
Reflections on a University Career Center in Guangzhou, China

2012.第19卷第1及2期(Vol. 19 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 97–114

Reflections on a University Career Center in Guangzhou, China


Vincy J. SUN, Mantak YUEN, & Dengfeng HAO(孫競、袁文得、郝登峰)


It has become more commonplace in universities in the Chinese mainland to establish career centers for providing career guidance for their students. However, most of these centers are still at an elementary stage of development. Their maturity can be obtained by considering the nature and purpose of career centers operated in other parts of the world. This article is a reflection paper in response to two articles about career centers in the United States (Garis, Reardon, & Lenz, 2012; Heppner & Jung, 2012) in this special issue. On the basis of these two articles, it explores the current situation of career centers in China, and takes a university career center in Guangzhou as an illustrative example for reviewing in detail the scope, implementation, progress, and problems of career centers in China.

Keywords: career center; university; China; career guidance


在中國內地大學,設立職業生涯中心為學生提供就業指導的情況愈趨普遍。然而,這些中心大部分都在發展初階,並未成熟,需要參考世界各地同類中心的運作,謀求改進。本文通過對本專輯中談及美國職業生涯中心的兩篇文章(Garis, Reardon, & Lenz, 2012; Heppner & Jung, 2012)的回應,探討中國相關的現況,並以廣州市一所大學職業生涯中心為例,討論其服務範圍、運作情況、發展方向及所遇問題等。
