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I want to keep my sex life and my family life apart.
harles* is one of the many with my girlfriend when we have sex Since the pandemic, hotel prices
youths who chooses to enjoy in hotels rather than at home. The at- have decreased significantly. The aver-
Cintimacy with their lovers in mosphere is very different,” he says. age hotel price per day marked a 13.97
hotels instead of at home. “It feels like a private space where we per cent decrease from December
The 29-year-old, like many oth- can hang out, not just to have sex,” he 2019 to March 2020 according to Col-
ers in Hong Kong, shares a flat with adds. liers International, a global real estate
his family. Despite having a room of The need for private space and investment firm.
his own, he still thinks that it is not privacy leads many youngsters in the A weekend getaway in a superior
an ideal private space to “Netflix and city to indulge in their sexual desires room at the Marco Polo Hong Kong
chill”. at hotels instead of at home. Accord- Hotel, a five-star hotel in Tsim Sha
“I want to keep my sex life and my ing to a 2016 By-census report, 95 per Tsui, cost only HK $675 last February.
family life apart,” he says. He consid- cent of people aged 15 - 24 in Hong Jakub thinks that price is a major
ers visiting hotels for sexcation an act Kong were living with their parents. factor to consider when choosing ho-
of respect towards both his parents Jakub*, a 20-year-old student, who tels. “Sometimes I look on sexcation
and his partner. also lives with his family, is a frequent sharing pages on Instagram to find
Tommy*, a 21-year-old student sexcationer. He prefers spending ro- affordable hotels,” he says. Many Ins-
who lives with his family, also chooses mantic moments in hotels because he tagram pages are set up to share sex-
to visit hotels for sex. He is worried wants to have some privacy. “My par- cation information, including prices,
that his parents may return home ents always go into my room without quality and services of different hotels
when he is making love with his girl- knocking on the door,” he says. for sexcationers.
friend. He goes on sexcation at hotels once Room Busters is a sexcation shar-
Tommy adds that sexcation al- every two weeks and spends about ing Instagram page run by Chloe* and
lows him to spend quality time with HK $2,000 per month on accommo- Hugo*. They started the page because
his lover. “It is easier to get flirtatious dation. they found a lack of sexcation infor-
Source: Colliers International