道風 : 漢語神學學刊 = Logos & pneuma : Chinese journal of theology.

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About Logos & Pneuma

Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology is a semi-annual journal. Re-issued since 1994, it aims at promoting cross-disciplinary Christian studies. The theme of each issue, illustrating its latest academic development, is organized by scholars who excel in the specific field. All articles are double-blind peer reviewed. The journal is among the few Chinese religious studies journals that have been included in established international journal indexes, including Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Religious and Theological Abstracts and Scopus.


《道風》復刊於1994年,為半年刊。學刊原初的副標題為「漢語神學學刊」,直至2000年(第12期)副標題改為「基督教文化評論」,旨為更明確顯示漢語神學的特質是跨學科的基督宗教研究,而非僅僅關注神學研究。每期設立「神學主題」,由專家學者擔任主題策劃和嚴格執行匿名評審制。學刊已收入多個國際權威論文索引,包括Arts & Humanities Citation Index、Religious and Theological Abstracts及Scopus。