Education Journal

A Qualitative Exploration of Physical Literacy and Teaching Efficacy of Pre-service Physical Education Teachers

2022.第50卷第2期(Vol. 50 No. 2).pp. 51–77


A Qualitative Exploration of Physical Literacy and Teaching Efficacy of Pre-service Physical Education Teachers


Siu-Ming CHOI, Raymond Kim-Wai SUM, Deng-Yau SHY, & Feng-Min WEI(蔡紹明、沈劍威、施登堯、魏豐閔)


The research on physical literacy has been deeply rooted in groups of children and adolescents. Investigation of the significant others of students such as teachers, coaches, and parents is warranted. A series of continuing professional development promoting physical literacy had been delivered in Hong Kong and Taiwan; however, this concept was ignored in physical education (PE) teacher education, which is also an environment to develop PE teaching efficacy. The purpose of this qualitative study was to further explore the relationship between physical literacy and PE teaching efficacy specific to the context of PE teacher education. Data were collected through eight individual and two focus group interviews, and analyzed by grounded theory techniques and procedures using ATLAS.ti software. The themes of physical literacy, PE teaching efficacy, and courses in PE teacher education were found. The participants’ experience of physical activities was reinforced during the teacher training. Additionally, the authentic teaching experiences of supervised teaching practice and professional courses of the PE curriculum design and class management could positively affect their PE teaching efficacy. A framework for advocating physical literacy in the future teacher preparation program is needed.

Keywords: physical literacy; teaching efficacy; teacher education; qualitative study


