Prof. Po Lam YUNG
Adjunct Professor
BSc, MPhil (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
PhD (Princeton University)

Fields of Interest:
Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Selected Publications:
- A surprising formula for Sobolev norms (with Haim Brezis and Jean Van Schaftingen), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 118 (2021) no. 8, e2025254118.
- A short proof of ℓ2 decoupling for the moment curve (with Shaoming Guo, Changkeun Oh, Joris Roos and Pavel Zorin-Kranich), Amer. J. Math. 143 (2021), no. 6, 1983-1998.
Major Research Grants:
Future Fellowship FT200100399, Australian Research Council
General Research Fund 14303817, Hong Kong Research Grants Council
General Research Fund 14313716, Hong Kong Research Grants Council
Early Career Fund 24300915, Hong Kong Research Grants Council
National Science Foundation Grant DMS 1201474, United States
Honours and Awards:
Antonio Ambrosetti Medal 2021
Course Code | Course Title | Academic Year | Term |
MATH1010A | University Mathematics | 2018/19 | 1 |
MATH4060 | Complex Analysis | 2018/19 | 1 |
MATH1010A | University Mathematics | 2017/18 | 1 |
MATH1010B | University Mathematics | 2017/18 | 1 |
MATH6081A | Topics in Analysis I | 2017/18 | 1 |
MATH1010C | University Mathematics | 2016/17 | 1 |
MATH4060 | Complex Analysis | 2016/17 | 1 |
MATH4900F | Seminar | 2016/17 | 1 |
MATH1010C | University Mathematics | 2015/16 | 1 |
MATH4060 | Complex Analysis | 2015/16 | 1 |
MATH4900E | Seminar | 2015/16 | 1 |
MATH1010C | University Mathematics | 2014/15 | 1 |
MATH2060B | Mathematical Analysis II | 2014/15 | 2 |