Silver medal at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, 15 April 2019

TOYP Hong Kong Award:

Awardee of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2013

Faculty Award:

Outstanding Performance / Achievement in Research and Scholarly Activities (2009), FHSS, POLYU

Grand Award:

HKIE innovation awards for young members 2008
(Ir. Dr. Lo Wai-kwok (President, HKIE) and Ir. Dr. Raymond Tong)


LIST OF HONORS/AWARDS FROM MY STUDENTS ( 14 Research Awards and 11 Innovation and Entrepreneur awards)

Research Awards with postgraduate and undergraduate students in BME under my supervision

1.       Bronze: Best Presentation Award (2022) 15th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe), Marko Chan (Advisors: Raymond TONG)

2.       Selected as the finalist of the Best Paper Award for The 15th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA2022). ZHOU Changqiu, SHI Xiangqian, LI Zheng, TONG Raymond  (Advisors:  Raymond TONG and  Zheng LI)

3.       Silver Award (2020) 第六屆中國國際“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽, Heung Ho Lam, Tang Zhi Qiang, Shi Xiangqian (Advisors: Raymond TONG and Zheng LI)

4.       Bronze Award (2020) 「航天科工盃」第七屆「創青春」中國青年創新創業大賽, Heung Ho Lam, Tang Zhi Qiang, Shi Xiangqian (Advisors: Raymond TONG and Zheng LI)

5.       Third Prize (2020)黃埔盃」第七屆「創青春」廣東青年創新創業大賽暨第三屆粵港澳大灣區青年創新創業大賽, HEUNG Ho Lam, TANG Zhiqiang, SHI Xiangqian (Advisor: Raymond TONG)

6.       Second prize (Category: Entrepreneurship) (2020) 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Heung Ho Lam, Tang Zhi Qiang, Shi Xiangqian (Advisors: Raymond TONG and Zheng LI) Project: Soft Wearable Exoskeletons for rehabilitation

7.       First Place (2018) the IEEE EMBS 2018 Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) HACKATHON in Honolulu, USA PhD students: Bao Shichuan, Wang Xin, Fang Yuqi, (Supervisor: Raymond TONG)

8.       First Runner-up (2018), Sun Rui, Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association(HKMHDIA) Student Research Award 2018 (Supervisor: Raymond TONG)

9.       Winner (2012), Rong Wei,  Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association(HKMHDIA) Student Research Award 2012, (Supervisor: Raymond TONG)

10.   First Runner-up (2011), Zhang Shaojie, Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association(HKMHDIA) Student Research Award 16 December 2011(Supervisor: Raymond TONG)

11.   First Prize Winner (2011), the "IEEE EMBS Hong Kong Chapter Student Paper Competition 2011". Zheng KE Ishtar, IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS) Hong Kong Chapter, 20 Aug 2011 (Supervisor: Raymond TONG)

12.   Winner: Best presentation in Biomedical Engineering Postgraduate Symposium (2011), Zheng KE Ishtar, Department of Health Technology and Informatics(HTI) 27 May 2011 (Supervisor: Raymond TONG)

13.   Winner(2007): Best Final Year Project Award, Biomedical Engineering: Cheng Heung, Department of Health Technology and Informatics, PolyU, 2007 (Supervisor: Raymond TONG)

14.   First Runner Up (2007): Best Final Year Project Award, Biomedical Engineering: Leung Cristina,  Department of Health Technology and Informatics, PolyU 2007 (Supervisor: Raymond TONG)


Innovative Entrepreneur Awards with postgraduate and undergraduate students in BME under my supervision

1.       Most Innovative Award (2018) EMedIC Global, Kelvin Heung;  Project: Soft robot hand, Hong Kong

2.       First Place (2018) IEEE EMBS 2018 Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) HACKATHON, Bao Shichuan, Fang Yuqi and Wang Xin

3.       Winner (2008): Luk Hon Kit (Alex), Wong Kwun Kit(Ivan), Yuen Siu Hong, Project: E-Gripper(練力寶), Rehabilitation Device Competition 2008, Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services, Hong Kong, 21 Nov 2008

4.       Diamond Award of Innovation Winner (the highest honour). (2006) (PolyU-IDT Innovative Entrepreneur Contest) & Category Award Winner (Health Care & Personal Devices): Fan Man Chun, Li Ho Wa, Lau Sze Man and Chan Shing San, Dr. Stimulus –multisensory system PolyU-IDT Innovative Entrepreneur contest 2005-2006

5.       Best Business Plan and Promotion Plan Award (2005): Chan KKJ, Lau KT, Wong YF, Rehabilitation Training System, Dr. Kong Footcare Ltd. 2004/05, Hong Kong

6.       Diamond Award of Innovation Winner (the highest honour) (2005) (PolyU-IDT Innovative Entrepreneur Contest) & Category Award Winner (Health Care & Personal Devices): Tao Man Wai, Tommy, Yao Zhengzhong, Chong King Hang, Niki, and Hui Fung Fung, (2005) Tele-Virtual Reality System for Elderly Exercises(TREE) PolyU-IDT Innovative Entrepreneur contest 2004-2005

7.       First Runner Up (2004): Tao Man Wai, Tommy, Yao Zhengzhong  Chong King Hang, Niki, VR Fitness Exercise System, Innovation competition organized by Easy Finder - Trading Express, Hong Kong, issue no.673, p.17, 15 Dec. 2004

8.       Award Winner: Au Kwan Ip and Chong Shing Hei (2003) Virtual Reality Rehabilitation System, HKGCC Innovative Business Contest for University Students (02-03), organized by Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. (a total of 102 proposals from over 200 students)

9.       3rd Class Award, LEUNG Tak Yiu, Kelvin (2003) Computerized Stroke Rehabilitator , the 8th “Challenge Cup” Competition, South China University of Technology, China, 20-24 Nov 2003

10.   Category Award - First Runner Up (2003) (IT & Health Care Products): Au Kwan Ip and Chong Shing Hei, Virtual Reality-Based Exercise, PolyU-IDT Innovative Entrepreneur contest 2002-2003;

11.   Award Winner (2002): Leung KTY  Computerised Stroke Rehabilitator (CSR),PolyU-IDT Innovative Entrepreneur contest 2001-2002, Category: Electrical Appliances and Health Care Products.



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