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cifically designed for Hongkongers,” Jennifer Tang, principal trainer of designed by content providers (who
Hung, who produces videos of her Sound Therapy Hong Kong says that are not professionals in curing in-
whispering in Cantonese, says. brain waves speed up when one is somnia). They are not structured,” she
Hung is a sales assistant. She pro- awake, while sounds of ASMR slow adds.
duces ASMR videos amateurly. She down human brain waves. She also reminds users that listen-
uploads videos when she has free She explains that the sounds can be ing to ASMR can only help them fall
time. put into two main categories. The first asleep. But users should not take it as
The most-viewed video in which kind is single and repetitive sounds, official therapy for curing insomnia.
she whispers while doing a role play like rubbing papers and combing Tang agrees that compared with
of an ear wax cleaner gains around hair. Another kind is slow and deep other sleeping therapies, ASMR in
37,000 views. sounds, like human whispering. Hong Kong still lacks research.
“My viewers tell me they feel re- “These sounds are proven to be “If you would like to upgrade your
lieved and their emotions become sta- slowing down brain waves, which quality of life, feel happier and health-
ble after watching my videos,” Hung generates relaxation,” Tang says. ier in your daily life, the first step is
says. “Many commented on my vid- “Brain waves are slowed down, which sleeping well,” says Tang.
eos saying that they would like to go is a physical reaction (prompted by “We (members of Sound Therapy
sleep after listening to my voice,” she listening to ASMR). This helps people Hong Kong) witness a lot of cases who
adds. fall asleep,” Tang says. have been suffering from insomnia for
“Whenever they are stressful and However, Tang reminds people 10 to 20 years. Sleeping problems can
depressed, especially when having ex- who listen to ASMR videos to be lead to physical illness,” Tang says.
ams, arguments, or even break-ups, mindful, especially those who often
they feel relaxed after watching my listen to whispering.
ASMR videos. They fall asleep easily “Videos featuring whispering
afterwards,” Hung says. sounds convey messages. Users have
Edited by Sarah Ryou
She feels happy and motivated to beware of the content that may af- Edited by Sarah Ryou
Sub-edited by
when people share their positive ex- fect their mindset negatively,” Tang Sub-edited by
periences after listening to her ASMR says. Savoki Zhang
Savoki Zhang
videos. “The content of ASMR videos is
If you would like
to upgrade your
quality of life,
feel happier and
healthier in your
daily life, the first
step is sleeping
Jennifer Tang (Photo courtesy of Jennifer Tang)