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Dr. CHEUNG Kwong Yuen Thomas

Dr CHEUNG Kwong Yuen Thomas 張光源
Dr Thomas Cheung obtained a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Education degree from The University of Hong Kong.  He strongly believes in the importance of lifelong learning, and devoted time to part-time studies, earning a Bachelor of Arts and PhD from University of London.
Dr Cheung is Former Director of Development and Educational Assessment of HKEAA.  Before joining HKEAA, he served as a secondary school teacher in Physics and Mathematics.  He first joined HKEAA as the subject manager in Physics.  He participated in the work of the HKCEE, HKHLE, HKALE, and HKDSE, mainly looking after development work, e.g., preparation of curriculum and assessment guides together with EDB, preparation of question papers and marking schemes, and co-ordination of marking and grading.  He retired in 2014 after more than thirty years of service in HKEAA.
Dr Cheung is interested in teaching and understanding young people.  He hopes that the Mentorship Scheme can broaden students’ horizons and encourage mutual exploration between mentors and mentees through exchange and interaction.

