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then reopened three times since the
beginning of the pandemic to reduce
People are not willing to pay for some- infection risk.
On December 8, 2020, the govern-
thing they can get for free. ment ordered the closure of all gyms
and sports venues starting from De-
cember 10.
The facilities and venues were al-
lowed to reopen on February 18,
2021, under the condition that full-
need to make a lot of effort. But you you ask them to add more weight,
receive very little in return. It is hard they may not listen,” he adds. time staff are required to do manda-
to make profit,” he says. “We also need to take care of their tory testing every two weeks. Visitors
Lee adds that it is difficult to make safety, but we cannot make sure of are required to scan the QR code with
money through online classes. He be- that through online classes. If they get the “Leave Home Safe” app or provide
lieves one of the reasons is fierce com- hurt, we cannot physically help them,” their personal information to facili-
petition. he says. tate tracking in case an infection is re-
ported at these centres.
Closure periods of fitness facilities during the pandemic
1st period of closure March 28, 2020 - May 8, 2020
2nd period of closure July 13, 2020 - September 4, 2020
3rd period of closure December 10, 2020 - Feburary 18, 2021
“During the pandemic, there are Hong Kong has been struggling Cheung Koon-tung, a member of
many YouTubers who provide in- to contain the spread of COVID-19 the Hong Kong Fitness and Combat
formation on fitness and exercise for since the first case was reported in Sports Alliance, shares Lee’s thoughts.
free. People are not willing to pay for January 2020. The government an- With the re-opening of fitness fa-
something they can get for free,” Lee nounced social distancing measures cilities, Cheung thinks that resuming
explains. “YouTubers also have a lot to combat the pandemic. Gyms and physical classes is better than doing
of resources, so it is hard to compete other fitness facilities have closed and online classes. “There is more equip-
with them,” he says.
The coach and most of his students
prefer physical interaction.
“When having online classes, I am
restricted by students’ cameras. It is We also need to take care of their safety,
very difficult to see their whole bodies
and help them improve their form,” but we cannot make sure of that through
says Lee, who has been working as a
coach since he was 18. online classes.
“Some beginners may refuse to fol-
low instructions. For example, when