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Centre for Urban Innovations
Cheong, T.S., Li, J.* & Cheng, W.W. (2021). Distribution Dynamics of China’s Regional Housing Price Disparity. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 25(1), 51–70.
Chung, S.Y., Y. Xu* (2020). Reliability and resilience in a regulated electricity market: Hong Kong under Typhoon Mangkhut. Utilities Policy, 67, 101–134.
Guo Y. and He S.Y.* (2021). The role of objective and perceived built environments in affecting dockless bike-sharing as a feeder mode choice of metro commuting. Transportation Research Part A, 149, 377–396..
Guo Y. and He S.Y.* (2021). Perceived built environment and dockless bikeshare as a feeder mode of metro, Transportation Research Part D, 92, 102693..
Guo Y. and He S.Y.* (2020). Built environment effects on the integration of dockless bike sharing and the Metro, Transportation Research Part D, 83, 102335..
He S.Y.*, Chakrabarti S., and Cheung Y.H.Y. (2020). A time-use perspective of out-of-home activity participation by older people in Hong Kong, Asian Geographer..
He S.Y.*, Tao S., Cheung Y.H.Y., Puczkowskyj N., and Lin Z. (2021). Transit-oriented development, perceived neighbourhood gentrification and sense of community: A case study of Hong Kong, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9, 555–566..
He S.Y.*, Thøgersen J., Cheung Y.H.Y., and Yu A.H.Y. (2020). Ageing in a transit-oriented city: Satisfaction with transport, social inclusion and wellbeing, Transport Policy, 97, 85–94.
He, S.Y.*, Tao, S., Ng, M.K*. and Tieben, H. (2020). Evaluating Hong Kong’s spatial planning in new towns from the perspectives of job accessibility, travel mobility, and work-life balance. Journal of the American Planning Association, 86( 3), 324-338, DOI: .
He, S.Y.*, Wu, D., Chen, H., Hou, Y. and Ng, M.K.* (2020). New towns and the local agglomeration economy. Habitat International, 98, .
Kim U., Lee J., and He S.Y.* (2021). Pedestrianization Impacts on Air Quality Perceptions and Environment Satisfaction: The Case of Regenerated Streets in Downtown Seoul, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 10225.
Li, C., Ng, M.K.*, Tang, Y. and Fung, T. (2021). From a ‘world factory’ to China’s Bay Area: a review of the Outline of the Development Plan for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Planning Theory and Practice, .
Li, J.*, Fang W.X., Shi Y. & Ren C. (2021). Assessing Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts on Housing Prices in Hong Kong: A Time Series Study of 2006, 2011 and 2016. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s10901-021-09898-x.
Li, J.*, Wei, Y.G. & Chiang, Y.H. (2020). Bubbles or Cycles? Housing Price Dynamics in China’s Major Cities. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 24(2), 90–101.
Li, Y., Chevallier, J., Wei, Y., & Li, J.* (2020). Identifying price bubbles in the US, European and Asian natural gas market: Evidence from a GSADF test approach. Energy Economics, 104740.
Luo S. and He S.Y.* (2021). Understanding gender difference in perceptions toward transit services across space and time: A social media mining approach. Transport Policy, 111, 63–73..
Luo S. and He S.Y.* (2021). Using data mining to explore the spatial and temporal dynamics of perceptions of metro services in China: The case of Shenzhen, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48, 449–466..
Ng, M.K.* et al (2021). Sustainable Communities for People’s Multi-faceted Well-being. CUHK: Knowledge Transfer Project, 51p. (bilingual).
Ng, M.K.*, Lau, Y.T., Chen, H. and He, S. (2021). Dual land regime, income inequalities and multifaceted socio-economic and spatial segregation in Hong Kong. In van Ham, M., Tammaru, T., Ubarevicinene, R. and Janssen, H. (2021). Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality, Springer..
Ng, M.K.*, Li, C.Y., Sin, Y.C., Cheung, L.Y., Fok, K.Y. (2021). Healthy and Sustainable Tsuen Wan. Tsuen Wan District Council, 183p. (in Chinese).
Ng, M.K.* (2020). Hong Kong’s head start in tackling the new coronavirus. CIDOB Report #05, 2020: Cities on the Frontline: Managing the Coronavirus Crisis, 81-5, downloadable at:.
Ng, M.K.* (2020). Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and pandemic planning. Planning Theory and Practice, 21(4), pp.507–12, downloadable at: .
Ng, M.K.* (2020). The making of ‘violent’ Hong Kong: A centennial dream? A fight for democracy? A challenge to humanity? Planning Theory and Practice, 21(3), 483–494, DOI:.
Ng, M.K.* and Mak, Winnie W.S. (2020). The right to spatial development for human flourishing, Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 4(1), 22–32, downloadable at: .
Ng, M.K.* (2020). Transformative urbanism and reproblematising land scarcity in Hong Kong. Urban Studies, 57(7), 1452–1468.
Ng, M.K.* (2020). Challenges and opportunities of institutionalising community planning in Hong Kong. In Liu, J-Y, Community Planners—Institutional Innovation and Practice Exploration, Beijing: China Construction Industry Press, pp.138–153 (in Chinese). ISBN: 9787112252695.
Ng, M.K.* (2020). Urban and regional planning: a continuing blindness to “local and regional ecological cum social contexts”? In Cheng, J. (ed.) (2020). Evaluation of the C.Y. Leung Administration, Hong Kong: City University Press, pp.531–564.
Pan, G., Y. Xu*, B. Huang, 2021. Evaluating national and subnational CO2 mitigation goals in China’s thirteenth five-year plan from satellite observations. Environment International. 56, 106771.
Pan, G., Y. Xu*, J. Ma, 2021. The potential of CO2 satellite monitoring for climate governance: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, 277: 111423.
Sharma, T., Y. Xu*, 2021. Domestic and International CO2 Source-Sink Matching for Decarbonizing India’s Electricity. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 174: 105824.
Shi, X.P., Cheong, T.S., & Li, J. (2021). Evolution of Future World Coal Consumption: Insights from a Distribution Dynamics Approach. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 27(2), 186–207.
Sun, Y., Ng, M.K.* and Chao, T.S. (2020). Age-friendly urbanism: intertwining “ageing in place” and “place in ageing”. Town Planning Review, 91(6), 601–619.
an, X.Y., Huang, B., Batty, M. & Li, J.* (2020). Urban Spatial Organization, Multifractals, and Evolutionary Patterns in Large Cities. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1–20.
ao S. and He S.Y.* (2021). Job accessibility and joint household travel: A study of Hong Kong with a particular focus on new town residents, Transportation, 48, 1379–1407..
Tao S., He S.Y.*, Kwan M.-P., and Luo S. (2020). Does low income translate into lower mobility? An investigation of activity space in Hong Kong between 2002 and 2011, Journal of Transport Geography, 82, 102583..
Tao S., He S.Y.*, and Luo S. (2020). The influence of job accessibility on local residential segregation of ethnic minorities: a study of Hong Kong, Population, Space and Place, 26(8), e2353..
Wang, D.K., Li, J.*, Yu, H.Y. (2020). Mass Appraisal Modeling of Real Estate in Urban Center by Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression: A Case Study of Beijing’s Core Area. Land, 9(5), 1–18.
Wang Z., He S.Y.* (2021). Impacts of food accessibility and built environment on on-demand food delivery usage. Transportation Research Part D, 100, 103017.
Wei, Y.G., Li, Y., Li, J.*, Wang, Y., & Qiang, Z.Y. (2020). Regional and Longitudinal Disparity of Housing Bubbles in the U.S. markets: Evidence from GSADF Tests. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 146(1), 04019027.
Wong, T.Y., Y. Xu*, Y. Chang, 2020. Cross-Boundary Air Pollution Control under "One Country, Two Systems": Perspectives from Hong Kong-Guangdong Collaboration, The Singapore Economic Review. 65(03): 601–625.
Xu, Y.*, L. Zhu, D. Chang, M. Tsimplis, C. Greig, S. Wright, 2021. International chains of CO2 capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) in a carbon-neutral world. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 167, 105433.
Xu, Y., 2020. Environmental Policy and Air Pollution in China: Governance and Strategy, Routledge, London. 1st edition. 212 pages..
Yan, X., Y. Xu*, 2021. SO2 mitigation in China’s coal-fired power plants: A satellite-based assessment on compliance and enforcement. Atmospheric Environment, 118396.
Zhang, Z., Li, J.*, Fung, T., Yu, H.Y., Mei, C.L., Leung, Y. & Zhou, Y. (2021). Multiscale geographically and temporally weighted regression with a unilateral temporal weighting scheme and its application in the analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of house prices in Beijing. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1–25.
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