CUHK eNews | Jan 2022



Cut back on meat could help China breathe easier

A groundbreaking cross-disciplinary study
led by CUHK and the University of Exeter has shown that higher meat consumption poses immediate health risks to everyone and not just to meat eaters. The research links rising meat consumption in China to dangerous air pollution that leads to tens of thousands of premature deaths each year.


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Propelling innovation in Hong Kong and beyond

CUHK has established six InnoHK Centres covering health, biomedicine, robotics and artificial intelligence under the InnoHK initiative, a HK$10 billion (US$1.3 billion) scheme of the Hong Kong Government to develop the city as the hub for global research collaboration. In partnership with prestigious universities worldwide, the centres apply CUHK’s world-class discoveries to generate translational impact and cultivate talents in the innovation and technology sector.

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A new gold standard for treating skin disease

CUHK bio-nanotechnology experts have engineered a gold nanoparticle with the unique ability to enter skin cells and suppress the genetic pathways that cause psoriasis, a long-term skin disease. Animal studies suggested that the nanoparticle can treat psoriasis as effectively as existing approaches, but without side effects such as hair loss or skin wrinkling.

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A biotech breakthrough unlocking the secrets of stress-resistant crops

Drought-resistant crops are a vital puzzle piece for achieving food security on our warming planet. Now, a breakthrough discovery from CUHK’s life scientists has significantly advanced our understanding of crop resilience by uncovering how plants adapt their internal ‘transport systems’ for proteins in response to extreme stress. Results have been published in Nature Plants.

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AI-powered learning bridging the Deaf and hearing worlds

CUHK, in collaboration with Google and Japanese counterparts, has launched the world’s first multi-language online sign language game. SignTown allows players to learn signs in an engaging online environment by harnessing machine-learning that recognises three-dimensional sign language movements, heralding a significant step towards promoting social inclusion for the Deaf community.

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Forging a new frontier for highly adaptable smart metamaterials

A discovery by CUHK physicists could lead to the creation of smart metamaterials whose hardness, softness, compression and expansion can be freely adjusted in response to changes in the external environment. Materials with such flexible elastic properties have vast potential for application across industry and daily life.

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Research on congenital megacolon paves way for new treatment for gut problems in infants

An international collaboration by CU Medicine has identified a pathogenic process that causes Hirschsprung’s Disease, also known as congenital megacolon, a gastrointestinal disorder in newborn babies, in part by inhibiting a molecule that regulates the early development of gut neural cells. This makes possible new therapeutic strategies that avoid surgical intervention.

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CUHK-led virtual student exchange programme recognised at THE Awards Asia

Conceived and developed by CUHK, the Association of Pacific Rim Universities Virtual Student Exchange programme provides a holistic experience encompassing online academic courses and co-curricular programmes to students of the network. The programme was recently highly commended for International Strategy of the Year at the Times Higher Education Awards Asia 2021.

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Distinguished scholars win international acclaim

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CUHK tops Hong Kong in RGC’s Collaborative Research Fund

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CU Medicine – The Virtues of Vaxxing

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CUHK Business School –
CUHK Business (Jan 2022)

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CUHK Strategic Plan –CUHK 2025

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30 Nov 2021

Biodiversity genomics in the Pacific Rim: Challenges and future opportunities


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23 Feb 2022

Global coordination on vaccines to counter pandemic threats: Key messages and implications for the HKSAR

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25-26 Feb 2022

BRAIN 2022 – The 18th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases

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1 Mar 2022

UQ-CUHK Health Equity Webinar Series: Social
determinants of health and health outcomes

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