Welcome to hkcdel
The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership
The Centre logo is dervied from the ancient Chinese Character "Shou", which means "leader".

Staff Profiles
Post Name Phone Email
Co-Director Prof. YUEN Yuet-mui, Celeste 3943 3038 yuetmuiyuen@cuhk.edu.hk 
Co-Director Prof. WONG Heung-sang Stephen 3943 3409
Project Coordinator Ms CHAN Ping Ping, Stella 3943 0335 pingpingchan@cuhk.edu.hk
Research Assistant Miss HUNG Choi Man 3943 0334 choimanhung@cuhk.edu.hk
Research Assistant Miss TANG Geyin, Gracey 2603 6907 geyintang@cuhk.edu.hk
Research Assistant Miss WANG Ke, Coco / cocowang@cuhk.edu.hk