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Meet Doctors Online
Telemedicine has become a more common practice in recent years,
owing to COVID-19 and its convenience.
By Winkie Ng
According to the World Medical Association, telemedi- amidst the pandemic, according to its website.
cine is the practice of medicine over a distance, in which Video consultation has also been applied by HA for fol-
interventions, diagnoses, therapeutic decisions, and sub- low-up treatment. Rehabilitation of patients is supported
sequent treatment recommendations are based on pa- through its mobile application, called “HA Go”, launched
tient data, documents, and other information transmitted on December 12, 2019.
through telecommunication systems. One of the features is “TeleHealth”, where patients can
In Hong Kong, both public and private hospitals are de- attend medical appointments remotely to have consulta-
veloping and practising telemedicine in recent years. tion with doctors or nurses via the app.
Hospital Authority (HA) has expanded application of The Kowloon East Cluster with three hospitals piloted
teleconsultation service to non-urgent patients like psychi- video consultation in March 2020, firstly introduced in six
atric patients or patients requiring follow-up consultations departments, including ear, nose and throat.