, Apr. 2016. [featured as cover article and selected as Editor's Pick] [link]
Conference Papers
- Xuetong Zhou, Ying Xue, Fan Ye, Ziyao Feng, Yuan Li, Xiankai Sun, Kei May Lau, and Hon Ki Tsang, "High coupling efficiency waveguide grating couplers for bound-states-in-the-continuum waveguide on lithium niobate," European Conference on Integrated Optics 2023, Enschede, Netherlands, Apr. 2023.
- Yuan Li, Zunyue Zhang, Yi Wang, Yue Yu, Xuetong Zhou, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "Inverse-designed linear coherent photonic networks for high-resolution spectral reconstruction," CLEO 2023, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2023.
- Yue Yu and Xiankai Sun, "Surface acoustic microwave photonic filters on etchless lithium niobate integrated platform," CLEO 2023, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2023.
- Ziyao Feng and Xiankai Sun, "Dynamical encircling of an exceptional point in anti-PT-symmetric integrated photonic systems," CLEO 2023, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2023.
- Jiawei Zhang, Ziyao Feng, and Xiankai Sun, "Realization of bound states in the continuum in anti-PT-symmetric optical systems: a proposal and analysis," CLEO 2023, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2023.
- Yuanfei Zhang, Xiang Xi, Xiankai Sun, and Chester Shu, "Brillouin-active silicon nano-waveguide suspended on periodic pillars," 2022 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Hong Kong, Nov. 2022. [link]
- Yue Yu, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Observation of mechanical bound states in the continuum in an optomechanical microresonator," Frontiers in Optics 2022, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2022. [postdeadline] [link]
- Yue Yu, Zejie Yu, Zunyue Zhang, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "Wavelength-division multiplexing on etchless lithium niobate integrated platform," Frontiers in Optics 2022, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2022. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, and Xiankai Sun, "Experimental realization of topological parametric phonon lasers," CLEO 2022, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2022. [invited] [link]
- Yue Yu, Zejie Yu, Lai Wang, and Xiankai Sun, "Ultralow-loss etchless lithium niobate integrated photonics at near-visible wavelengths," CLEO 2022, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2022. [link]
- Fan Ye, Yue Yu, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Second-harmonic generation in etchless lithium niobate nanophotonic waveguides with bound states in the continuum," CLEO 2022, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2022. [link]
- Yuan Li and Xiankai Sun, "Anisotropic Dirac cone and slow edge states in a photonic Floquet lattice," CLEO 2022, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2022. [link]
- Yue Yu, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Etchless lithium niobate integrated photonics," International Symposium on Lithium Niobate Optoelectronics 2021, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2021. [invited]
- Xiankai Sun, "Inverse-designed optical devices and modules for high-density photonic integration," Optoelectronic and Communications Conference 2021, Hong Kong, Jul. 2021. [invited] [link]
- Zhan Zhang, Haochuan Li, Taojie Zhou, Karwei Ng, Xiankai Sun, and Zhaoyu Zhang, "Ultra-thin curved microdisk lasers with high quality factor," Optoelectronic and Communications Conference 2021, Hong Kong, Jul. 2021.
- Ziyao Feng, Yang Liu, Lai Wang, and Xiankai Sun, "Phononic integrated circuitry with an etchless fabrication process," CLEO 2021, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2021. [link]
- Yue Yu, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Nonmetallic broadband visible-light absorbers with polarization and incident angle insensitivity," CLEO 2021, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2021. [link]
- Yue Yu, Lai Wang, and Xiankai Sun, "Demonstration of on-chip gigahertz acousto-optic modulation at near-visible wavelengths," CLEO 2021, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2021. [link]
- Ziyao Feng and Xiankai Sun, "Rotation sensing with PT-symmetric circular Bragg lasers," SPIE Photonics West 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA, Mar. 2021. [invited] [link]
- Zejie Yu and Xiankai Sun, "Inverse design of photonic components for large-scale and high-density integration," SPIE Photonics West 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA, Mar. 2021. [invited] [link]
- Xiankai Sun, "Photonic integrated circuits with bound states in the continuum: principle and applications," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2020, Beijing, China, Oct. 2020. [invited] [link]
- Zejie Yu, Yeyu Tong, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "High-dimensional communication on etchless lithium niobate platform with photonic bound states in the continuum," CLEO Pacific Rim 2020, Online Only, Australia, Aug. 2020. [postdeadline] [link]
- Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, Zhong-Hao Zhou, Xin-Xin Hu, Yuan Chen, Chang-Ling Zou, Chun-Hua Dong, and Xiankai Sun, "Experimental investigation of the topological charge of optical force in a solid dielectric," SPIE Optics + Photonics 2020, San Diego, CA, USA, Aug. 2020. [invited] [link]
- Yi Wang, Zejie Yu, Beilei Sun, Yeyu Tong, Jian-Bin Xu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Graphene-silicon nitride photodetector with bound state in the continuum," CLEO 2020, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2020. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Yi Wang, Beilei Sun, Yeyu Tong, Jian-Bin Xu, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "Hybrid two-dimensional-material photonics with bound states in the continuum," CLEO 2020, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2020. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Xiang Xi, Jingwen Ma, Hon-Ki Tsang, Chang-Ling Zou, and Xiankai Sun, "Photonic integrated circuits with bound states in the continuum," CLEO 2020, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2020. [link]
- Zejie Yu and Xiankai Sun, "Acousto-optic modulation of photonic bound state in the continuum," CLEO 2020, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2020. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Ziyao Feng, Yuan Li, and Xiankai Sun, "Topologically protected acoustic wave amplification in an optomechanical array," CLEO 2020, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2020. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Topological nanophotonic circuits based on valley kink states," CLEO 2020, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2020. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Zefeng Chen, Jian-Bin Xu, and Xiankai Sun, "Graphene-assisted electro-optomechanical integration on a silicon-on-insulator platform," CLEO 2020, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2020. [link]
- Hon Ki Tsang, Yi Wang, Rakesh R. Kumar, Zejie Yu, Xiankai Sun, Marina Raevskaia, Vadim Pogoretskii, and Yuqing Jiao, "Bound states in the continuum for photonic integration and InP membranes for heralded single photon generation," SPIE Photonics Europe 2020, Online Only, France, Apr. 2020. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Zefeng Chen, Jian-Bin Xu, and Xiankai Sun, "Graphene metallization of integrated electro-optomechanical resonators," PIERS 2019 in Xiamen, Xiamen, China, Dec. 2019. [invited]
- Ziyao Feng, Jingwen Ma, and Xiankai Sun, "Parity-time-symmetric mechanical array with the cavity optomechanical effect," Frontiers in Optics 2019, Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2019. [link]
- Ziyao Feng, Jingwen Ma, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Parity-time-symmetric circular Bragg lasers: enhanced modal discrimination between azimuthal modes," Frontiers in Optics 2019, Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2019. [link]
- Aosong Feng, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Ultranarrow-band metagrating absorbers for sensing and modulation," CLEO 2019, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2019. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Aosong Feng, Xiang Xi, and Xiankai Sun, "Inverse-designed low-loss and wideband polarization-insensitive waveguide crossing," European Conference on Integrated Optics 2019, Ghent, Belgium, Apr. 2019. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Yang Ma, and Xiankai Sun, "Photonic welding points for arbitrary on-chip optical interconnects," European Conference on Integrated Optics 2019, Ghent, Belgium, Apr. 2019. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Haoran Cui, and Xiankai Sun, "Genetic-algorithm-optimized wideband on-chip polarization rotator with an ultrasmall footprint," CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, Hong Kong, Jul. 2018. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Haoran Cui, and Xiankai Sun, "Genetically optimized on-chip wideband ultracompact reflectors and Fabry-Pérot cavities," CLEO 2018, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2018. [link]
- Xiang Xi, Zefeng Chen, Jingwen Ma, Jian-Bin Xu, and Xiankai Sun, "Graphene nano-optomechanical resonators on an integrated photonic platform," CLEO 2018, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2018. [link]
- Zejie Yu, Wen Zhou, Hon Ki Tsang, and Xiankai Sun, "Recent progress in nano-optomechanical devices at microwave frequencies," SPIE Photonics West 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA, Jan. 2018. [invited] [link]
- Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Xinru Wu, Ming Feng, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Fully suspended nanophotonic waveguide resonators with high quality factor and tailorable operational bandwidth," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2017, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2017. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Xinru Wu, Bofang Zheng, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Fully suspended mid-infrared racetrack resonator with subwavelength grating cladding," Group IV Photonics Conference 2017, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 2017. [link]
- Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Yun Gao, Xinru Wu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Fully suspended slot waveguide racetrack resonators," European Conference on Integrated Optics 2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Apr. 2017. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Xiang Xi, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Hybrid graphene/silicon integrated optical isolators with photonic spin-orbit interaction," IEEE Photonics Conference 2016, Waikoloa, HI, USA, Oct. 2016. [link]
- Jingwen Ma, Xiang Xi, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Spin-orbit interaction of light in photonic nanowaveguides: a proposal of graphene-based optical isolators," PIERS 2016 in Shanghai, Shanghai, China, Aug. 2016. [link]
Magazine Articles
- Jingwen Ma, Xiang Xi, Zejie Yu, and Xiankai Sun, "Hybrid graphene/silicon integrated optical isolators," Optics & Photonics News 27 (12): 49, Dec. 2016. [link]
[selected as one of the world's 30 most clearly communicated breakthroughs in optics in 2016] [link]