

Creative Arts Wellness (CAW) Workshop

Creative expression promotes self-awareness, fosters creativity, and enhances interpersonal and social skills. The aim of this workshop series is to guide students to explore creative practices (drawing, mixed media, poetry, creative-writing, etc). We will be exploring different topics stemming from the self to the environment we live in to stimulate students’ imagination and creativity.

About the workshop facilitator: AMA is a professional exhibiting artist, a singer-songwriter, and a licensed creative arts therapist.

Workshop 1

Participants: CCC Kei Yuen College
Date: January to March 2021
Students: 12-14

The aim of this Creative Wellness Workshop is to guide high school students (age 11-16) to self-explore through Visual Arts & Creative Writing. Over a three-month period, we explored different topics that promote Self-understanding and Personal Expressions.

Topics include:
Personal Name Drawing is a great way for students to introduce their given name through visual arts.
Words to live by Posters fosters positive attitudes towards life with creative use of words.
HK Heart Map brings students to appreciate and reminiscence their relationship with their hometown.
Tree of Strengths raises awareness of the students’ internal strengths when facing challenges.
Gratitude Mandala helps students appreciate and be thankful for what they have.

Artwork by Khloe

Artwork by Khloe

Artwork by Li Zi Sun HK Heart Map

Session 1 - Name Drawing

Session 2 - Words to live by Poster

Workshop 2

Participants: CCC Kei Yuen College
Date: April to May 2021
Students: 12-14

The aim of this Creative Wellness Workshop is to guide high school students (age 13-16) to self-explore through Visual Arts & Creative Writing. Over a three-month period, we explored different topics that promote Personal Growth and Self-Care.

Topics include
Personal Values helps students reflect on what’s important in their lives.
Meaning of Happiness explores the dimension of happiness and what it means to each student personally.
Dialogue with Nature brings awareness to the “greenery” around us, and cultivates appreciation of nature’s calming qualities.
Self-Reflection & Self-Care teaches students how to take care of themselves when they feel stressed.


Kezia Nature Journalings

Session 2 - Personal Logo

Session 3 - Values Collage

Session 4 - Recipe for a Happy heart

Session 5 - Nature Journaling

Workshop 3

Participants: CCC Kei Yuen College
Date: June to July 2021
Students: 12-14

The aim of this Creative Wellness Workshop is to guide high school students (age 13-16) to self-explore through Visual Arts & Creative Writing. Over a three-month period, we explored different topics that promote Self-confidence and Creative Thinking.

Topics include:
Painting to Music heightens the sensibilities of students’ imagination in creating their own expressions and interpretation of a variety of music.
The Inspirational Coloring Page helps students to come up with inspirational quotes, transform them into coloring pages, and exchange it with other students for mutual encouragement & peer support during difficult times.
The Superhero Project instills the value of inner strength as students transform themselves into one-of-a-kind superheroes.
My Perfect Day inspires students to use their imagination to design the most ideal day. This helps to foster creative thinking and instill hope.
Recreating Masterpieces challenges students to incorporate their own unique style into a chosen masterpiece and add personal meaning.
A Gratitude Gift gives students a moment to reflect on whom they are thankful for in their lives, and create a unique drawing/present for those that touched their lives.

Session 2 - Painting to Music

Session 6 - Superhero

Session 8 - Inspirational Quotes

Workshop 4

Participants: St. Rose of Lima College
Date: September to November 2021
Students: 12-14

The aim of this Creative Wellness Workshop is to guide high school students (age 14-16) to self-explore through Visual Arts & Creative Writing. Over a three-month period, we explored different topics that deepened Cultural and Self-Understanding.

Topics include:
Personal Name Drawing helps with self understanding and personal expressions of their given name.
Words to live by Posters fosters positive attitudes towards life.
HK Heart Map brings students to appreciate and reminiscence their bond with their home. Self Reflection promotes self-awareness and the art of reflection to evaluate life’s most important values.
Gratitude Meditation brings students into the “here and now”, white they practice mindful breathing and be attuned with their inner wisdom and gratitude towards life.

HK Heart Map - constance lai

HK Heart Map

Session 1 - Name Drawing

Session 3 HK Heart Map

Workshop 5

Participants: CCC Kei Yuen College
Date: January to March 2022
Students: 12-14

The aim of this Creative Wellness Workshop is to guide high school students (age 14-16) to self-explore through Visual Arts & Creative Writing. Over a three-month period, we explored different topics that promote Self-Worth, Personal Growth and Self-Confidence.

Topics include:
About Me helps students to introduce themselves in a creative and fun way.
School Connection Drawing helps students to cherish their memories from school, and promotes positivity and interconnectedness among peers.
Emotion Wheel promotes awareness of our emotions, and how we express them through different visual arts elements such as patterns, colors, lines and symbols.
Dual Self Portraits explore students' outer and inner self. It helps them to be attuned to their inner life, and how it can sometimes be very different from our outer life.
Self-Esteem Reflection goes in depth into exploring values and beliefs we cultivate in how we perceive ourselves from within.

School Connection Group Drawing on Whiteboard

Session 1 - About Me

Session 3 - Emotion Wheel

Session 4 - Dual Self Portrait

Session 5 - Self Esteem Reflection