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Nursing Leadership and Management: Useful Websites

Useful Websites


Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff

A local association that represents nurses in promoting their interest and rights. 

Census and Statistics Department 政府統計處 

Census and Statistics Department provides major social and economic official statistics of Hong Kong.

College of Nuring Hong Kong

It is an organization of nurses committed to professional excellence in nursing for the benefit of the health of the community. 

Department of Health

Hong Kong's Department of Health is responsible for healthcare policies and the provision of basic healthcare services in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Academy of Nursing 

The Academy promotes the improvement of nursing care by developing continuing education for nurses and midwives.

Hospital Authority

A statutory body established on 1 December 1990 under the Hospital Authority Ordinance to manage all public hospitals in Hong Kong.

Job Opportunity at Hospital Authority

The Nursing Council of Hong Kong

Fulfil the statutory obligations as stipulated in the Nurses Registration Ordinance and to ensure the quality of nursing practice in Hong Kong. 

Various nurses associations in Hong Kong

Provides links to various nurses associations in Hong Kong (prepared by The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Limited)


Databases          E-Journals           E-Books        Writings            Multimedia           Guidelines        Professional Organizations          Others



PubMed includes over 18 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to 1948. It also includes links to full text articles and other related resources. 

Trip Database

The Trip search system has a collection of high quality of secondary evidence ranging from systematic reviews and clinical guidelines to evidence-based synopses and clinical Q&As.



BioMed Central Journals

Publisher of 199 peer-reviewed open access journals. 



Merck Manuals

It is a series of healthcare books for medical professionals and consumers. 

NCBI Bookshelf

NCBI Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare. 

National Academies Press

The National Academies Press (NAP) was created by the National Academy of Sciences to publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.


Writings For Health Care Professionals

Citation Style Manuals for Health Sciences

A collection of health sciences related citation styles manuals by University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. 

Instruction to Authors from Health Science Journals

Direct links to thousands of publishers of the health science journals on the instruction to Authors (by the University of Toledo, Mulford Health Science Library). 

Copyright Information in Hong Kong

Links to websites on copyright information from Hong Kong relevant government departments, organizations and CUHK.



On-Line Images from the History of Medicine

This system provides access to nearly 60,000 images (reproducing photographs, artwork, and printed texts) drawn from the extensive collection of the History of Medicine Division at the US National Library of Medicine. 

Radiographic Anatomy of the Skeleton

Images of different part of human body. 




MedlinePlus is a free Web site that provides consumer health information for patients, families, and health care providers 


Professional Organizations

American Organization of Nurse Leadership

The American Organization of Nurse Executives has provided leadership, professional development, advocacy and research to advance nursing practice and patient care, promote nursing leadership excellence and shape public policy for health care.

ANA Leadership Institute, American Nurses Association

ANA Leadership Institute for a nurse interested in excelling in a career path, a leader within a health care organization who represents the interests of the nursing profession, a seasoned nurse or health care administrator interested in refining skills to differentiate them from the competition or to advance to the next level of leadership.



Medscape is the leading medical resource most used by physicians, medical students, nurses and other healthcare professionals for clinical information.


SUMSearch uses meta-searching and contingency searching to automate searches for medical evidence 

This page is compiled by the CUHK Library which collects the e-version of journals and newsletters published by the medical related professional organizations of Hong Kong.




Chinese Medicine



Emergency Medicine


Gerontology and Geriatrics

Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Midwifery


Infectious Diseases



Orthopaedics, Physiotherapy, Sport Sciences



Palliative Medicine




Public Health



