S.H. Ho College’s Photo Day

When March comes with blossoming flowers and warm weather, it brings us the news that it is time for S.H. Ho students to join the Photo Day with College Master, College members, their peers and family members in celebration of the unforgettable moments they have spent at University. The Photo Day of this academic year was held on 22 March. It was blessed with a lovely weather. The College lawn was decorated with colourful booths prepared by different faculties. Refreshments were served to guests. The graduating students wore gowns and their hands full of fresh flowers, dolls and balloons. They took photographs at every corner of the College and received congratulations. At the Central Steps, the graduating class took its official photographs. At the beginning of the ceremony, Prof. Wong Wing Shing, College Master and Miss Li Pui Ying, the representative of the graduating class, delivered speech.
Prof. Wong Wing Shing said, “Dear students, you will soon be leaving this home away from home and scale the heights in your career. I hope you will continue to treasure the memory you have accumulated at our College and upkeep the valuable fellowship that you have built among yourselves and with the College. The photographs you take today capture our faces, our physical appearances, our proses and our gestures. I hope you will keep browsing them long after you have left the College but don’t forget also to take photographs in your mind of the good times that you have spent at S.H. Ho College and refer to them from time to time.”
Miss Li Pui Ying said, “We are grateful for the perfect weather which enables us to gather here to retrospect to the past. It is really a luck that we were admitted to S.H. Ho College and have got to know one another. Although it is time to say goodbye and we have to move on, the College is still our ‘home’ where our family members will give us endless support whenever we return to it. We are always proud of our S.H. Ho identity.”
Master Wong and Miss Li hosted the session of cutting a roasted pig. On the whistle of the emcee, all the guests and the graduating students pulled open the party poppers. With a twist of the wrist, the brightly assorted confetti were sprung out flying everywhere. All the participants burst into a loud applause. Smiles were all over their faces. The College would like to take this opportunity to wish all the S.H. Ho graduating students an excellent prospect, soaring higher and higher in their future.