- Dual-Teacher++: Exploiting intra-domain and inter-domain knowledge with reliable transfer for Cardiac segmentation.
K Li, S Wang, L Yu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Shape-aware meta-learning for generalizing prostate MRI segmentation to unseen domains.
Q Liu, Q Dou, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2020.
- Difficulty-aware meta-learning for rare disease diagnosis.
X Li, L Yu, Y Jin, CW Fu, L Xing, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2020.
- Learning from extrinsic and intrinsic supervisions for domain generalization.
S Wang, L Yu, C Li, CW Fu, PA Heng.
European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020.
- DoFE: Domain-oriented feature embedding for generalizable fundus image segmentation on unseen datasets.
S Wang, L Yu, K Li, X Yang, CW Fu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- DNF-Net: a deep normal filtering network for mesh denoising.
X Li, R Li, L Zhu, CW Fu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Visualiation and Computer Graphics.
- Deep mining external imperfect data for chest X-ray disease screening.
L Luo, L Yu, H Chen, Q Liu, X Wang, J Xu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Unsupervised detection of distinctive regions on 3D shapes.
X Li, L Yu, CW Fu, D Cohen-Or, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on Graphics.
- Automatic gesture recognition in robot-assisted surgery with reinforcement learning and tree search.
X Gao, Y Jin, Q Dou, PA Heng.
ICRA 2020.
- Semi-supervised medical image classification with relation-driven self-ensembling model.
Q Liu, L Yu, L Luo, Q Dou, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- MS-Net: Multi-site network for improving prostate segmentation with heterogeneous MRI data.
Q Liu, Q Dou, L Yu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Unsupervised bidirectional cross-modality adaptation via deeply synergistic image and feature alignment for medical image segmentation.
C Chen, Q Dou, H Chen, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Unpaired multi-modal segmentation via knowledge distillation.
Q Dou, Q Liu, PA Heng, B Glocker.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- PointAugment: an auto-augmentation framework for point cloud classification.
R Li, X Li, PA Heng, CW Fu.
CVPR 2020.
- Instance shadow detection.
T Wang, X Hu, Q Wang, PA Heng, CW Fu.
CVPR 2020.
- Multi-task recurrent convolutional network with correlation loss for surgical video analysis.
Y Jin, H Li, Q Dou, H Chen, J Qin, CW Fu, PA Heng.
Medical Image Analysis.
- Direction-aware spatial context features for shadow detection and removal.
X Hu, CW Fu, L Zhu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
- Patch-based output space adversarial learning for joint optic disc and cup segmentation.
S Wang, L Yu, X Yang, CW Fu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Deep attentive features for prostate segmentation in 3D transrectal ultrasound.
Y Wang, H Dou, X Hu, L Zhu, X Yang, M Xu, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Saliency-aware texture smoothing.
L Zhu, X Hu, CW Fu, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
- Robust learning at noisy labeled medical images: applied to skin lesion classification.
C Xue, Q Dou, X Shi, H Chen, PA Heng.
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019).
- Synergistic image and feature adaptation: towards cross-modality domain adaptation for medical image segmentation.
C Chen, Q Dou, H Chen, J Qin, PA Heng.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019).
- Depth-attentional features for single-image rain removal.
X Hu, CW Fu, L Zhu, PA Heng.
CVPR 2019.
- Bas-relief modeling from normal layers.
M Wei, Y Tian, WM Pang, CCL Wang, MY Pang, J Wang, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
- SINet: A scale-insensitive convolutional neural network for fast vehicle detection.
X Hu, X Xu, Y Xiao, H Chen, S He, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- MILD-Net: Minimal information loss dilated network for gland instance segmentation in colon histology images.
S Graham, H Chen, J Gamper, Q Dou, PA Heng, D Snead, YW Tsang, N Rajpoot.
Medical Image Analysis.
- Online subspace learning from gradient orientations for robust image alignment.
Q Zheng, Y Wang, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
- Fast ScanNet: Fast and dense analysis of multi-gigapixel whole-slide images for cancer metastasis detection.
H Lin, H Chen, S Graham, Q Dou, N Rajpoot, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Towards automated semantic segmentation in prenatal volumetric ultrasound.
X Yang, L Yu, S Li, H Wen, D Luo, C Bian, J Qin, D Ni, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Weakly supervised 3D deep learning for breast cancer classification and localization of the lesions in MR images.
J Zhou, L Luo, Q Dou, H Chen, C Chen, G Li, Z Jiang, PA Heng.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
- DALocNet: improving localization accuracy for domain adaptive object detection.
Y Yu, X Xu, X Hu, PA Heng.
IEEE Access.
- Uncertainty-aware self-ensembling model for semi-supervised 3D left atrium segmentation.
L Yu, S Wang, X Li, CW Fu, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- Boundary and entropy-driven adversarial learning for fundus image segmentation.
S Wang, L Yu, K Li, X Yang, CW Fu, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- IRNet: instance relation network for overlapping cervical cell segmentation.
Y Zhou, H Chen, J Xu, Q Dou, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- Robust multimodal brain tumor segmentation via feature disentanglement and gated fusion.
C Chen, Q Dou, Y Jin, H Chen, J Qin, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- Probabilistic multilayer regularization network for unsupervised 3D brain image registration.
L Liu, X Hu, L Zhu, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- Unifying structure analysis and surrogate-driven function regression for Glaucoma OCT image screening.
X Wang, H Chan, L Luo, A Ran, PM Chan, CY Than, YL Cheung, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- FetusMap: fetal pose estimation in 3D ultrasound.
X Yang, W Shi, H Dou, J Qian, Y Wang, W Xue, S Li, D Ni, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- Agent with warm start and active termination for plane localization in 3D ultrasound.
H Dou, X Yang, J Qian, H Qin, X Wang, L Yu, S Wang, W Xue, Y Xiong, D Ni PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- Incorporating temporal prior from motion flow for instrument segmentation in minimally invasive surgery video.
Y Jin, K Cheng, Q Dou, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- PFA-ScanNet: pyramidal feature aggregation with synergistic learning for breast cancer metastasis analysis.
Z Zhao, H Lin, H Chen, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- Deep angular embedding and feature correlation attention for breast MRI cancer analysis.
L Luo, H Chen, X Wang, Q Dou, H Lin, J Zhou, G Li, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2019.
- CIA-Net: robust nuclei instance segmentation with contour-aware information aggregation.
Y Zhou, OF Onder, Q Dou, E Tsougenis, H Chen, PA Heng.
IPMI 2019.
- Unsupervised cross-modality domain adaptation of ConvNets for biomedical image segmentations with adversarial loss.
Q Dou, C Ouyang, C Chen, H Chen, PA Heng.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).
- 3D Multi-scale FCN with random modality voxel dropout learning for intervertebral disc localization and segmentation from multi-modality MR images.
X Li, Q Dou, H Chen, CW Fu, X Qi, G Zheng, PA Heng, et al.
Medical Image Analysis.
- H-DenseUNet: hybrid densely connected UNet for liver and tumor segmentation from CT volumes.
X Li, H Chen, X Qi, Q Dou, CW Fu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- SV-RCNet: workflow recognition from surgical videos using recurrent convolutional network.
Y Jin, Q Dou, H Chen, L Yue, J Qin, CW Fu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Thin feature-aware transport-velocity formulation for SPH-based liquid animation.
W Si, J Qin, Z Chen, X Liao, Q Wang, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
- Online robust projective dictionary learning: shape modeling for MR-TRUS registration.
Y Wang, Q Zheng, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Sparse support matrix machine.
Q Zheng, F Zhu, J Qin, B Chen, PA Heng.
Pattern Recognition 76, 715-726.
- Non-local low-rank normal filtering for mesh denoising.
X Li, L Zhu, CW Fu, PA Heng.
Computer Graphics Forum.
- ScanNet: a fast and dense scanning framework for metastatic breast cancer detection from whole-slide image.
H Lin, H Chen, Q Dou, L Wang, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Winter Conference on Aplications of Computer Vision.
- Large-scale Bayesian probabilistic matrix factorization with memo-free distributed variational inference.
G Chen, F Zhu, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery fom Data 12(3), 31.
- Recurrently aggregating deep features for salient object detection.
X Hu, L Zhu, J Qin, CW Fu, PA Heng.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
- SFCN-OPI: detection and fine-grained classification of nuclei using sibling FCN with objectness prior interaction.
Y Zhou, Q Dou, H Chen, J Qin, PA Heng.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
- PU-Net: point cloud upsampling network.
L Yu, X Li, CW Fu, D Cohen-Or, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
- Direction-aware spatial context features for shadow detection.
X Hu, L Zhu, CW Fu, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
- R^3Net: recurrent residual refinement network for saliency detection.
Z Deng, X Hu, L Zhu, X Xu, J Qin, G Han, PA Heng.
Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- Feature preserving Ultrasound speckle reduction via L0 minimization.
L Zhu, W Wang, X Li, Q Wang, J Qin, KS Choi, CW Fu, PA Heng.
- A non-local low-rank framework for Ultrasound speckle reduction.
L Zhu, CW Fu, MS Brown, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
- Joint bi-layer optimization for single-image rain streak removal.
L Zhu, CW Fu, D Lischinski, PA Heng.
International Conference on Computer Vision.
- Fast feature-preserving speckle reduction for Ultrasound images via phase congruency.
L Zhu, W Wang, J Qin, KH Wong, KS Choi, PA Heng.
Signal Processing.
- 3D deeply supervised network for automated segmentation of volumetric medical images.
Q Dou, L Yu, H Chen, Y Jin, X Yang, J Qin, PA Heng.
Medical Image Analysis.
- VoxResNet: deep voxelwise residual networks for brain segmentation from 3D MR images.
H Chen, Q Dou, L Yu, J Qin, PA Heng.
- Automated melanoma recognition in dermoscopy images via very deep residual networks.
L Yu, H Chen, Q Dou, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36(4), 994-1004.
- Ultrasound standard plane detection using a composite neural network framework.
H Chen, L Wu, Q Dou, J Qin, S Li, JZ Cheng, D Ni, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
- DCAN: Deep contour-aware networks for object instance segmentation from histology images.
H Chen, X Qi, L Yu, J Qin, PA Heng.
Medical Image Analysis 36, 135-146.
- Personalized heterogeneous deformable model for fast volumetric registration.
W Si, X Liao, Q Wang, PA Heng.
Biomedical Engineering Online 16(1), 30.
- Fine-grained recurrent neural networks for automatic prostate segmentation in ultrasound images.
X Yang, L Yu, L Wu, Y Wang, D Ni, J Qin, PA Heng.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
- Volumetric ConvNets with mixed residual connections for automated prostate segmentation from 3D MR images.
L Yu, X Yang, H Chen, J Qin, PA Heng.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
- Animating wall-bounded turbulent smoke via filament-mesh particle-particle method.
X Liao, W Si, Z Yuan, H Sun, J Qin, Q Wang, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
- Feature asymmetry anisotropic diffusion for speckle reduction.
L Zhu, F Gao, W Wang, Q Wang, J Qin, Y Zhao, F Zhou, H Zhang, PA Heng.
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 7(1), 197-202.
- Filament-based realistic turbulent wake synthesis.
X Liao, W Si, B Xu, Z Yuan, Q Wang, PA Heng.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds.
- The height-width-depth ratios of the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis vs controls in a Chinese population.
H Chen, TPC Schlosser, RC Brink, Di Colo, Marijn van Stralen, WCW Chu, PA Heng, RM Castelein, JCY Cheng.
Scientific Reports.
- Tracking topology structure adaptively with deep neural networks.
X Shi, G Chen, PA Heng, Z Yi.
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-10.
- Integrating online and offline three-dimensional deep learning for automated polyp detection in Colonoscopy videos.
L Yu, H Chen, Q Dou, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 21(1), 65-75.
- A Bayesian nonparametric approach to dynamic dyadic data prediction.
F Zhu, G Chen, PA Heng.
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM).
- Ultrasound speckle reduction via L0 minimization.
L Zhu, W Wang, X Li, Q Wang, J Qin, KH Wong, PA Heng.
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 50-65.
- Iterative multi-domain regularized deep learning for anatomical structure detection and segmentation from ultrasound images.
H Chen, Y Zheng, JH Park, PA Heng, SK Zhou.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention, 487-495.
- 3D deeply supervised network for automatic liver segmentation from CT volumes.
Q Dou, H Chen, Y Jin, L Yu, J Qin, PA Heng.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention, 149-157.
- Non-local sparse and low-rank regularization for structure-preserving image smoothing.
L Zhu, CW Fu, Y Jin, M Wei, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer Graphics Forum 35(7), 217-226.
- Multi-level contextual 3D CNNs for false positive reduction in pulmonary nodule detection.
Q Dou, H Chen, L Yu, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
- Haptic simulation framework for determining virtual dental occlusion.
W Wu, H Chen, Y Cen, Y Hong, B Khambay, PA Heng.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1-12.
- Blind image denoising via dependent dirichlet process tree.
F Zhu, G Chen, J Hao, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
- 3D fully convolutional networks for intervertebral disc localization and segmentation.
H Chen, Q Dou, X Wang, J Qin, JCY Cheng, PA Heng.
International Conference on Medical Imaging and Virtual Reality, 375-382.
- Globally optimal toon tracking.
H Zhu, X Liu, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35(4), 75.
- DCAN: deep contour-aware networks for accurate gland segmentation.
H Chen, X Qi, L Yu, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
- From noise modeling to blind image denoising.
F Zhu, GY Chen, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
- Improving the discrimination of bank motor imagery via virtual reality based visual guidance.
S Liang, KS Choi, WM Pang, Q Wang, PA Heng.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 132, 63-74.
- Patient-specific deformation modelling via Elastography: application to image-guided prostate interventions.
Y Wang, D Ni, J Qin, M Xu, X Xie, PA Heng.
Scientific Reports.
- Discrimination of motor imagery tasks via information flow pattern of brain connectivity.
S Liang, KS Choi, J Qin, Q Wang, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Technology and Health Care, 1-7.
- Automatic detection of cerebral microbleeds from MR images via 3D convolutional neural networks.
Q Dou, H Chen, L Yu, L Zhao, J Qin, D Wang, VCT Mok, L Shi, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35(5), 1182-1195.
- Constrained point-based framework with efficient mechanical interaction for virtual surgery.
W Si, J Shan, X Liao, W Wang, Q Wang, PA Heng.
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 22, 367-374.
- Automated mitosis detection with deep regression networks.
H Chen, X Wang, PA Heng.
IEEE Internatianl Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1204-1207.
- Mitosis detection in breast cancer histology images via deep cascaded networks.
H Chen, Q Dou, X Wang, J Qin, PA Heng.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
- Deep contextual networks for neuronal structure segmentation.
H Chen, X Qi, J Cheng, PA Heng.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
- Towards personalized statistical deformable model and hybrid point matching for robust MR-TRUS registration.
Y Wang, J Cheng, D Ni, M Lin, J Qin, X Luo, M Xu, X Xie, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35(2), 589-604.
- Enhancing training performance for brain-computer interface with object-directed 3D visual guidance.
S Liang, KS Choi, J Qin, W Pang, PA Heng.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1-9.
- EndoRCN: Recurrent convolutional networks for recognition of surgical workflow in cholecystectomy procedure video.
Y Jin, Q Dou, H Chen, L Yu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- Accelerating neuroimage registration through parallel computation of similarity metric.
Y Luo, P Liu, L Shi, Y Luo, L Yi, A Li, J Qin, PA Heng, D Wang.
PloS one, 2015, 10(9): e0136718.
- Fully automatic and nonparametric quantification of adipose tissue in fat–water separation MR imaging.
D Wang, L Shi, WCW Chu, M Hu, B Tomlinson, WH Huang, T Wang, PA Heng, DKW Yeung, AT Ahuja
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2015: 1-8.
- Myocardial iron loading assessment by automatic left ventricle segmentation with morphological operations and geodesic active contour on T2* image.
Y Luo, JKL Ko, L Shi, Y Guan, L Li, J Qin, PA Heng, WCW Chu, D Wang.
Scientific Reports, 2015, 5.
- Standard plane localization in fetal ultrasound via domain transferred deep neural networks.
H Chen, D Ni, J Qin, S Li, X Yang, T Wang, PA Heng.
Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of 19(5), 1627-1636.
- Automatic detection of cerebral microbleeds via deep learning based 3D feature representation.
H Chen, L Yu, Q Dou, L Shi, VCT Mok, PA Heng.
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2015: 764-767.
- Morphology-preserving smoothing on polygonized isosurfaces of inhomogeneous binary volumes.
M Wei, L Zhu, J Yu, J Wang, WM Pang, J Wu, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer-aided Design, 2015, 58: 92-98.
- Vortex filaments in grids for scalable-fine smoke simulation.
M Zhang, W Si, Y Qian, H Sun, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 99.
- Automatic localization and identification of vertebrae in spine CT via a joint learning model with deep neural networks.
H Chen, C Shen, J Qin, D Ni, L Shi, JCY Cheng, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI, 515-522.
- Automatic fetal ultrasound standard plane detection using knowledge transferred recurrent neural networks.
H Chen, Q Dou, D Ni, JZ Cheng, J Qin, S Li, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI, 507-514.
- Bi-normal filtering for mesh denoising.
M Wei, J Yu, WM Pang, J Wang, J Qin, L Liu, PA Heng.
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 2015, 21(1): 43-55.
- Projection-embedded BYY learning algorithm for Gaussian mixture-based clustering.
G Chen, PA Heng, L Xu.
Applied Informatics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, 1(1): 1-20.
- Standard plane localization in ultrasound by radial component model and selective search.
D Ni, X Yang, X Chen, CT Chin, S Chen, PA Heng, S Li, J Qin, T Wang.
Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 2014, 40(11): 2728-2742.
- Feature-preserving mesh denoising via normal guided quadric error metrics.
J Yu, M Wei, J Qin, J Wu, PA Heng.
Optics and lasers in engineering, 2014, 62: 57-68.
- Effective user training for motor imagery based brain computer interface with object-directed 3D visual display.
S Liang, KS Choi, J Qin, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2014 7th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 297-301.
- Speckle reduction by phase-based weighted least squares.
L Zhu, W Wang, J Qin, PA Heng.
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 2014: 3909-3912.
- Systems and methods for detecting arterial input function (AIF).
L Shi, D Wang, PA Heng.
U.S. Patent 8,798,349[P]. 2014-8-5.
- Apparatus and methods for generating and processing manga-style images.
TT Wong, Y Qu, WM Pang, PA Heng.
U.S. Patent 8,768,001[P]. 2014-7-1.
- Automatic detection of arterial input function in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI based on affinity propagation clustering.
L Shi, D Wang, W Liu, K Fang, YXJ Wang, W Huang, AD King, PA Heng, AT Ahuja.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 2014, 39(5): 1327-1337.
- Personalized modeling of prostate deformation based on elastography for MRI-TRUS registration.
Y Wang, D Ni, J Qin, X Yang, X Xie, M Lin, PA Heng.
Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2014 IEEE 11th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2014: 782-785.
- Standard plane localization in ultrasound by radial component.
X Yang, D Ni, J Qin, S Li, T Wang, S Chen, PA Heng.
Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2014 IEEE 11th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2014: 1180-1183.
- Multiscale geodesic active contours for ultrasound image segmentation using speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion.
W Wang, L Zhu, J Qin, YP Chui, BN Li, PA Heng.
Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 2014, 40(11): 2728-2742.
- Visualization of needle access pathway and a five-DoF evaluation.
WY Chan, PA Heng.
Biomedical and health informatics, IEEE Journal of 18(2), 2014, 643-653.
- A virtual training system for maxillofacial surgery using advanced haptic feedback and immersive workbench.
F Wu, X Chen, Y Lin, C Wang, X Wang, G Shenn, J Qin, PA Heng.
The international journal of medical robotics and computer assisted surgery, 2014, 10(1), 78-87.
- Detection and measurement of fetal abdominal contour in ultrasound images via local phase information and iterative randomized Hough transform.
W Wang, J Qin, L Zhu, D Ni, YP Chui, PA Heng.
Bio-medical materials and engineering, 2013,24(1), 1261-1267.
- Parallel structure-aware halftoning.
H Wu, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Multimedia tools and applicaions, 2013, 67(3), 529-547.
- Feature-preserving optimization for noisy mesh using joint bilateral filter and constrained Laplacian smoothing.
M Wei, W Shen, J Qin, J Wu, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Optics and lasers in engineering, 2013, 51(11), 1223-1234.
- Coarse-to-fine normal filtering for feature-preserving mesh denoising based on isotropic subneighborhoods.
L Zhu, M Wei, J Yu, W Wang, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer graphics forum, 2013, 32(7), 371-380.
- Interactive explorative of 4D geometry with volumetric halos.
WM Wang, XQ Yan, CW Fu, AJ Hanson, PA Heng.
The 21th pacific conference on computer graphics and applications-short papers.
- Mesh quality oriented 3D geometric vascular modeling based on parallel transport frame.
J Guo, S Li, YP Chui, J Qinn, PA Heng.
Computers in biology and medicine, 2013, 43(7), 879-888.
- Cardiac motion recovery using an incompressible B-solid model.
H Wu, PA Heng, TT Wong.
Medical engineering and physics, 2013, 35(7), 958-968.
- Binocular visual experience enrichment system.
TT Wong, PA Heng, Y Xuan, L Zhang.
US Patent, 685.
- A multiresolution framework for ultrasound image segmentation by combinative active contours.
W Wang, J Qin, YP Chui, PA Heng.
Engineering in medicine and biology society (EMBC), 2013, 1144-1147.
- Learning based automatic head detection and measurement from fetal ultrasound images via prior knowledge and imaging parameters.
D Ni, Y Yang, S Li, J Qin, S Ouyang, T Wang, PA Heng.
Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on, 772-775.
- Effect of packet loss on collaborative haptic interactions in networked virtual environments: an experimental study.
J Qin, KS Choi, R Xu, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Presence: teleoperators and virtual environments 22(1), 36-53.
- Quantized local edge distribution: a descriptor for B-mode ultrasound images.
WY Chan, YP Chui, PA Heng.
Augmented reality environments for medical imaging and computer-assisted interventions, 192-200.
- A serious game for learning ultraosund-guided needle placement skills.
WY Chan, J Qin, YP Chui, PA Heng.
Informations technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 16(6), 1032-1042.
- Real-time mandibular angle reduction surgical simulation with haptic rendering.
Q Wang, H Chen, W Wu, HY Jin, PA Heng.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 16(6), 1105-1114.
- A catheterization-training simulator based on a fast multigrid solver.
S Li, J Guo, Q Wang, Q Meng, YP Chui, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE 32(6), 56-70.
- Packet-loss-resilient perception-based haptic data reduction and transmission using ACK packets.
J Qin, KS Choi, R Xu, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Signal processing (ICSP), 2012 IEEE 11th international connference on 2, 1165-1170.
- Impulse-based rendering methods for haptic simulation of bone-burring.
Q Wang, H Chen, W Wu, J Qin, PA Heng.
Haptics, IEEE Transactions on 5(4), 344-355.
- Binocular tone mappling.
X Yang, L Zhang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH 2012 Issue), 31(4), 93:1-10.
- Fast rendering of diffusion curves with triangles.
WM Pang, J Qin, M Cohen, PA Heng, KS Choi.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE 32(4), 68-78.
- Chinese acupuncture expert system (CAES) - a useful tool to practice and learn medical acupuncture.
CFD Lam, KS Leung, PA Heng, CED Lim, FWS Wong.
Journal of medical system 36(3), 1883-1890.
- A simulation system for training catheterization skills based on a fast multigrid solver.
S Li, J Guo, Q Wang, Q Meng, YP Chui, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer graphics and applications.
- Using time-varying texels to simulate withering grassland.
W Wu, PA Heng, E Wu.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE 32(1), 78-86.
- A novel statistical morphometry imaging method for differentiating long bone geometry: methodological development and application with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients.
L Shi, D Wang, BHY Yeung, WCW Chu, JF Griffith, PA Heng, JCY Cheng, AT Ahuja.
Medical engineering and physics, 33(9), 1103-1107.
- Application of L1-norm regularization to epicardial potential reconstruction based on gradient projection.
L Wang, J Qin, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Physics in medicine and biology, 56(19), 6291.
- A freehand vascular designing and modeling tool for surgery simulation.
JX Guo, Q Meng, S Li, YP Chui, SCH Yu, PA Heng.
Journal of computing and information science in engineering, 11(3), 034501.
- WYSIWYF: exploring and annotation volume data with a tangible handheld device.
P Song, WB Goh, CW Fu, Q Meng, PA Heng.
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems, 1333-1342.
- Color quantification for evaluation of stained tissues.
D Wang, L Shi, YXJ Wang, GCW Man, PA Heng, JF Griffith, AT Ahuja.
Cytometry part A, 79(4), 311-316.
- P054 Fast visualization and exploration of 4D cardiac images based on joint spatiotemporal features.
Q Jing, LS Wang, HS Wu, TT Wong, PA Heng, CM Yu.
International journal of cardiology, 147, S24.
- P052 Reconstruction and visualization of left ventricular torsion using a prolate spheroidal B-solid model.
HS Wu, LS Wang, J Qin, TT Wong, PA Heng, CM Yu.
International journal of cardiology, 147, S23-S24.
- P053 Reconstruction and propagation of the epicardial potentials in a dynamic heart model.
LS Wang, HS Wu, J Qin, TT Wong, PA Heng, CM Yu.
International journal of cardiology, 147, S24.
- Accelerating simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique with motion compensation using CUDA-enabled GPU.
WM Pang, J Qin, Y Lu, Y Xie, CK Chui, PA Heng.
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 6(2), 187-199.
- CvhSlicer: an interactive cross-sectional anatomy navigation system based on high-resolution Chinese visible human data.
Q Meng, YP Chui, J Qin, WH Kwok, M Karmakar, PA Heng.
Medicine meets virtual reality 18: NextMed, 163, 354.
- Automatic MRI segmentation and morphoanatomy analysis of the vestibular system in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
L Shi, D Wang, WCW Chu, GR Burwell, TT Wong, PA Heng, JCY Cheng.
Neuroimage, 54, S180-S188.
- A novel FEM-based numerical solver for interactive catheter simulation in virtual catheterization.
S Li, J Qin, J Gao, YP Chui, PA Heng.
Journal of biomedical imaging, 3, 2011.
- A meshless rheological model for blood-vessel interaction in endovascular simulation.
YP Chui, PA Heng.
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 103(2), 252-261.
- Resizing by symmetry-summarization.
H Wu, YS Wang, KC Feng, TT Wong, TY Lee, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH Aisa 2010 issue), 29(6), 1591-1599.
- Fast and accurate 3D registration of HR-pQCT images.
L Shi, D Wangn, VWY Hung, BHY Yeung, JF Griffith, WCW Chu, PA Heng, JCY Cheng, L Qin.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 14(5), 1291-1297.
- MR image segmentation and bias field estimation using coherent local and global intensity clustering.
ZX Ji, Q Chen, QS Sun, DS Xia, PA Heng.
Fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery (FSKD), 2010 seventh international conference on 2, 578-582.
- Combined X-ray and facial videos for phoneme-level articulator dynamics.
H Chen, L Wang, W Liu, PA Heng.
The visual computer, 26(6-8), 477-486.
- Collaborative simulation of soft-tissue deformation for virtual surgery applications.
J Qin, KS Choi, PA Heng.
Journal of medical system, 34(3), 367-378.
- A novel modeling framework for multilayered soft tissue deformation in virtual orthopedic surgery.
J Qin, WM Pang, YP Chui, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Journal of medical system, 34(3), 261-271.
- Concatenated and parallel optimization for the estimation of T1 map in FLASH MRI with multiple flip angles.
D Wang, L Shi, YXJ Wang, J Yuan, DKW Yeung, AD King, AT Ahuja, PA Heng.
Magnetic resonance in medicine, 63(5), 1431-1436.
- Two-stage object tracking method based on kernel and active contour.
Q Chen, QS Sun, PA Heng, DS Xia.
Circuits and systems for video technology, IEEE Transactions on 20(4), 605-609.
- Adaptive total variation denoising based on difference curvature.
Q Chen, P Montesinos, QS Sun, PA Heng.
Image and vision computing, 28(3), 298-306.
- Learning blood management in orthopedic surgery through gameplay.
J Qinn, YP Chui, WM Pang, KS Choi, PA Heng.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE, 30(2), 45-57.
- Video facial feature tracking with enhanced ASM and predicted meanshift.
B Pu, S Liang, Y Xie, Z Yi, PA Heng.
Computer modeling and simulation, 2010. ICCMS'10. Second international conference on 2, 151-155.
- Fast prototyping of virtual reality based surgical simulators with PhysX-enabled GPU.
WM Pang, J Qin, YP Chui, PA Heng.
Transactions on edutainment IV, 176-188.
- Learning ultrasound-guided needle insertion skills through an edutainment game.
WY Chan, D Ni, WM Pang, J Qin, YP Chui, SCH Yu, PA Heng.
Transactions on edutainment IV, 200-214.
- A framework using cluster-based hybrid network architecture for collaborative virtual surgery.
J Qin, KS Choi, WS Poon, PA Heng.
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 96 (3), 205-216.
- CUDA-based acceleration and algorithm refinement for volume image registration.
S Chen, L Qin, Y Xie, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Biomedical information engineering, 2009. FBIE 2009. International conference on future, 544-547.
- Segmentation and reconstruction of hepatic veins and intrahepatic protal vein based on the coronal sectional anatomic dataset.
L Lou, SW Liu, ZM Zhao, PA Heng, YC Tang, ZP Li, YM Xie, YP Chui.
Surgical and radiologic anatomy, 31(10), 763-768.
- Accelerating active shape model using GPU for facial extraction in video.
J Li, Y Lu, B Pu, Y Xie, J Qin, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Intelligent computing and intelligent systems, 2009. IEEE International conference on 4, 522-526.
- A virtual reality simulator for ultrasound-guided biopsy training.
D Ni, WY Chan, J Qin, YP Chui, Y Qu, SSM Ho, PA Heng.
IEEE Computer graphics and applications, 36-48.
- An efficient sorting algorithm with CUDA.
S Chen, J Qin, Y Xie, J Zhao, PA Heng.
Journal of the Chinese institute of engineers, 32(7), 915-921.
- GL4D: a GPU-based architecture for interactive 4D visualization.
A Chu, CW Fu, AJ Hanson, PA Heng.
Visualization and computer graphics, IEEE Transactions on 15(6), 1587-1594.
- Reconstruction of volumetric ultrasound panorama based on improved 3D SIFT.
D Ni, YP Chui, Y Qu, X Yang, J Qin, TT Wong, SSH Ho, PA Heng.
Computerized medical imaging and graphics, 33(7), 559-566.
- Some multistability properties of bidirectional associative memory recurrent neural networks with unsaturation piecewise linear transfer functions.
L Zhang, Z Yi, J Yu, PA Heng.
Neurocomputing, 72(16), 3809-3817.
- Segmentation of human skull in MRI using statistical shape information from CT data.
D Wang, L Shi, WCW Chu, JCY Cheng, PA Heng.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 30(3), 490-498.
- Automatic detection of breast cancers in mammograms using structured support vector machines.
D Wang, L Shi, PA Heng.
Neurocomputing, 72(13), 3296-3302.
- Accelerating algebraic reconstruction using CUDA-enabled GPU.
Y Lu, W Wang, S Chen, Y Xie, J Qin, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Computer graphics, imaging and visualization, 2009, CGIV'09. Sixth international conference on 480-485.
- Volume-based morphometry of brain MR images in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and healthy control subjects.
L Shi, D Wang, WCW Chu, RG Burwell, BJC Freeman, PA Heng, JCY Cheng.
American journal of neuroradiology, 30(7), 1302-1307.
- Activity invariant sets and exponentially stable attractors of linear threshold discrete-time recurrent neural networks.
L Zhang, Z Yi, SL Zhang, PA Heng.
Automatic control, IEEE Transactions on 54(6), 1341-1347.
- A comparison of morphometric techniques for studying the shape of the corpus callosum in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
D Wang, L Shi, WCW Chu, T Paus, JCY Cheng, PA Heng.
Neuroimage, 45(3), 738-748.
- A fast and flexible sorting algorithm with CUDA.
S Chen, J Qin, Y Xie, J Zhao, PA Heng.
Algorithms and architectures for parallel processing, 281-290.
- Richness-preserving manga screening.
Y Qu, WM Pang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on Graphics ((SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 issue), 27(5), 1551-1558.
- Intrinsic colorization.
X Liu, L Wan, Y Qu, TT Wong, S Lin, CS Leung, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 issue), 27(5), 1521-1529.
- Image diffusion using saliency bilateral filter.
J Xie, PA Heng, M Shah.
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine: a publication of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, 12(6), 768-771.
- Discriminative analysis of skull morphology in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients: comparative study with normal controls.
L Shi, D Wang, PA Heng, TT Wong, WCW Chu, BHY Yeung, JCY Cheng.
Pattern recognition, 41(9), 2800-2811.
- Structure-aware halftoning.
WM Pang, Y Qu, TT Wong, D Cohen-Or, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 issue), 27(3), 891-898
- Generating massive high-quality random numbers using GPU.
WM Pang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Evolutionary computation, 2008. CEC 2008. IEEE Congress on 841-847.
- Shape matching and modeling using skeletal context.
J Xie, PA Heng, M Shah.
Pattern recognition, 41(5), 1756-1767.
- Perception-aware depth cueing for illustrative vascular visualization.
A Chu, WY Chan, J Guo, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Biomedical engineering and informatics, 2008. BMEI 2008. International conference on 1, 341-346.
- A double-threshold image binarization method based on edge detector.
Q Chenn, Q Sun, PA Heng, D Xia.
Pattern recognition, 41(4), 1254-1267.
- Parametric active contours for object tracking based on matching degree image of object contour points.
Q Chen, Q Sun, PA Heng, D Xia.
Pattern recognition letters, 29(2), 126-141.
- Fuzzified choquet integral with a fuzzy-valued integrand and its application on temperature prediction.
R Yang, Z Wang, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Systems, man and cybemetics, part B: cybemetics, IEEE Transactions on 38(2), 367-380.
- Variations of semicircular canals orientation and left-right asymmetry in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) comparing with normal controls: MR morphometry study using advanced image computation techniques.
WCW Chu, L Shi, D Wang, T Paus, RG Burwell, GCW Man, A Cheng, HY Yeung, KM Lee, PA Heng, JCY Cheng.
Research into spinal deformities 6, 333.
- An ultrasound-guided organ biopsy simulation with 6dof haptic feedback.
D Ni, WY Chan, J Qin, Y Qu, YP Chui, SSM Ho, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2008, 551-559.
- Volumetric ultrasound panorama based on 3D SIFT.
D Ni, Y Qu, X Yang, YP Chui, TT Wong, SSM Ho, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2008, 52-60.
- A computational framework for approximating boundary surfaces in 3D biomedical images.
L Wang, J Bai, P He, PA Heng, X Yang.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 11(6), 668-682.
- Ellipsoidal support vector clustering for functional MRI analysis.
D Wang, L Shi, DS Yeung, ECC Tsang, PA Heng.
Pattern recognition, 40(10), 2685-2695.
- Moving object extraction with a hand-held camera.
G Zhang, J Jia, W Xiong, TT Wong, PA Heng, H Bao.
Computer vision, 2007. ICCV 2007. IEEE 11th international conference on, 1-8.
- Classification of heterogeneous fuzzy data by Choquet integral with fuzzy-valued integrand.
R Yang, Z Wang, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Fuzzy systems, IEEE Transactions on 15(5), 931-942.
- Dynamic touch - enabled virtual palpation.
H Chen, W Wu, H Sun, PA Heng.
Computer animation and virtual worlds, 18(4-5), 339-348.
- Tileable btf.
MK Leung, WM Pang, CW Fu, TT Wongn, PA Heng.
Visualization and computer graphics, IEEE Transactions on 13(5), 953-965.
- Robust metric reconstrction from challenging video sequences.
G Zhang, X Qin, W Hua, TT Wong, PA Heng, H Bao.
Computer vision and pattern recognition, 2007. CVPR'07. IEEE Conference on, 1-8.
- Fast and active texture segmentation based on orientation and local variance.
Q Chen, J Luo, PA Heng, X De-shen.
Journal of visual communication and image representation, 18(2), 119-129.
- Discrete wavelet transform on consumer-level graphics hardware.
TT Wong, CS Leung, PA Heng, J Wang.
Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on 9(3), 668-673.
- Block-based fragment filtration with feasible multi-GPU acceleration for real-time volume rendering on conventional personal computer.
PA Heng, Y Xie, TT Wong, YP Chui.
US Patent 7, 184, 041.
- Isosurfaces computation for approximating boundary surfaces within three-dimentional images.
L Wang, J Bai, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Journal of electronic imaging, 16(1), 013011-013011-12.
- Hardware-accelerated bleeding simulation for virtual surgery.
J Qin, WM Pang, YP Chui, YM Xie, TT Wong, WS Poon, KS Leung, PA Heng.
MICCAI 2007 workshop proceedings 133.
- PPU-based deformable models for catheterisation training.
JX Guo, S Li, YP Chui, Q Meng, H Zhang, SCH Yu, PA Heng.
Proceedings of MICCAI 2007 workshop, 24-32.
- Orthopedics surgery trainer with PPU-accelerated blood and tissue simulation.
WM Pang, J Qin, YP Chui, TT Wong, KS Leung, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2007, 842-849.
- Deploying Chinese visible human data on anatomical exploration: from Western medicine to Chinese acupuncture.
PA Heng, SX Zhang, Y Xie, TT Wong, YP Chui, JCY Cheng.
Complex medical engineering, 351-360.
- GPU-friendly warped display for scope-maintained video surveillance.
G Wang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Multimedia systems, 12(3), 169-178.
- GPU-friendly marching cubes for visualizing translucent isosurfaces.
Y Xie, PA Heng, G Wang, TT Wong.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 125, 500-502.
- Boundary enhancement and speckle reduction for ultrasound images via salient structure extraction.
J Xie, Y Jiang, HT Tsui, PA Heng.
Biomedical engineering, IEEE Transactions on 53(11), 2300-2309.
- Deringing cartoons by image analogies.
G Wang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (TOG) 25(4), 1360-1379.
- Manga colorization.
Y Qu, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH 2006 Conference Proceedings), 25(3), 1214-1220.
- Shape statistics variational approach for the outer contour segmentation of left ventricle MR images.
Q Chen, ZM Zhou, M Tang, PA Heng, DS Xia.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 10(3), 588-597.
- Photorealistic virtual anatomy based on Chinese visible human data.
PA Heng, SX Zhang, YM Xie, TT Wong, YP Chui, CY Cheng.
Clinical Anatomy 19(3), 232-239.
- A haptic needle manipulation simulator for Chinese acupuncture learning and training.
PA Heng, TT Wong, KM Leung, YP Chui, H Sun.
International journal of image and graphics, 6(02), 205-230.
- Chinese visible human project.
SX Zhang, PA Heng, ZJ Liu.
Clinical anatomy, 19(3), 204-215.
- Segmentation and three-dimension reconstruction of Chinese digitized human cerebrum.
QY Li, SX Zhang, PA Heng, ZJ Liu, ZF Lin, LW Tann, YM Xie.
Computerized medical imaging graphics, 30(2), 89-94.
- A spectral clustering approach to fMRI activation detection.
L Shi, PA Heng, TT Wong.
Engineering in medicine and biology society, 2005. IEEE-EMBS 2005. 27th annual international conference of the 5892-5895.
- Real-valued choquet integrals with fuzzy-valued integrand.
Z Wang, R Yang, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Fuzzy sets and systems, 157(2), 256-269.
- Morphometric analysis for pathological abnormality detection in the skull vaults of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis girls.
L Shi, PA Heng, TT Wong, WCW Chu, BHY Yeung, JCY Cheng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2006, 175-182.
- Intelligent inferencing and haptic simulation for Chinese acupuncture learning and training.
PA Heng, TT Wong, R Yang, YP Chui, YM Xie, KS Leung, PC Leung.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 10(1), 28-41.
- Application to anatomic visualization and orthopaedics training.
PA Heng, CY Cheng, TT Wong, W Wu, Y Xie, YP Chui, KM Chan, KS Leung.
Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 442, 5-12.
- A new method of feature fusion and its application in image recognition.
QS Sun, SG Zeng, Y Liu, PA Heng, DS Xia.
Pattern recognition, 38(12), 2437-2448.
- Virtual acupuncture human based on Chinese visible human dataset.
PA Heng, Y Xie, X Wang, YP Chui, TT Wong.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 119, 194-197.
- Real-time surveillance video display with salience.
G Wang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Proceedings of the third ACM international workshop on video surveillance and sensor networks, 37-44.
- LV shape and motion: B-spline-based deformable model and sequential motion decomposition.
G Luo, PA Heng.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 9(3), 430-446.
- An improved scheme of an interactive finite element model for 3D soft-tissue cutting and deformation.
W Wu, PA Heng.
The visual computer 21(8-10), 707-716.
- Fuzzy numbers and fuzzification of the choquet integral.
R Yang, Z Wangn, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Fuzzy sets and systems, 153(1), 95-113.
- Thin sectional anatomy, three-dimensional reconstruction and visualization of the heart from the Chinese visible human.
YL Guo, PA Heng, SX Zhang, ZJ Liu, LW Tan, QY Li, MG Qiu, K Li, HQ Fan, YS Wang, ZS Tang.
Surgical and radiologic anatomy, 27(2), 113-118.
- A system for real-time panorama generation and display in tele-immersive applications.
WK Tang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on 7(2), 280-292.
- A theorem on the generalized canonical projective vectors.
QS Sun, Z Liu, PA Heng, DS Xia.
Pattern recognition, 38(3), 449-452.
- Support vector clustering for brain activation detection.
D Wang, L Shi, DS Yeung, PA Heng, TT Wong, ECC Tsang.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2005, 572-579.
- Shape modeling using automatic landmarking.
J Xie, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2005, 709-716.
- Backward reasoning on rule-based systems modeled by fuzzy Petri nets through backward tree.
R Yang, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Computational intelligence for modelling and prediction, 61-71.
- A novel feature fusion method based on partial least squares regression.
QS Sun, Z Jin, PA Heng, DS Xia.
Pattern recognition and data mining, 268-277.
- Face recognition based on generalized canonical correlation analysis.
QS Sun, PA Heng, Z Jin, DS Xia.
Advances in intelligent computing, 958-967.
- Feature fusion method based on canonical correlation analysis and handwritten character recognition.
QS Sun, SG Zeng, PA Heng, DS Xia.
Control, automation, robotics and vision conference, 2004. ICARCV 2004 8th, 2, 1547-1552.
- Cardiac MR image segmentation and left ventricle surface reconstruction based on level set method.
Z Zhou, J You, PA Heng, D Xia.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 111, 629-632.
- Digital photo similarity analysis in frequency domain and photo album compression.
Y Lu, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia, 237-244.
- An efficient and scalable deformable model for virtual reality-based medical applications.
KS Choi, H Sun, PA Heng.
Artificial intelligence in medicine, 32(1), 51-69.
- Deformable simulation using force propagation model with finite element optimization.
KS Choi, H Sun, PA Heng, J Zou.
Computers and graphics, 28(4), 559-568.
- Discrete wavelet transform on GPU.
J Wang, TT Wong, PA Heng, CS Leung.
Proceedings of ACM workshop on general purpose computing on graphics processors, 7-8.
- A hybrid condensed finite element model with GPU acceleration for interactive 3D soft tissue cutting.
W Wu, PA Heng.
Computer animation and virtual worlds, 15(3-4), 219-227.
- A virtual-reality training system for knee arthroscopic surgery.
PA Heng, CY Cheng, TT Wong, Y Xu, YP Chui, KM Chan, SK Tso.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 8(2), 217-227.
- A real-time Cantonese text-to-audiovisual speech synthesizer.
JQ Wang, KH Wong, PA Heng, HM Meng, TT Wong.
Acoustics, speech and signal processing, 2004. Proceedings. IEEE International conference on 1.
- Estimating light vectors in real time.
WM Pang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE 24(3), 36-43.
- The Chinese Visible Human (CVH) datasets incorporate technical and imaging advances on earlier digital humans.
SX Zhang, PA Heng, ZJ Liu, LW Tan, MG Qiu, QY Li, RX Liao, K Li, et al.
Journal of anatomy, 204(3), 165-173.
- Image-based relighting: representation and compression.
TT Wong, PA Heng.
Integrated image and graphics technologies, 161-181.
- Level set based auto segmentation of the tagged left ventricle MR images.
Q Chen, ZM Zhou, YG Qu, PA Heng, DS Xia.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 63-65.
- Segmentation of left ventricle via level set method based on enriched speed term.
Y Qu, Q Chen, PA Heng, TT Wong.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2004, 435-442.
- Virtual reality based system for training on knee arthroscopic surgery.
PA Heng, CY Cheng, TT Wong, X Yangsheng, YP Chui, KM Chan, SK Tso.
Studies in health technology and informatics 98, 130-136.
- Interactive deformation of soft tissues with haptic feedback for medical learning.
KS Choi, H Sun, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on information technology in biomedicine: a publication of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology, 7(4), 358-363.
- Creation of the Chinese visible human data set.
SX Zhang, PA Heng, ZJ Liu, LW Tan, MG Qiu, QY Li, RX Liao, K Li, et al.
The anatomical record part B: the new anatomist 275(1), 190-195.
- Indeterminate integrals with respect to nonadditive measures.
Z Wang, K Xu, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Fuzzy sets and systems 138(3), 485-495.
- Time-critical rendering algorithm with incorporation of LoD. visibility culling and object impostor.
M Zhang, Z Pan, PA Heng.
The journal of visualization and computer animation 14(4), 211-223.
- A comparison of truncated total least squares with Tikhonov regularization in imaging by ultrasound inverse scattering.
C Liu, Y Wang, PA Heng.
Physics in medicine and biology 48(15), 2437.
- Instant relighting of volumetric data.
TT Wong, CW Fu, PF Fung, KT Lee, PA Heng.
Medical imaging 2003, 47-57.
- Classification by nonlinear integral projections.
K Xu, Z Wang, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Fuzzy systems, IEEE Transactions on 11(2), 187-201.
- Image reconstructions from two orthogonal projections.
Y Wang, PA Heng, FM Wahl.
International journal of imaging systems and technology 13(2), 141-145.
- A fast triangle-triangle overlap test using signed distances.
H Shen, PA Heng, Z Tang.
Journal of graphics tools 8(1), 17-23.
- The immersive cockpit.
WK Tang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on multimedia, 658-659.
- A hybrid condensed finite element model for interactive 3D soft tissue cutting.
W Wu, J Sun, PA Heng.
Studies in health technology and informatics 94, 401-403.
- The plenoptic illumination function.
TT Wong, CW Fu, PA Heng, CS Leung.
Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on 4(3), 361-371.
- Vector entropy imaging theory with application to computerized tomography.
Y Wang, J Cheng, PA Heng.
Physics in medicine and biology 47(13), 2301.
- A scalable force propagation approach for web-based deformable simulation of soft tissue.
KS Choi, H Sun, PA Heng, JCY Cheng.
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on 3D web technology, 185-193.
- Absolute periodicity and absolute stability of delayed neural networks.
Z Yi, PA Heng, P Vadakkepat.
Circuits and systems I: fundamental theory and applications, IEEE Transactions on 49(2), 256-261.
- Stability of fuzzy control systems with bounded uncertain delays.
Z Yi, PA Heng.
Fuzzy systems, IEEE Transactions on 10(1), 92-97.
- Improved algorithm on rule-based reasoning systems modeled by fuzzy Petri nets.
R Yang, WS Leung, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Fuzzy systems, 2002. FUZZ-IEEE'02. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International conference on 2, 1204-1209.
- Adaptive attitude dead-reckoning by cumulative polynomial extrapolation of quaternions.
YP Chui, PA Heng.
ds-rt, 0045.
- Using generalized choquet integral in projection pursuit based classification.
K Wu, Z Wang, PA Heng, KS Leung.
IFSA World congress and 20th NAFIPS International conference, 2001. Joint 9th, 1, 506-511.
- Global exponential asymptotic stability in nonlinear discrete dynamical systems.
L Wang, PA Heng, KS Leung, Z Xu.
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 258(1), 349-358.
- Constrained fairing for meshes.
X Liu, H Bao, PA Heng, TT Wong, Q Peng.
Computer graphics forum 20(2), 115-123.
- Convergence analysis of cellular neural networks with unbounded delay.
Z Yi, PA Heng, KS Leung.
Circuits and systems I: Fundamental theory and applications, IEEE Transactions on 48(6), 680-387.
- Continuous field based free-form surface modeling and morphing.
X Fang, H Bao, PA Heng, TT Wong, Q Peng.
Computers and graphics 25(2), 235-243.
- Interactive navigation of virtual vessel tracking with 3D intelligent scissors.
PA Heng, H Sun, KW Cheng, TT Wong.
International journal of image and graphics 1(02), 273-285.
- Constrained fairing for meshes.
X Liu, H Bao, PA Heng, TT Wong, Q Peng.
Computer graphics forum.
- Interactive relighting of panoramas.
TT Wong, PA Heng, CW Fu.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE 21(2), 32-41.
- Enhancing view consistency in collaborative medical visualization systems using predictive-based attitude estimation.
YP Chui, PA Heng.
Medical imaging and augmented reality, 2001. Proceeding. International workshop on 292-297.
- Template-matching approach to edge detection of volume data.
L Wang, TT Wong, PA Heng, JCY Cheng.
Medical imaging and augmented reality, 2001. Proceeding. International workshop on 286-291.
- Winner-take-all discrete recurrent neural networks.
Z Yi, PA Heng, PF Fung.
Circuits and systems II: Analog and digital signal processing, IEEE Transactions on 47(12), 1584-1589.
- Direct haptic rendering of isosurface by intermediate representation.
KW Chen, PA Heng, H Sun.
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on virtual reality software and technology, 188-194.
- Automated extraction of bronchus from 3D CT images of lung based on genetic algorithm and 3D region growing.
TY Law, PA Heng.
Medical imaging 2000, 906-916.
- Clustering categorical data.
Y Zhang, AW Fu, CH Cai, PA Heng.
ICDE, 305.
- Computer graphics around the world: computer graphics in Hong Kong.
Z Pan, PA Heng, RWH Lau.
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer grahics 34(1), 15-19.
- Multicriteria maximum likelihood neural network approach to positron emission tomography.
Y Wang, PA Heng.
International journal of imaging systems and technology 11(6), 361-364.
- Progressive geometry compression for meshes.
X Liu, H Bao, PA Heng, TT Wong, H Sun, Q Peng.
Computer graphics and applications, 2000. Proceedings. The Eighth Pacific conference on 408-410.
- Virtual bronchoscopy.
PA Heng, PF Fung, TT Wong, KS Leung, H Sun.
International journal of virtual reality 4(4), 10-20.
- Automatic centerline extraction for 3D virtual bronchoscopy.
TY Law, PA Heng.
Medical imaging computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2000, 786-793.
- Accelerating 'Intelligent Scissors' using slimmed graphs.
KCH Wong, PA Heng, TT Wong.
Journal of graphics tools 5(2), 1-13.

Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
- H-DenseUNet: hybrid densely connected UNet for liver and tumor segmentation from CT volumes.
X Li, H Chen, X Qi, Q Dou, CW Fu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2018.
- SV-RCNet: workflow recognition from surgical videos using recurrent convolutional network.
Y Jin, Q Dou, H Chen, L Yue, J Qin, CW Fu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2018.
- VoxResNet: Deep voxelwise residual networks for brain segmentation from 3D MR images.
H Chen, Q Dou, L Yu, J Qin, PA Heng.
NeuroImage, 2017.
- 3D Deeply supervised network for automated segmentation of volumetric medical images.
Q Dou, L Yu, H Chen, Y Jin, X Yang, J Qin, PA Heng.
Medical Image Analysis, 2017.
- Automated melanoma recognition in dermoscopy images via very deep residual networks.
L Yu, H Chen, Q Dou, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36(4), 2017, 994-1004.
- Ultrasound standard plane detection using a composite neural network framework.
H Chen, L Wu, Q Dou, J Qin, S Li, JZ Cheng, D Ni, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2017.
- DCAN: Deep contour-aware networks for object instance segmentation from histology images.
H Chen, X Qi, L Yu, Q Dou, J Qin, PA Heng.
Medical Image Analysis 36, 2017, 135-146.
- The height-width-depth ratios of the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis vs controls in a Chinese population.
H Chen, TPC Schlosser, RC Brink, Di Colo, Marijn van Stralen, WCW Chu, PA Heng, RM Castelein, JCY Cheng.
Scientific Reports, 2017.
- Integrating online and offline three-dimensional deep learning for automated polyp detection in Colonoscopy videos.
L Yu, H Chen, Q Dou, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21(1), 2017, 65-75.
- Fine-grained recurrent neural networks for automatic prostate segmentation in ultrasound images.
X Yang, L Yu, L Wu, Y Wang, D Ni, J Qin, PA Heng.
Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017.
- Volumetric ConvNets with mixed residual connections for automated prostate segmentation from 3D MR images.
L Yu, X Yang, H Chen, J Qin, PA Heng.
Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017.
- Multi-scale and modality dropout learning for intervertebral disc localization and segmentation.
X Li, Q Dou, H Chen, CW Fu, PA Heng.
International Workshop on Computational Methods and clinical Applications for Spine Imaging, 2016, 85-91.
- Iterative multi-domain regularized deep learning for anatomical structure detection and segmentation from ultrasound images.
H Chen, Y Zheng, JH Park, PA Heng, SK Zhou.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention, 2016, 487-495.
- 3D deeply supervised network for automatic liver segmentation from CT volumes.
Q Dou, H Chen, Y Jin, L Yu, J Qin, PA Heng.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention, 2016, 149-157.
- Multi-level contextual 3D CNNs for false positive reduction in pulmonary nodule detection.
Q Dou, H Chen, L Yu, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016.
- 3D fully convolutional networks for intervertebral disc localization and segmentation.
H Chen, Q Dou, X Wang, J Qin, JCY Cheng, PA Heng.
International Conference on Medical Imaging and Virtual Reality, 2016, 375-382.
- Automated mitosis detection with deep regression networks.
H Chen, X Wang, PA Heng.
IEEE Internatianl Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2016, 1204-1207.
- EndoRCN: Recurrent convolutional networks for recognition of surgical workflow in cholecystectomy procedure video.
Y Jin, Q Dou, H Chen, L Yu, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2016.
- DCAN: deep contour-aware networks for accurate gland segmentation.
H Chen, X Qi, L Yu, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2016), Las Vegas, USA.
- Automatic detection of cerebral microbleeds from MR images via 3D convolutional neural networks.
Q Dou, H Chen, L Yu, L Zhao, J Qin, D Wang, VCT Mok, L Shi, PA Heng.
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35(5), 2016,1182-1195.
- Mitosis detection in breast cancer histology images via deep cascaded networks.
H Chen, Q Dou, X Wang, J Qin, PA Heng.
Thirtieth AAAI conference on artificial intelligence,2016.
- Deep contextual networks for neuronal structure segmentation.
H Chen, X Qi, J Cheng, PA Heng.
Thirtieth AAAI conference on artificial intelligence,2016.
- Standard plane localization in fetal ultrasound via domain transferred deep neural networks.
H Chen, D Ni, J Qin, S Li, X Yang, T Wang, PA Heng.
Biomedical and health informatics, IEEE Journal of 19(5), 2015, 1627-1636.
- Automatic localization and identification of vertebrae in spine CT via a joint learning model with deep neural networks.
H Chen, C Shen, J Qin, D Ni, L Shi, JCY Cheng, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI, 2015, 515-522.
Image Processing & Medical Imaging
- R^3Net: recurrent residual refinement network for saliency detection.
Z Deng, X Hu, L Zhu, X Xu, J Qin, G Han, PA Heng.
Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018.
- Direction-aware spatial context features for shadow detection.
X Hu, L Zhu, CW Fu, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018.
- Online robust projective dictionary learning: shape modeling for MR-TRUS registration.
Y Wang, Q Zheng, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2018.
- Joint bi-layer optimization for single-image rain streak removal.
L Zhu, CW Fu, D Lischinski, PA Heng.
International Conference on Computer Vision, 2017.
- A non-local low-rank framework for Ultrasound speckle reduction.
L Zhu, CW Fu, MS Brown, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2017.
- Fast feature-preserving speckle reduction for Ultrasound images via phase congruency.
L Zhu, W Wang, J Qin, KH Wong, KS Choi, PA Heng.
Signal Processing 134, 2017, 275-284.
- Feature asymmetry anisotropic diffusion for speckle reduction.
L Zhu, F Gao, W Wang, Q Wang, J Qin, Y Zhao, F Zhou, H Zhang, PA Heng.
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 7(1), 2017, 197-202.
- Personalized heterogeneous deformable model for fast volumetric registration.
W Si, X Liao, Q Wang, PA Heng.
Biomedical Engineering Online 16(1), 30, 2017.
- Tracking topology structure adaptively with deep neural networks.
X Shi, G Chen, PA Heng, Z Yi.
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-10, 2017.
- Ultrasound speckle reduction via L0 minimization.
L Zhu, W Wang, X Li, Q Wang, J Qin, KH Wong, PA Heng.
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2016, 50-65.
- A Bayesian nonparametric approach to dynamic dyadic data prediction.
F Zhu, G Chen, PA Heng.
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2016.
- Non-local sparse and low-rank regularization for structure-preserving image smoothing.
L Zhu, CW Fu, Y Jin, M Wei, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer Graphics Forum 35(7), 2016, 217-226.
- Blind image denoising via dependent dirichlet process tree.
F Zhu, G Chen, J Hao, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2016.
- Towards personalized statistical deformable model and hybrid point matching for robust MR-TRUS registration.
Y Wang, J Cheng, D Ni, M Lin, J Qin, X Luo, M Xu, X Xie, PA Heng.
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35(2), 2016,589-604.
- Automatic detection of arterial input function in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI based on affinity propagation clustering.
L Shi, D Wang, W Liu, K Fang, YXJ Wang, W Huang, AD King, PA Heng, AT Ahuja.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 39(5), 2014, 1327-1337.
- Multiscale geodesic active contours for ultrasound image segmentation using speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion.
W Wang, L Zhu, J Qin, YP Chui, BN Li, PA Heng.
Optics and lasers in engineering, 54, 2014, 105-116.
- Detection and measurement of fetal abdominal contour in ultrasound images via local phase information and iterative randomized Hough transform.
W Wang, J Qin, L Zhu, D Ni, YP Chui, PA Heng.
Bio-medical materials and engineering, 24(1), 2013, 1261-1267.
- Automatic MRI segmentation and morphoanatomy analysis of the vestibular system in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
L Shi, D Wang, WCW Chu, GR Burwell, TT Wong, PA Heng, JCY Cheng.
Neuroimage, 2011, 54, S180-S188.
- MR image segmentation and bias field estimation using coherent local and global intensity clustering.
ZX Ji, Q Chen, QS Sun, DS Xia, PA Heng.
Fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery (FSKD), 2010 seventh international conference on 2, 578-582.
- Adaptive total variation denoising based on difference curvature.
Q Chen, P Montesinos, QS Sun, PA Heng.
Image and vision computing, 28(3), 2010, 298-306.
- CUDA-based acceleration and algorithm refinement for volume image registration.
S Chen, L Qin, Y Xie, WM Pang, PA Heng.
Biomedical information engineering, 2009. FBIE 2009. International conference on future, 544-547.
- Reconstruction of volumetric ultrasound panorama based on improved 3D SIFT.
D Ni, YP Chui, Y Qu, X Yang, J Qin, TT Wong, SSH Ho, PA Heng.
Computerized medical imaging and graphics, 33(7), 2009, 559-566.
- Haptic simulation framework for determining virtual dental occlusion.
W Wu, H Chen, Y Cen, Y Hong, B Khambay, PA Heng.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1-12, 2016.
- Constrained point-based framework with efficient mechanical interaction for virtual surgery.
W Si, J Shan, X Liao, W Wang, Q Wang, PA Heng.
Medicine meets virtual reality 22, 2016,367-374.
- Visualization of needle access pathway and a five-dof evaluation.
WY Chan, PA Heng.
Biomedical and health informatics, IEEE Journal of 18(2), 643-653.
- Real-time mandibular angle reduction surgical simulation with haptic rendering.
Q Wang, H Chen, W Wu, HY Jin, PA Heng.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 16(6), 2012, 1105-1114.
- A serious game for learning ultrasound-guided needle placement skills.
WY Chan, J Qin, YP Chui, PA Heng.
Information technology in biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 16(6), 2012, 1032-1042.
- A catheterization-training simulator based on a fast multigrid solver.
S Li, J Guo, Q Wang, Q Meng, YP Chui, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE 32(6), 2012, 56-70.
- Impulse-based rendering methods for haptic simulation of bone-burring.
Q Wang, H Chen, W Wu, J Qin, PA Heng.
Haptics, IEEE Transactions on 5(4), 2012, 344-355.
- Collaborative simulation of soft-tissue deformation for virtual surgery applications.
J Qin, KS Choi, PA Heng.
Journal of medical systems, 34(3), 2010, 367-368.
- A novel modeling framework for multilayered soft tissue deformation in virtual orthopedic surgery.
J Qin, WM Pang, YP Chui, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Journal of medical systems, 34(3), 2010, 261-271.
- Learning blood management in orthopedic surgery through gameplay.
J Qin, YP Chui, WM Pang, KS Choi, PA Heng.
IEEE computer graphics and applications, 30(2), 2010, 45-57.
- A virtual reality simulator for ultrasound-guided biopsy training.
D Ni, WY Chan, J Qin, YP Chui, Y Qu, SSM Ho, PA Heng.
IEEE computer graphics and applications, 2009, 36-48.
- An ultrasound-guided organ biopsy simulation with 6dof haptic feedback.
D Ni, WY Chan, J Qin, YP Chui, SSM Ho, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2008, 551-559.
- Orthopedics surgery trainer with PPU-accelerated blood and tissue simulation.
WM Pang, J Qin, YP Chui, TT Wong, KS Leung, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2007, 842-849.
- A virtual reality training system for knee arthroscopic surgery.
PA Heng, CY Cheng, TT Wong, YS Xu, YP Chui, KM Chan, SK Tso.
IEEE Transactions on information technology in biomedicine, 8(2), 2004, 217-227.
- PU-Net: point cloud upsampling network.
L Yu, X Li, CW Fu, D Cohen-Or, PA Heng.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018.
- Bas-Relief modeling from normal layers.
M Wei, Y Tian, WM Pang, CCL Wang, MY Pang, J W ang, J Qin, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2018.
- Thin feature-aware transport-velocity formulation for SPH-based liquid animation.
W Si, J Qin, Z Chen, X Liao, Q Wang, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018.
- Animating wall-bounded turbulent smoke via filament-mesh particle-particle method.
X Liao, W Si, Z Yuan, H Sun, J Qin, Q Wang, PA Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2017.
- Filament-based realistic turbulent wake synthesis.
X Liao, W Si, B Xu, Z Yuan, Q Wang, PA Heng.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2017.
- Globally optimal toon tracking.
H Zhu, X Liu, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35(4), 75, 2016.
- Bi-normal filtering for mesh denoising.
M Wei, J Yu, WM Pang, J Wang, J Qin, L Liu, PA Heng.
Visualization and computer graphics, IEEE Transactions, 2015, 21(1), 43-55.
- Vortex filaments in grids for scalable-fine smoke simulation.
M Zhang, W Si, Y Qian, H Sun, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE, 2015, 99.
- Coarse-to-fine normal filtering for feature-preserving mesh denoising based on isotropic subneighborhoods.
L Zhu, M Wei, J Yu, W Wang, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computer graphics forum, 32(7), 2013, 371-380.
- Mesh quality oriented 3D geometric vascular modeling based on parallel transport frame.
J Guo, S Li, YP Chui, J Qin, PA Heng.
Computers in biology and medicine, 43(7), 2013, 879-888.
- Feature-preserving optimization for noisy mesh using joint bilateral filter and contrained Laplacian smoothing.
M Wei, W Shen, J Qin, J Wu, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Optics and lasers in engineering, 51(11), 2013, 1223-1234.
- Fast rendering of diffusion curves with triangles.
WM Pang, J Qin, M Cohen, PA Heng, KS Choi.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE 32(4), 2012, 68-78.
- Binocular tone mapping.
X Yang, L Zhang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH 2012 issue), 31(4), 931-941.
- Using time-varying texels to simulate withering grassland.
S Jiao, W Wu, PA Heng, E Wu.
Computer graphics and applications, IEEE, 2012, 78-86.
- Resizing by symmetry-summarization.
H Wu, Y Wang, KC Feng, TT Wong, TY Lee, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 issue), 29(6), 1591-1599.
- Richness-preserving manga screening.
Y Qu, WM Pang, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 issue), 27(5), 1551-1558.
- Intrinsic colorization.
X Liu, L Wan, Y Qu, TT Wong, S Lin, CS Leunng, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 issue), 27(5), 1521-1529.
- Structure-aware halftoning.
WM Pang, Y Qu, TT Wong, D Cohen-Or, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 issue), 27(3), 891-898.
- Shape matching and modeling using skeletal context.
J Xie, PA Heng, M Shah.
Pattern recognition, 41(5), 2008, 1756-1767.
- PPU-bsed deformable models for catheterisation training.
JX Guo, S Li, YP Chui, Q Meng, H Zhang, SCH Yu, PA Heng.
Proceedings of MICCAI 2007 workshop, 24-32.
- Manga colorization.
Y Qu, TT Wong, PA Heng.
ACM Transactions on graphics (SIGGRAPH 2006 Conference Proceedings), 25(3), 1214-1220.
- Shape modeling using automatic landmarking.
J Xie, PA Heng.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI 2005, 709-716.
- Skeleton climbing: fast iso-surfaces with fewer triangles.
T Ponston, HT Nguyen, PA Heng, TT Wong.
Proceedings of pacific graphics'97, 1997, 117-126.
- Chinese Acupuncture Expert System (CAES) - a usefule tool to practice and learn medical acupuncture.
CFD Lam, KS Leung, PA Heng, CED Lim, FWS Wong.
Journal of medical systems, 36(3), 2012, 1883-1890.
- CvhSlicer: an interactive cross-sectional anatomy navigation system based on high-resolution Chinese visible human data.
Q Meng, YP Chui, J Qin, WH Kwok, M Karmakar, PA Heng.
Medicine meets virtual reality 18: NextMed 163, 2011, 354.
- Deploying Chinese visible human data on anatomical exploration: from Western medicine to Chinese acupuncture.
PA Heng, SX Zhang, Y Xie, TT Wong, YP Chui, JCY Cheng.
Complex medical engineering, 2007, 351-360.
- Photorealistic virtual anatomy based on Chinese visible human data.
PA Heng, SX Zhang, YM Xie, TT Wong, YP Chui, CY Cheng.
Clinical anatomy, 19(3), 2006, 232-239.
- Chinese visible human project.
SX Zhang, PA Heng, ZJ Liu.
Clinical anatomy, 19(3), 2006, 204-215 .
- Virtual acupuncture human based on Chinese visible human dataset.
PA Heng, Y Xie, X Wang, YP Chui, TT Wong.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 119, 2006, 194-197.
- The Chinese Visible Human (CVH) datasets incorporate technical and imaging advances on earlier digital humans.
SX Zhang, PA Heng, ZJ Liu, LW Tan, MG Qiu, QY Li, RX Liao, K Li, et al.
Journal of anatomy, 204(3), 2004, 165-173.
- Creation of the Chinese visible human data set.
SX Zhang, PA Heng, ZJ Liu, LW Tan, MG Qiu, QY Li, RX Liao, K Li, et al.
The anatomical record part B: the new anatomist 275(1), 190-195.
- Visualization of needle access pathway and a Five-DoF evaluation.
WY Chan, PA Heng.
Biomedical and health informatics, IEEE journal of 18(2), 2014, 643-653.
- WYSIWYF: exploring and annotating volume data with a tangible handheld device.
P Song, WB Goh, CW Fu, Q Meng, PA Heng.
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems, 2011, 1333-1342.
- GL4D: A GPU-based architecture for interactive 4D visualization.
A Chu, CW Fu, AJ Hanson, PA Heng.
Visualization and computer graphics, IEEE Transactions on 15(6), 2009, 1587-1594.
- GPU-friendly marching cubes for visualizing translucent isosurfaces.
Y Xie, PA Heng, G Wang, TT Wong.
Studies in health technology and informatics 125, 2006, 500-502.
- Virtual reality techniques: application to anatomical visualization and orthopaedics training.
PA Heng, CY Cheng, TT Wong, W Wu, YS Xu, YM Xie, YP Chui, KM Chan, KS Leung.
Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 442, 13-20.
- Multi-resolution iso-surface extraction with adaptive skeleton climbing.
T Poston, TT Wong, PA Heng.
Computer graphics forum, 17(3), 1998, 137-148.
- Principal stream surface.
W Cai, PA Heng.
Proceedings of IEEE Visualization'97, 1997, 75-80.
- Interactive visualization for speedy non-invasive cardiac assessment.
M Solaiyappan, T Poston, PA Heng, E Zerhouni, E McVeigh, M Guttman.
IEEE Computer, 29(1), 1996, 55-62.
- Illumination the fourth dimension.
A Hanson, PA Heng.
IEEE Computer graphics and applications, 12(4), 1992, 54-62.
- Techniques for visualizing Fermat's Last Theorem: a case study.
AJ Hanson, PA Heng, BC Kaplan.
Processing of IEEE Visualization'90, 97-106.