Hao Geng


School of Information Science and Technology
ShanghaiTech University

Office: WFH
Email: genghao@shanghaitech.edu.cn


Currently, I'm an assistant professor at ShanghaiTech University (ShanghaiTech). Prior to that, I got Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2021. Previously, I received M.Sc. with Merit from Department of Computing, Imperial College London in 2016, and M.Eng. from USTC in 2015.

My research interests include design space exploration, machine learning, deep learning and the optimization methods with applications in EDA.


Journal Papers

Conference Papers

Book Chapters

Selected Awards

Best Paper Award Nomination ASPDAC 2019
Postgraduate Studentship CUHK 2017-2021
Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship USTC 2014
