樹名 (英文) | Yellow Poui |
樹名 | 黃花風鈴木 |
學名 | Tabebuia chrysantha |
科 | 紫葳科 (Bignoniaceae) |
簡介 |
隨著四季變化更換風貌,春天約三月開花,花季時花多葉少;夏天長葉結果莢,翅果紛飛;秋天枝葉繁盛,綠意盎然;冬天枯枝落葉,有滄桑之美。黃花風鈴木為巴西國花,色鮮黃,漏斗形,像風鈴,花緣皺曲,兩側對稱。果為長條狀翅果,種子具翅。 Following seasonal changes, the Yellow Poui notably transforms its appearance. Flowering is around March in early spring. During this period flowers greatly outnumber the leaves. In summer, a long dehiscent pod is borne, releasing numerous winged seeds. Branches and leaves grow vigorously as autumn arrives, covering everything in a comfortable green. As leaves fall off in winter, the plant carries a melancholic beauty. The Yellow Poui is the national flower of Brazil. Bright yellow funnel-like flowers are like wind chimes; edges creased, symmetrical in form. |