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In line with the College's educational mission and the University's emphasis on non-formal learning as an integral part of whole-person development, CW Chu College organises three major types of service programmes: (1) student-oriented college service and activities; (2) social and community service in Hong Kong; and (3) civic engagement and service learning.  In addition to engaging in the activities involved in each programme, participating students' also gain important planning, evaluation and reporting skills, with guidance from College teachers every step of the way.

A CW Chu College Service Team comprising local students and non-local students has been formed since 2012–13, the Team launched a project entitled 'Understanding Socially Disadvantaged School Youths through a Social Service Endeavour' in the summer since 2013.  The project aims at promoting the all-round development of students at CWC through engaging students in a social service learning project.  With the funding support from D.H. Chen Foundation, selected students from two secondary schools, mainly those who are socio-economically disadvantaged and academically weaker, have been engaged to join the project during summer 2019. The project specifically addresses the importance of understanding the reality and dynamics of social deprivation and value orientations through experiencing a social service learning venture.  While making available this opportunity for College students to develop their leadership skills and civic and social awareness, the project also provides an educational experience to build the confidence and mobilize the strength of the disadvantaged school teens.

With prior planning, it is possible to link approved service experience to the fourth-year General Education course GECW4010 Senior Seminar.

Membership of the Seventh Service Team

After the recruitment activities held in October 2020, a new CW Chu College Service Team was formed, comprising 14 local first-year students. Members include:


Major & Year of Study
LAM Kei Yiu President English, Year 1
SHEK Hiu Fung External Vice President Chinese Language Studies and Chinese Language Education, Year 1
YIU Tsz Chun External Vice President Integrated BBA Programme, Year 1
LEE Alex Tsz Fung Internal Vice President Medicine, Year 1
TSUI Wing Yuen Internal Vice President Medicine, Year 1
CHEUNG Hoi Shan Secretary Medicine, Year 1
LAU Ka Chun Adrian Treasurer Medicine, Year 1
CHAN Kwun Yau Designer Quantitative Finance, Year 1
LEUNG Ka Yeung Designer Professional Accountancy, Year 1
CHAN Chi Hoi Kelvin Project Coordinator Integrated BBA Programme, Year 1
LEUNG Kwan Kit Project Coordinator Psychology, Year 1
NGAI Siu Tung Project Coordinator Pharmacy, Year 1
YIM Wai Ki Project Coordinator Translation, Year 1
YIU Lai Yam Project Coordinator Translation, Year 1


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