Symposium: Language, Style and Publication in a University Context

Date: Monday, 26 November 2012
Venue: Lecture Theatre One, Cheng Yu Tung Building
Organized by the Information Services Office (ISO), the Chinese University Press (CU Press) and the Personnel Office

Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Michael Hui, welcomes symposium participants Director of Information Services, Mr. Tommy Cho, on language and house-style Assistant Director of ISO, Ms. Sandra Lo, on workflow in the publication process Mr. Andrew Kwong (right), Information Services Office
The symposium shares the experience of publishing in two languages and three dialects with a rapid proliferation of e-publications. Over 200 staff from 82 departments/units join the symposium.
Putting words on the page: workflow in the publication process
Ms. Sandra Lo, ISO
The importance of house-style: Chinese
Mr. Lam Lap-wai, ISO
The importance of house-style: English
Mr. Tommy Cho, ISO
National language; local varieties—the experience of producing two Chinese character versions of Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
Dr. Ying Lin, CU Press
Issues of copyrights and hyperlinking in e-publications
Ms. Angelina Wong, CU Press
On developing a web style
Mr. Tommy Cho, ISO
Mr. Andrew Kwong, ISO
Useful Information
Bilingual Glossary
Style Guides
Dictionaries and Style Manuals
Online References