Academic Conferences and Seminars
To encourage and support the discovery and dissemination of scholarship, the HKIER sponsors, organizes and co-organizes numerous conferences, seminars, public lectures and other forms of academic gathering. These activities have provided opportunities for renowned scholars from all over the world, as well as local educationalists, professionals, and researchers, to get together and share their ideas and experiences. Topics addressed at these gatherings have covered a broad spectrum of interests, including teacher education and development, curriculum development, educational leadership and administration, quality school development, value education, educational development in China, and other issues of major importance.
Seminar Series on Personal Growth and Parent Education
The HKIER hosts the Seminar Series on Personal Growth and Parent Education on a continual basis. The Seminar Series has made the Institute a major avenue for supporting local school workers and parent educators in their efforts to strengthen and enrich individual and family well-being to its fullest extent. Through the seminars, the HKIER fosters the repositioning of parent education within the more general educational aim of enhancing the growth and development of the parents and children. On this basis, the Seminar Series presents fruitful explorations on the contemporary issues around family and parenthood that are of particular concern to stakeholders in education and the caring field.