Workshops and Conferences

2023  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar

2022  The Third Southern Institute of Chinese Linguistics

2022  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar

2021  The 25th International Conference on Yue Dialects

2021  The Second Southern Institute of Chinese Linguistics

2021  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar

2020  Southern Institute of Chinese Linguistics

2020  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar

2020  The Fourth Forum on University Chinese
         (in Chinese only)

2019  Summer Workshop on Chinese Linguistics

2019  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar

2019  Greater Bay Area Chinese Forum

2018  The 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language

2018  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar

2017  CUHK-KU Workshop on Chinese Grammar

2017  International Symposium on Chinese in the Maritime Silk Road

2017  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar

2016  Workshop on Word Order of Heads

2016  Roundtable on Current Issues in Light Verb Syntax in Chinese

2016  The Third Forum on University Chinese
         (in Chinese only)

2016  The Sixteenth Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-16)

2016  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar
         (in Chinese only)

2015  20th International Conference on Yue Dialects

2015  Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar
         (in Chinese only)

2014  Workshop on the Naxi Language
         (in Chinese only)

2014  Forum on University Chinese in the Four Year Curriculum
         (in Chinese only)

2014  Workshop on the Syntax of Topics

2013  Workshop on the Syntax of Ellipsis

2012  Symposium on Word Order in Chinese

2012  The Twelfth Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-12)