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Course Programme

Dates: 2 May 2023 – 19 May 2023
Every Tuesday and Friday
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:15p.m.
Date Mode Session Topic Teacher
Face-to-Face Introduction and basics Introduction to infectious diseases and clinical microbiology

Prof C Lai

Hand hygiene (with practical)

Dr Tony Ng

Modes of transmission of infectious diseases

Dr Tony Ng

Face-to-Face Preventing cross infections Principles and key elements of infection prevention and control programme

Dr Tony Ng

Appropriate use of personal protective equipment

Dr WF Chan

Appropriate use of personal protective equipment (Practical)

Dr WF Chan

Common infections in elderly homes Common infections in elderly homes

Prof Rita Ng

Problems of multidrug resistant organisms (MDRO)

Prof C Lai

Update information on COVID-19

Prof C Lai

Infection control practices in elderly homes Basics of isolation precautions

Dr WF Chan

Management of outbreaks in elderly homes

Prof C Lai

Setting up and practicing of infection control guidelines

Dr WF Chan

Face-to-Face Infection control programme and practical skills Staff health issues and sharps injury preventions

Prof Mamie Hui

Environmental hygiene and use of disinfectants

Prof Mamie Hui

Clinical waste management, daily nursing activities and infection control (group discussion)

Dr WF Chan

Face-to-Face Case sharing, update informant, and wrap up Case discussion (group discussion)

Dr Tony Ng

Handling of COVID-19 in elderly homes+RCHD

Dr Tony Ng

Wrap up

Prof C Lai