Established in 1990, the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS) aims to promote multi-disciplinary research on social, economic and political development. HKIAPS is devoted to fostering academic exchange by organizing regular public lectures, seminars and international conferences. The Institute also disseminates research findings to the public through the publication of research monographs and occasional papers. |
Objectives |
The objectives of the HKIAPS are: |
To develop the CUHK into a research and academic centre of excellence in the interrelated study of Hong Kong, mainland China, and the Asia-Pacific region; |
To enable Hong Kong to better adjust to and make best use of the changes taking place in China and the Asia-Pacific region; |
To serve as a “think-tank” for the Hong Kong government, the Chinese government, and policymakers in public and private sectors; |
To broaden the intellectual horizon of the policymakers and to develop policy alternatives for the community. |