E-Journal Collection

E-Journal Collection

CUHK Library is committed to preserve the contents of valuable journals and make them accessible online in order to promote scholarly research and to support teaching and learning at the University. Throughout the past decades, the Library has digitized a number of journals for different digitization projects. Many colleges, academic departments and research centers/institutes of the Chinese University of Hong Kong also publish printed or electronic journals. There is a need to have a single platform so as to provide convenient access to all these e-journals and preserve their contents on a long-term basis. This E-Journal Collection is the initiative of the Library to serve these purposes. We will continuously develop this Collection by adding new contents and seeking collaboration with different academic units of the University.

Besides providing accessing to e-journals digitized by the Library or published by the University, this Collection is also the platform where the Library hosts the content of some valuable e-journals that authorize the Library to place them online. A good example in case is Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology. It is the first e-journal launched in this Collection. We are very grateful for the trust and support of the Institute of Sino-Christian Studies. If you are interested in our hosting service, please visit this page (http://repository.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/services) for details, or contact us at digitization@lib.cuhk.edu.hk.