In Dialogue with Humanity
Best Essay Award - Gold Award |
THEODORES Jessica Year 3, Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis, New Asia College Beyond the Difficulties

Best Essay Award - Silver Awards |
LEE Ho Yeung Year 2, Philosophy, New Asia College 佛教與存在主義談「自我」與苦難

TSOI Chi Hang Year 1, Exercise Science and Health Education, Chung Chi College 慾望和需要 ‧ 世上第一個拿着果子的女人的疑惑
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Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards |
CHAN Hing Chak Year 1, Economics, Chung Chi College 「人是萬物的尺度」——從儒釋兩家尋求回應

HUI Chai Yeung Year 1, Architectural Studies, New Asia College 建築與自由

WONG Siu Hin Year 1, Medicine, Wu Yee Sun College The Meaningless Meaning in the Meaningless World

WONG Wing Ki Year 1, Medicine, Lee Woo Sing College The Intertwinement of Life, Death, and Love

In Dialogue with Nature
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Best Essay Award - Gold Award |
No prize awarded this year

Best Essay Award - Silver Award |
WONG Chi Ngai Year 1, Cell and Molecular Biology, S.H. Ho College Science and Divinities

Best Essay Award - Bronze Award |
LAM Wing Tong Year 4, Fine Arts, New Asia College Pursuing Truth, Beauty, and Goodness with Modern Science: An Analysis of the Strengths and Limitations of Scientific Methodology

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