Method 1: Online submission system (on or before 17 September, 2010)
Method 2: Please kindly complete the presentation application form (pdf/doc) and send us the completed form with your short paper (optional) on or before 17 September 2010:
► through email to learn.lam@cuhk.edu.hk,
► to CLEAR either by fax (852) 2603 6804,
► or by mail to
The Expo Organizing Committee
Centre for
Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR)
Rm 302, Academic Building No. 1, CUHK
Please note that talk and/or poster presenters are given the choice to submit either an abstract or a short paper for inclusion onto the Expo proceedings. The abstract/ short paper for the presentation will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee. Relevance to the theme and sub-themes of the Expo event and originality of approach are our major consideration. Successful applicants will be notified by 27 September 2010.