
Students' Quality of School Life in Band 5 Schools

1999.第6卷第1期(Vol. 6 No. 1).pp. 79–106

Students’ Quality of School Life in Band 5 Schools


Nicholas Sun-Keung PANG(彭新強)


As part of a major study that investigated the quality of school education in Hong Kong, this study assessed the quality of schooling in Band 5 secondary schools. If the quality of school education is to be enhanced, students' views of the quality of school life and their reactions to school should be examined. With reference to the Australian model and subscales of quality of school life, a sample of 2460 students from three selected Band 5 secondary schools was surveyed. Principal component analysis was used to analyze the data to explore the multidimensionality of quality of school life and the existence of subscales. The research contributes to provide insights to understand Band 5 schools and hints to assure the quality of education. Findings show that sense of achievement was not evident in the students' views of quality of school life and sense of opportunity had no effects on students' general satisfaction and negative affects. To promote the quality of education in schools which have admitted a great proportion of Band 5 students, enhancing teacher-students relations, strengthening social integration, and improving adventurous experience in the classroom are the effective strategies.

