New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Application Guidelines and Regulations for Exhibition Facilities
A) Application Guidelines
- Library accepts both departmental application (Faculties, Departments and Administrative Units) and individual application (CUHK students and alumni). Priority will be given to members of the New Asia College. Applications from non-CUHK members will be considered if the display is jointly hosted with CUHK members, and the art works of CUHK members form the majority of the display.
For individual application:
a) In each academic year (1 July – 30 June), the first-time submission (solo or joint display) of the applicant(s) will be processed upon receipt of the application form.
b) The second and further submissions from the same applicant will be processed after reviewing other submissions. The applicant(s) will be notified of the result no later than 20 weeks ahead of the reservation period.
- A completed application form, detailed exhibition proposals (maximum 250 words) and recent artwork samples (electronic format preferred) of each applicant should be submitted to the New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library. Concept, type, quantity, dimensions, decoration methods and arrangement of art works shall be clearly indicated on the proposal. Materials submitted will be treated as important indicator for approving applicants’ application.
- Applicants should pay a deposit of HK$2,000 within 1 month upon the submission is approved in principle. It will be refunded upon completion of the event. The deposit will be partially / fully forfeited if the applicants fail to clean up the exhibition areas or caused any damage to the facilities. The Library reserves all rights to claim further maintenance or replacement charges.
- The facilities could be reserved 12 months in advance, and the reservation period is normally 2 weeks (generally start from Monday in the 1st week and end on Friday of the 2nd week). Special arrangement may be made upon request.
- Applicants should provide the Library the poster(s) and promotional materials in both Chinese and English 2 months ahead of the event. The Library will send out the information to relevant CUHK departments and units for publicity.
- No transfer or sublet of the application to other persons is allowed.
- The opening hours of the exhibition areas is the same as the opening hours of the Library.
- The Library reserves all rights to examine and approve the event to be held at the New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library. The Library may cancel the application or terminate the event without notice if applicants fail to observe the “Application Guidelines and Regulations for Exhibition Facilities” or the “The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library Regulations”. The Library shall not be responsible for any damage or loss caused by such cancellation or termination.
- The CUHK Library makes no representations about the content of the exhibition.
B) Regulations
- All bouquets have to be removed within 3 days.
- Applicants are responsible for arranging refreshment, holding event, receiving guests, and cleaning if necessary.
- Outdoor Reading Area on the 2/F of the Library is the only place available for arranging refreshment. Applicants should inform library the schedule of the refreshment and resume a clean and tidy condition of the venue afterwards.
- Non-CUHK members need to present the invitation letter for admission to the Library.
- Applicants have to provide the invitation list of non-CUHK members for record.
- Applicants are responsible for installing and dismantling the art works. All materials shall be removed at the end of the reservation period.
- Applicants should follow the instruction of the Library staff (include installation and dismantlement) during the reservation period.
- To avoid disturbance to other users, applicants should keep voice level to a minimum during installing and dismantling.
- Using screw or glue for installing the art works on the exhibition board or floor is prohibited. Only copper nails, metal staples and picture frame hangers with wire can be used for hanging up the art works.
- Lighting fire or using of naked frame (including candles) is prohibited. Art works should not be made of inflammable materials.
- Attaching items on the wooden pillars or outside the exhibition areas is prohibited.
- Defacing or painting on the exhibition facilities is prohibited.
- Displaying pet or animal is prohibited. Plants can only be displayed upon approval.
- Displaying food or drinks in the exhibition areas is prohibited.
- Selling of any kinds of merchandise or art works is prohibited. Advertisement or photos with commercial element are not accepted for display.
- Applicants should not in any manner infringe any copyright and shall indemnify the Library against all claims, actions, demands and costs by reasons of any infringement of copyright.
- Applicants should ensure a clear passageway and a safe area. Fixtures, fittings and electricity cables should be safely secured after the installation.
- Applicants should take safety precaution on preventing electrical hazards such as overloading and electric leakage.
- Applicants are responsible for their own risks of any loss or damage and causing injury to any persons during the event, which may consider to take out insurance to cover those issues. The Library is not responsible for the concerned issues above which may be caused.
Latest Updated: 17 June 2022