Dr. Ng Yuen Hang
BA(University of Northumbria at Newcastle), MSSAS, PhD (CityU) 3943 3255This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Research Interests
- Youth work
- Career and life development
- Quality of life and well-being
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
Ngai, S.S.Y., Wang, L., Cheung, C.K., Mo, J.H., Ng, Y.H., & Wang, P.Q. (2021). Development and validation of the Youth Career Development Competency Scale: A study based on Hong Kong youth. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 12494. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312494
Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., Ng, Y.H., Shang, L., Tang, H.Y., Ngai, H.L., & Wong, K.H.C. (2021). Time effects of supportive interaction and facilitator input variety on treatment adherence of young people with chronic health conditions: A dynamic mechanism in mutual aid groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 3061. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18063061
Ngai, S. S. Y., Jiang, S., Cheung, C. K., Tang, H. Y., Ngai, H. L., & Ng, Y. H. (2021). Measuring development of self-help organizations for patients with chronic illness/disability in Hong Kong: Development and validation of the Self-Help Organization Development (SHOD) Scale. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1351. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18031351
Ngai, S. S. Y., Cheung, C. K., Ng, Y. H., Tang, H. Y., Ngai, H. L., & Wong, K. H. C. (2020). Development and validation of the chronic illness self-management (CISM) scale: Data from a young patient sample in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review, 114(May). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105077
Ng, Y. H. (2019). Discrepancy reduction: Conducting focus group with senior citizens in Hong Kong. In K. K. Tsang, D. Liu, & Y. Hong (Eds.), Challenges and Opportunities in Qualitative Research (pp. 63–80). Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-5811-1
Ngai, S. S. Y., Cheung, C. K., & Ng, Y. H. (2018). Drug use history as a moderator of the effects of virtuous orientation on the realization of drug harm in youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 95(June), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.10.025
Ngai, S. S. Y., Cheung, C. K., Xie, L., Ng, Y. H., Ngai, H. L., Liu, Y., & Ho, J. C. M. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Parental Bonding Instrument: Data from a Chinese adolescent sample in Hong Kong. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(7), 2112–2124. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-018-1058-8
Ngai, S. S. Y., Xie, L., Ng, Y. H., & Ngai, H. L. (2018). The effects of parenting behavior on prosocial behavior of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review, 87, 154–162. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.02.030
Ng, Y. H., Chan, R. K. H., & Hu, M. (2018). Private and public resources impacts on the development of 2 global perspective in China. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 06(09), 48–62. https://doi.org/10.4236/jss.2018.69004
Ng, Y. H. (2014). Active ageing and senior volunteering in Hong Kong. In R. K. H. Chan, L. R. Wang, & J. O. Zinn (Eds.), Social Issues and Policies in Asia: Family, Ageing and Work (pp. 77–96). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ng, Y. H. (2013). Xianggang youeryuan jiaoshi gongzuo yali yu yingdui celue yanjiu [Work stress and coping strategies of kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong]. Kexue jiaoyu, 11.