Welcome to hkcdel
The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership
The Centre logo is dervied from the ancient Chinese Character "Shou", which means "leader".

About us 
HKCDEL was established under the auspices of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research (HKIER) in late 1998 as a major vehicle for advancing the practice, understanding and development of leadership at all levels of education. Through working closely with practicing educational leaders, the Centre aims to provide quality research, development and training activities for educational leaders in Hong Kong, the Asia-Pacific Region and the wider international community. 
The Centre aims to promote the professionalism of educational leaders by: 
  • providing supportive services in the form of training courses; 
  • offering consultancy services to individuals and institutions; 
  • developing connections with other leadership centres; and 
  • promoting research in educational leadership and administration. 
The Centre offers a wide range of activities related to Educational Leadership, including courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, research, consultancy, exchanges and visits, experience-sharing and lectures by visiting speakers. 
1. Objectives of the HKCDEL 
  • To promote the professionalism of educational leadership in Hong Kong as educational institutions move rapidly toward greater self-management. 
  • To promote the dissemination of new ideas and best practice in the area of educational leadership. 
  • To provide supportive services in the form of training courses and professional development opportunities for educational leaders in Hong Kong educational institutions. 
  • To work closely with practising leaders, sponsoring bodies and the Education Bureau to promote the improvement of leadership practice in Hong Kong educational institutions. 
  • To offer consultancy services to individual institutions or groups of institutions with specific needs. 
  • To form linkages with regional and international leadership centres. 
  • To actively promote linkages between educational leaders in Hong Kong and China through co-operation with similar centres in China and other bodies concerned with the development of educational leadership. 
  • To encourage and support research into various facets of educational administration in general and educational leadership in particular. 
2. Target Client Groups 
  • School and College Principals and Vice Principals 
  • Heads of Departments in various institutions 
  • Panel Chairpersons 
  • DOE administrative personnel and supervisors 
  • Teachers and teacher supervisors 
  • Senior teachers 
  • University administrators 
3. Main Activities 
The following types of activities will be conducted by the Centre to meet the needs of its clients:  
  • The Centre will develop courses for educational leaders at various levels and in relevant areas as advertised by the Education Bureau and other employing bodies. Such activities will be designed to meet systemic objectives in terms of educational leadership development. 
  • The Centre will develop tailor-made courses for specific groups at their request. Such courses will be designed to meet the specific needs of clients and be run either at the Centre or on-site. Such activities will be designed to meet client-identified needs in terms of leadership development. 
  • The Centre will adopt a proactive stance in developing programmes for offer to the local educational community based on its mission and objectives. In doing so the Centre will draw on the expertise of local, regional and overseas academics. 
  • In line with the aforementioned three areas of activity, the Centre will produce training packages for educational leaders in Hong Kong. 
  • The Centre will actively develop working links with other leadership centres and training agencies in Hong Kong, China and around the world. In time, we would expect to run development courses for and with Chinese and other Regional bodies on various sites. 
  • The Centre will actively encourage research into educational administration and leadership in Hong Kong and attempt to disseminate this information through publication in journals and other forums, including the publication of a regular Centre Newsletter and specific monographs. These activities will be done in close co-operation with the HKIER. 
  • The Centre will offer seminars and organize conferences aimed at exploring and discussing issues relevant to educational leaders in Hong Kong. In time, it may also organize study tours both from and to Hong Kong. 
  • The Centre will form and nurture networks with local educational leaders for purposes of support, discussion and development. 
  • In time, we will be able to offer an accreditation system for educators as a way of promoting continuous leadership development. We will also eventually design our courses to ‘fit’ with formal degree courses at CUHK and thereby to encourage interest in these programmes. 
4. Latest Programme  
  • Programme for Leadership Enhancement for Serving Vice-Principals (LVP) 
  • Leadership Enrichment and Development Programme for Non-teaching Education Professionals (NTEPs)