Trees and Birds at CUHK
Trees and Birds at CUHK
Trees 樹
Birds 鳥
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Trees and Birds
Trees and birds site map
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Trees and Birds
Trees 樹
African Tulip Tree 火焰木
Albizia 楹樹
Asoka 無憂樹
Azalea 杜鵑
Bald Cypress 落羽松
Batavia Cinnamon 陰香
Brisbane Box 紅膠木
Buddhist Pine 羅漢松
Burmese Rosewood 紫檀
Camel's Foot Tree 宮粉羊蹄甲
Camptotheca 喜樹
Candlenut Tree 石栗
Carambola 楊桃
Cerbera 海杧果
Chinese Alangium 八角楓
Chinese Arborvitae 側柏
Chinese Banyan 細葉榕
Chinese Holly 鐵冬青
Chinese Juniper 圓柏
Chinese Red Pine 山松
Coconut Palm 椰子
Comphor Tree 樟樹
Crapnell's Camellia 紅皮糙果茶
Diverse-leaved Creeper 爬牆虎(異葉爬山虎)
Fire-thorn 細圓齒火棘
Flame Tree鳳凰木
Fragrant Litsea 木薑子
Frangipani 雞蛋花
Garden Croton 變葉木
Grantham's Camellia 大苞山茶
Hainan Elaeocarpus 水石榕
Heteropanax fragrans 幌傘楓
Hong Kong Hawthorn 車輪梅
Hong Kong Orchid Tree 洋紫荊
Horsetail Tree 木麻黃
Ivy Tree 鴨腳木
Jacaranda 藍花楹
Jackfruit 菠蘿蜜
Large-leaved Holly 大葉冬青
Lebbeck Tree 大葉合歡
Maidenhair Tree 銀杏
Mango 杧果
Mountain fig 高山榕
Norfolk Island Pine 異葉南洋杉
Opposite-leaved Fig 對葉榕
Paper-bark Tree 白千層
Pink Poui 红花風鈴木
Pond Cypress 池杉
Prickly Ash 簕欓花椒
Rain Tree 雨樹
Rose Apple 蒲桃
Royal Palm 王棕
Schima 木荷
Shiuying Bamboo 秀英竹
Silver Oak 銀樺
Slash pine 濕地松
Stripe Bamboo 黃金間碧竹
Swamp Mahogany 大葉桉
Sweet Gum 楓香
Sweet Orange 甜橙
Sweet Viburnum 珊瑚樹
Taiwan Acacia 台灣相思
Tall Bottle-brush 串錢柳
Tree Cotton 木棉
Tree of Damocles 木蝴蝶
Weeping Fig 垂葉榕
Weeping Willow 垂柳
White Bauhinia 白花羊蹄甲
White Mulberry 桑
White-back Leaf Mallotus 白背葉
Wild Coffee 九節
Yellow Jade Orchid Tree 黃蘭
Yellow Poui 黃花風鈴木
Birds 鳥
Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲
Black-crowned Night Heron 夜鷺
Asian Koel 噪鵑
Asian Koel 噪鵑 (2)
Barn Swallow 家燕
Barn Swallow 家燕
Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇
Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
Collared Crow 白頸鴉
Common Black Bird 烏鶇
Common Buzzard 普通鵟
Common Kestrel 紅隼
Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
Common Magpie 喜鵲
Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹
Crested Myna 八哥
Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰
Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 麻雀
Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥
Great Egret 大白鷺
Cinereous Tit 蒼背山雀
House Swift 小白腰雨燕
Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥
Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉
Light-vented Bulbul/Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
Little Egret 小白鷺
Long-tail Shrike 棕背伯勞
Long-tailed Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯
Masked Laughing Thrush 黑臉噪鶥
Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
Orange-bellied Leafbird 橙腹葉鵯
Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑
Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥
Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思鳥
Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
Verditer Flycatcher 銅藍鶲
White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
White-rumped Munia 白腰文鳥
White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠
Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯
Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
Blue Magpie 紅嘴藍鵲
Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒
Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇
Yellow-cheeked Tit 黃頰山雀
Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
Black Kite 麻鷹
Swinhoe's White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥
Trees and birds site map
Trees 樹
Albizia 楹樹
Azalea 杜鵑
Bald Cypress 落羽松
Brisbane Box 紅膠木
Yellow Poui 黃花風鈴木
Yellow Jade Orchid Tree 黃蘭
White-back Leaf Mallotus 白背葉
Weeping Willow 垂柳
Weeping Fig 垂葉榕
Tree of Damocles 木蝴蝶
Swamp Mahogany 大葉桉
Stripe Bamboo 黃金間碧竹
Slash pine 濕地松
Shiuying Bamboo 秀英竹
Schima 木荷
Royal Palm 王棕
Pink Poui 紅花風鈴木
Norfolk Island Pine 異葉南洋杉
Maidenhair Tree 銀杏
Large-leaved Holly 大葉冬青
Jackfruit 菠蘿蜜
Horsetail Tree 木麻黃
Garden Croton 變葉木
Flame Tree 鳳凰木
Pond Cypress 池杉
Fire-thorn 細圓齒火棘
Diverse-leaved Creeper 爬牆虎(異葉爬山虎)
Coconut Palm 椰子
Chinese Red Pine 山松
Chinese Juniper 圓柏
Chinese Holly 鐵冬青
Chinese Arborvitae 側柏
Camptotheca 喜樹
Burmese Rosewood 紫檀
Buddhist Pine 羅漢松
Birds 鳥
Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲
Asian Koel 噪鵑
Barn Swallow 家燕
Black Kite 麻鷹
Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
Black-crowned Night Heron 夜鷺
Blue Magpie 紅嘴藍鵲
Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇
Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
Cinereous Tit 蒼背山雀
Collared Crow 白頸鴉
Common Black Bird 烏鶇
Common Magpie 喜鵲
Common Buzzard 普通鵟
Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹
Crested Myna 八哥
Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰
Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 麻雀
Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥
Great Egret 大白鷺
Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒
Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇
Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥
House Swift 小白腰雨燕
Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉
Light-vented Bulbul/Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
Little Egret 小白鷺
Long-tail Shrike 棕背伯勞
Long-tailed Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯
Masked Laughing Thrush 黑臉噪鶥
Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
Orange-bellied Leafbird 橙腹葉鵯
Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑
Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥
Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思鳥
Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
Verditer Flycatcher 銅藍鶲
Swinhoe's White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥
White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
White-rumped Munia 白腰文鳥
White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠
Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯
Yellow-cheeked Tit 黃頰山雀
Common Kestrel 紅隼
Home Testing
Trees and Birds
Trees 樹
African Tulip Tree 火焰木
Albizia 楹樹
Asoka 無憂樹
Azalea 杜鵑
Bald Cypress 落羽松
Batavia Cinnamon 陰香
Brisbane Box 紅膠木
Buddhist Pine 羅漢松
Burmese Rosewood 紫檀
Camel's Foot Tree 宮粉羊蹄甲
Camptotheca 喜樹
Candlenut Tree 石栗
Carambola 楊桃
Cerbera 海杧果
Chinese Alangium 八角楓
Chinese Arborvitae 側柏
Chinese Banyan 細葉榕
Chinese Holly 鐵冬青
Chinese Juniper 圓柏
Chinese Red Pine 山松
Coconut Palm 椰子
Comphor Tree 樟樹
Crapnell's Camellia 紅皮糙果茶
Diverse-leaved Creeper 爬牆虎(異葉爬山虎)
Fire-thorn 細圓齒火棘
Flame Tree鳳凰木
Fragrant Litsea 木薑子
Frangipani 雞蛋花
Garden Croton 變葉木
Grantham's Camellia 大苞山茶
Hainan Elaeocarpus 水石榕
Heteropanax fragrans 幌傘楓
Hong Kong Hawthorn 車輪梅
Hong Kong Orchid Tree 洋紫荊
Horsetail Tree 木麻黃
Ivy Tree 鴨腳木
Jacaranda 藍花楹
Jackfruit 菠蘿蜜
Large-leaved Holly 大葉冬青
Lebbeck Tree 大葉合歡
Maidenhair Tree 銀杏
Mango 杧果
Mountain fig 高山榕
Norfolk Island Pine 異葉南洋杉
Opposite-leaved Fig 對葉榕
Paper-bark Tree 白千層
Pink Poui 红花風鈴木
Pond Cypress 池杉
Prickly Ash 簕欓花椒
Rain Tree 雨樹
Rose Apple 蒲桃
Royal Palm 王棕
Schima 木荷
Shiuying Bamboo 秀英竹
Silver Oak 銀樺
Slash pine 濕地松
Stripe Bamboo 黃金間碧竹
Swamp Mahogany 大葉桉
Sweet Gum 楓香
Sweet Orange 甜橙
Sweet Viburnum 珊瑚樹
Taiwan Acacia 台灣相思
Tall Bottle-brush 串錢柳
Tree Cotton 木棉
Tree of Damocles 木蝴蝶
Weeping Fig 垂葉榕
Weeping Willow 垂柳
White Bauhinia 白花羊蹄甲
White Mulberry 桑
White-back Leaf Mallotus 白背葉
Wild Coffee 九節
Yellow Jade Orchid Tree 黃蘭
Yellow Poui 黃花風鈴木
Birds 鳥
Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲
Black-crowned Night Heron 夜鷺
Asian Koel 噪鵑
Asian Koel 噪鵑 (2)
Barn Swallow 家燕
Barn Swallow 家燕
Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇
Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
Collared Crow 白頸鴉
Common Black Bird 烏鶇
Common Buzzard 普通鵟
Common Kestrel 紅隼
Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
Common Magpie 喜鵲
Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹
Crested Myna 八哥
Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰
Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 麻雀
Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥
Great Egret 大白鷺
Cinereous Tit 蒼背山雀
House Swift 小白腰雨燕
Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥
Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉
Light-vented Bulbul/Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
Little Egret 小白鷺
Long-tail Shrike 棕背伯勞
Long-tailed Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯
Masked Laughing Thrush 黑臉噪鶥
Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
Orange-bellied Leafbird 橙腹葉鵯
Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑
Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥
Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思鳥
Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
Verditer Flycatcher 銅藍鶲
White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
White-rumped Munia 白腰文鳥
White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠
Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯
Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
Blue Magpie 紅嘴藍鵲
Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒
Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇
Yellow-cheeked Tit 黃頰山雀
Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
Black Kite 麻鷹
Swinhoe's White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥
Trees and birds site map
Trees 樹
Albizia 楹樹
Azalea 杜鵑
Bald Cypress 落羽松
Brisbane Box 紅膠木
Yellow Poui 黃花風鈴木
Yellow Jade Orchid Tree 黃蘭
White-back Leaf Mallotus 白背葉
Weeping Willow 垂柳
Weeping Fig 垂葉榕
Tree of Damocles 木蝴蝶
Swamp Mahogany 大葉桉
Stripe Bamboo 黃金間碧竹
Slash pine 濕地松
Shiuying Bamboo 秀英竹
Schima 木荷
Royal Palm 王棕
Pink Poui 紅花風鈴木
Norfolk Island Pine 異葉南洋杉
Maidenhair Tree 銀杏
Large-leaved Holly 大葉冬青
Jackfruit 菠蘿蜜
Horsetail Tree 木麻黃
Garden Croton 變葉木
Flame Tree 鳳凰木
Pond Cypress 池杉
Fire-thorn 細圓齒火棘
Diverse-leaved Creeper 爬牆虎(異葉爬山虎)
Coconut Palm 椰子
Chinese Red Pine 山松
Chinese Juniper 圓柏
Chinese Holly 鐵冬青
Chinese Arborvitae 側柏
Camptotheca 喜樹
Burmese Rosewood 紫檀
Buddhist Pine 羅漢松
Birds 鳥
Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲
Asian Koel 噪鵑
Barn Swallow 家燕
Black Kite 麻鷹
Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
Black-crowned Night Heron 夜鷺
Blue Magpie 紅嘴藍鵲
Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇
Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
Cinereous Tit 蒼背山雀
Collared Crow 白頸鴉
Common Black Bird 烏鶇
Common Magpie 喜鵲
Common Buzzard 普通鵟
Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹
Crested Myna 八哥
Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰
Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 麻雀
Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥
Great Egret 大白鷺
Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒
Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇
Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥
House Swift 小白腰雨燕
Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉
Light-vented Bulbul/Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
Little Egret 小白鷺
Long-tail Shrike 棕背伯勞
Long-tailed Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯
Masked Laughing Thrush 黑臉噪鶥
Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
Orange-bellied Leafbird 橙腹葉鵯
Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑
Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥
Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思鳥
Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
Verditer Flycatcher 銅藍鶲
Swinhoe's White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥
White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
White-rumped Munia 白腰文鳥
White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠
Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯
Yellow-cheeked Tit 黃頰山雀
Common Kestrel 紅隼
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