1987.第2卷(Vol. 2).pp. 5558
The Characteristics of a Good Teacher as Perceived by School Principals, Teachers, Students and Parents in Hong Kong
蕭麗萍、盧林發(Teresa Lai-Ping SIU & Lam-Fat LO)
The present study aimed at revealing the views of school principals, teachers, students and parents on the characteristics of a good teacher, describing the profiles of a good teacher as perceived by these four groups of subjects, and comparing the perceptions of a good teacher by the same groups.
A sample of 42 secondary school principals, 1200 secondary school teachers, 1850 senior secondary students and 1850 parents of these students were randomly selected to participate in a questionnaire survey. The return rates ranged from 64.6% by teachers to 94.5% by students. The questionnaire was pretested before use and its validity and reliability were found satisfactory.
The frequency counts from the returned questionnaires showed that the five most perceived characteristics of a good teacher by the four groups of sampled subjects, in a descending order, were (1) sense of responsibility, (2) ability to explain the subject matter clearly and concisely, (3) fairness to students, (4) subject matter competency, and (5) comprehensive and comprehensible instruction.
The factor analysis on the information collected from the returned questionnaires revealed that although in general the profiles of the characteristics of a good teacher as perceived by teachers, students and parents were different, these three groups of subjects regarded a considerable number of common characteristics of a good teacher in their first two factors.