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                                                                                versity of Michigan who researches
                                                                                feminism in China.
                                                                                  “Around five minutes after we pub-
                                                                                lished the notice, we received a phone
                                                                                call from the office asking us to delete
                                                                                it,” Cai says. “The reason given was
                                                                                that Professor Wang was not in a good
                                                                                relationship with the university,” he
                                                                                  According to Cai, the Committee
                                                                                Office at Fudan University was not
                                                                                involved in the society’s WeChat ac-
                                                                                count suspension on July 6, indicat-
                                                                                ing the decision was not made by the
                                                                                school, but by WeChat instead.
                                                                                  “They (the office) had no idea
                                                                                about the incident when we first ap-
                                                                                proached them to ask what had hap-
                            WeChat posts of Zhihe Society                       pened after being suspended,” Cai
        message saying that our account ‘has   But their move was under the of-   After two months of “disappear-
        violated rules of the Administration of  fice’s close control. “They (the office)  ance”, Zhihe Society resumed opera-
        Internet News Information Services’,”  will try hard not to approve any of our  tion on WeChat in September 2021,
        Cai recalls.                        offline  events.  Prevention  of COV-  using a back-up account created in
           Cai says the team of core members  ID-19 outbreak was always cited as  2017. In a post on September 10, the
        decided not to make an appeal. “We  the reason or should we say their ex-  association introduced what they
        thought that was no use,” he adds.    cuse,” Cai says.                  have done in the past two months and
           Established in 2005, Zhihe Society   The society’s main social media ac-  called for students to join them at the
        has been officially registered as a for-  count on WeChat was also under sur-  beginning of the school year.
        mal student association under Fudan  veillance. The public account shared a
        University’s Youth League Committee  notice in January 2021 about an up-           Voice or Noise
        Office. “We are one of the first LGBT-  coming sharing session on feminism   Guo Lifu, a PhD student at the
        related student associations recog-  at Fudan University featuring Wang  University of Tokyo, who has been
        nized by the university,” Cai says.   Zheng, associate professor at the Uni-  researching LGBT+ movement and


                Feminism and LGBT+ thoughts are indeed imported to

                China from western societies. These are not included in

                the system of the China Communist Party, symbolizing

                                   democratization that they fear.

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